Tag Archives: liