Tag Archives: juan williams

Juan Williams Says “Palin Not On Same Intellectual Stage As President Obama” [Video]

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Juan Williams Says “Palin Not On Same Intellectual Stage As President Obama” [Video]

Juan Williams Says “Palin Not On Same Intellectual Stage As President Obama” [Video]

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Juan Williams Says “Palin Not On Same Intellectual Stage As President Obama” [Video]

Krauthammer on Clinton Quoting Him: ‘My Career is Done – Maybe NPR Will Take Me’

During his impromptu press conference in the White House briefing room Friday, former President Bill Clinton favorably referred to comments Charles Krauthammer made at the Washington Post earlier in the day. On Fox News's “Hannity” that evening, Krauthammer joked, “When you get praise from President Clinton and you are from my side of the aisle that means that my career is done, I mean, I'm toast. Maybe NPR will take me” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

Original post:
Krauthammer on Clinton Quoting Him: ‘My Career is Done – Maybe NPR Will Take Me’

MSNBC Cherry Picks, Edits FNC Clips to Claim FNC Incited Sherrod Resignation & Ignored Her Side of Story

On Tuesday’s Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, as host Maddow complained that a video clip of former USDA official Shirley Sherrod had been edited to make it appear she had talked about discriminating against white farmers in the present – a clip that led to her firing by the Obama administration – the MSNBC host not only incorrectly claimed that FNC coverage of the clip had helped incite her firing, but she also suggested that FNC would never show her side of the story even though, by that time Tuesday night, several FNC shows had already informed viewers of some of the details in Sherrod’s favor. And, in fact, Sherrod had already been forced to resign before The O’Reilly Factor became the first FNC show to report the story of her comments on Monday night, although host Bill O’Reilly at the time did not realize she had already been fired. Maddow’s show even chose to only present to her viewers clips from FNC that ran Monday and Tuesday morning which portrayed Sherrod’s comments as racist, without airing any of the clips from shows later Tuesday which showed FNC personalities conveying more of her side of the story. As Maddow filled in her viewers on some of the details in Sherrod’s favor, the MSNBC host used such phrases as “you would never know this if you got all your information from Fox News,” and, after explaining that Sherrod helped the white farmers in question: “That`s what happened – unless, of course, you watch Fox News.” FNC had already reported most of those same details hours earlier, and O’Reilly even informed his viewers Tuesday that Sherrod had declined an invitation to appear as a guest on his show, so liberal FNC analyst Alan Colmes appeared in her place. As for using clips to make it appear FNC reporting on Sherrod’s comments had come before her firing, Maddow used one clip of FNC’s O’Reilly on Monday calling for Sherrod’s resignation at a time when he had not yet received word that she had already resigned, and the MSNBC show also showed an edited clip of FNC’s Dana Perino substitute hosting for On the Record with Greta Van Susteren in which Perino had reported the story Monday night, omitting the fact that the FNC host had informed viewers moments later in the same segment that Sherrod had already resigned. Maddow used these first two clips, followed by a third of FNC’s Sean Hannity reporting that the resignation had happened – so that the MSNBC host could then drive home her claim that FNC had been “efficient” in getting rid of Sherrod. Maddow: “How`s that for efficient? How`s that for action? Fox News and conservative Web site uncover what they say is an admitted racist in the Obama administration and she is forced to resign immediately.” Maddow had also set up the three clips: “Within hours of that clip being posted online and billed as evidence of a racist within the Obama administration, Fox News, understanding their role in this delicate, well practiced dance, jumped all over it.” Below are transcripts of relevant portions of Tuesday’s Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, followed by clips from FNC shows from Tuesday that refute Maddow’s claims that FNC would not report Sherrod’s side of the story: #From the Tuesday, July 20, Rachel Maddow Show: RACHEL MADDOW: There`s a lot to get to this hour. But we begin tonight with something that frankly we knew was coming, something we knew was inevitable after right-wing activists and Fox News destroyed the community organizing group ACORN last year with supposedly incriminating videotapes that really weren`t all that incriminating at all, that really weren`t incriminating at all. MADDOW, FROM A PREVIOUS SHOW, CLIP #1: This is not meant to excuse what ACORN has done wrong in the past, but the huge tide of negative publicity that followed these videotapes and the coverage they got on Fox wall-to-wall for months was bullpuckey. It was a dishonest, political stunt that bears no resemblance to journalism and no resemblance to the actual facts of what happened in those offices. But it worked. MADDOW, FROM A PREVIOUS SHOW, CLIP #2: This organization has been shut down. Means be damned, in the end, it worked. Who do you think is next on their list? MADDOW: Today, we got an answer to that question, which I hoped at the time was just a rhetorical one. The same attack that helped take down ACORN last fall with supposedly incriminating videotapes has now claimed a new victim. Next on their list, it turns out, is this woman, an Obama administration employee named Shirley Sherrod. Up until yesterday, Shirley Sherrod was an official with the United States Department of Agriculture, with the USDA. She served as the USDA`s world development director for the great state of Georgia. Ms. Sherrod resigned from that post yesterday, she claims under intense pressure from the Obama administration, pressure that was apparently brought to bear after this. The same conservative Web site that posted the supposedly incriminating but, in the end, just massively misleadingly edited ACORN tapes now has posted what it claims to be cold, hard evidence of racism, racism shown by an employee at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The evidence was a video clip of Shirley Sherrod speaking at an NAACP event this March. And at that event she recounts this story: SHIRLEY SHERROD, FORMER USDA OFFICIAL: The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me, I know what he was doing. … What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me, was, I was trying to decide just how much help that I was going to give him. I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn`t give him the full force of what I could do.