Tag Archives: krauthammer

10 Unknown West Bank Facts


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Following on from Danny Ayalon’s important video about the “West Bank” comes this one from StandWithUs. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Israellycool Discovery Date : 26/07/2011 00:19 Number of articles : 2

10 Unknown West Bank Facts

Krauthammer on Obama’s Address: “I Thought I Was Cynical Until I Heard That Speech” (Video)


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Charles Krauthammer unloaded on Obama tonight after his stale poll-driven speech to the nation. Obama still has no plan. “I thought I was cynical until I heard that speech. It was purely partisan. It was meant as a campaign speech. … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 26/07/2011 03:55 Number of articles : 3

Krauthammer on Obama’s Address: “I Thought I Was Cynical Until I Heard That Speech” (Video)

Gore, Godzilla & The Religion of Global Warming


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And just to correct the record, according to IPCC scientist Roger Pielke, Sr., responding to a similar claim made in the NYT: “[T]he oceans have not been warming in recent years (e.g. see the 2010 paper by Know and Douglas ).” As I said a month ago, making the same point as Krauthammer : Thus do we need to be forcing the warmies to answer, at every turn, the simple question, what evidence would be… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Wolf Howling Discovery Date : 06/02/2011 02:01 Number of articles : 2

Gore, Godzilla & The Religion of Global Warming

Krauthammer on Clinton Quoting Him: ‘My Career is Done – Maybe NPR Will Take Me’

During his impromptu press conference in the White House briefing room Friday, former President Bill Clinton favorably referred to comments Charles Krauthammer made at the Washington Post earlier in the day. On Fox News's “Hannity” that evening, Krauthammer joked, “When you get praise from President Clinton and you are from my side of the aisle that means that my career is done, I mean, I'm toast. Maybe NPR will take me” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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Krauthammer on Clinton Quoting Him: ‘My Career is Done – Maybe NPR Will Take Me’

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal

Barack Obama pulled off a huge coup with his tax-cut deal, but House Democrats are too dim to realize it. Obama slyly negotiated “the biggest stimulus in American history,” complains Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. Republicans boast that this is their kind of stimulus—meaning mostly tax cuts. “That’s consolation? Stimulus II will still blow another near-$1 trillion hole in the budget.” “Obama is no fool,” Krauthammer writes. “While getting Republicans to boost his own reelection chances, he gets them to make a mockery of their newfound, second-chance, post-Bush, Tea-Party, this-time-we’re-serious persona of debt-averse fiscal responsibility.” It’s the “swindle of the year,” yet Democrats are so incensed that some are calling for a primary challenge against Obama. “Really now?” They’re going to primary the first black president? “Not even Democrats are that stupid.” http://www.newser.com/story/107326/democrats-too-dumb-to-realize-obama-won-tax-d… added by: unimatrix0

Krauthammer Scolds Shields for ‘Moaning and Bitching’ About the Tax Plan

Charles Krauthammer on Friday scolded Mark Shields and other liberals for “moaning and bitching” about the President's compromise tax plan after months of demanding the White House implement a second stimulus package. After Shields on PBS's “Inside Washington” predictably criticized Obama for agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts on the so-called rich, Krauthammer marvelously struck back (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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Krauthammer Scolds Shields for ‘Moaning and Bitching’ About the Tax Plan

Krauthammer on Obama’s Televised Tax Announcement: He Was Addressing Daily Kos, NYT and MoveOn

Charles Krauthammer on Monday said that when Barack Obama spoke to the nation hours ago to announce a tax extension compromise just reached with Republicans, “It was actually a speech addressed at Daily Kos, the New York Times, and MoveOn.” In Krauthammer's view expressed on Fox's “Special Report,” “This was a speech aimed at appeasing the Left which is extremely angry over this” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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Krauthammer on Obama’s Televised Tax Announcement: He Was Addressing Daily Kos, NYT and MoveOn

Open Thread: Should We Give S. Korea It’s Own Nuclear Arsenal?

That's the latest from Charles Krauthammer, who, in light of skirmishes between North and South yesterday and today , thinks we need to build up SK's nuclear arsenal in order to get the Chinese to reign in the Norks – which they are fully capable of doing, Krauthammer believes. read more

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Open Thread: Should We Give S. Korea It’s Own Nuclear Arsenal?

Krauthammer Smacks Down WaPo’s King Over Palin and Tea Party Agenda

Charles Krauthammer on Friday had a heated debate with the Washington Post’s Colby King over what the Tea Party stands for as well as who its leader is. As the panel on PBS’s “Inside Washington” discussed Delaware Republican senatorial nominee Christine O’Donnell’s surprising victory Tuesday, the conversation naturally gravitated towards the conservative movement reshaping the face of politics.   “They [the Tea Party] have a litmus test that goes into being right to life, social conservative issues that they’re strong on,” said King. Krauthammer pounced, “Look, I hate to say this, but I think that is completely wrong.” The battle was on (video follows with transcript and commentary):  COLBY KING, WASHINGTON POST: They [the Tea Party] have a litmus test that goes into being right to life, social conservative issues that they’re strong on. No, they would get rid of the IRS if they could. There is no room, there is no room for compromise because compromise is a bad word as far as they’re concerned. CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Look, I hate to say this, but I think that is completely wrong. The Tea Party has distinguished itself in being almost exclusively about governance, the reach of governance, taxation, economic issues. It is not the social conservatives. In fact, that is what distinguishes it. And I think the other element that is being missed here is it arose spontaneously as a reaction to an extremely aggressive, extremely ambitious left liberal administration that instead of, for example, attacking tax reform – which had it tried that at the beginning of its administration would have had bipartisan agreement and great success, as Reagan in ’86 – it decided it wants a reform of health care which nobody at the time thought was the major issue in the time of economic recession. KING: You just can’t rewrite the rules. I mean, Sarah Palin didn’t even come to the state of Maryland but endorsed the Republican opponent of Governor Ehrlich only on the basis of a checklist. KRAUTHAMMER: Palin is not Tea Party. She is not Tea Party the titular head or at all. KING: She is a major… KRAUTHAMMER: The Tea Party is a spontaneous, leaderless movement which is economic and not social conservative. KING: I get mail all the time from the Tea Party of Florida for example there, Tea Party spokesman from around the country, they, they exist as a unit. As readers can see, Krauthammer might think the Republican Party would have been better suited if Mike Castle won Tuesday evening, but he still is an outspoken conservative ready to smack down media members when they’re wrong. Despite many Tea Party supporters’ disappointment over his views on O’Donnell, America would be far better off with more straight-shooting commentators like Krauthammer.

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Krauthammer Smacks Down WaPo’s King Over Palin and Tea Party Agenda

Krauthammer Rips NASA Chief for Declaration to Improve Relations with Muslim World

If you haven’t heard the report of the remarks recently made by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden over what the role of his agency, it’s a little troubling. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed, at least not by syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer Recently, Bolden, in an interview with Al Jazeera English , said that the “foremost” mission of NASA is to improve relations with the Muslim world. This drew the ire of Krauthammer on the July 5 broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Special Report with Bret Baier.” (h/t Gateway Pundit ) “This is a new height in fatuousness,” Krauthammer said. “NASA was established to get America into space and to keep is there. This idea to feel good about their past and to make achievements is the worst combination of group therapy, psychobabble, imperial condescension and adolescent diplomacy. ” And how does Krauthammer think this should be handled? Assuming Bolden wasn’t instructed by President Barack Obama to make this gesture, he said he should be immediately fired for deviating from the intended purpose of NASA. “If I didn’t know that Obama had told this, I’d demand the firing of Charles Bolden the way I would Michael Steele,” he continued. “This is absolutely unbelievable.” In the interview in question, Bolden had said he was tasked with doing the following by the President, including the claim the “foremost” mission was for the space agency to reach out to the Muslim world. “When I became the NASA administrator — or before I became the NASA administrator – [Obama] charged me with three things,” Bolden said. “One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.”

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Krauthammer Rips NASA Chief for Declaration to Improve Relations with Muslim World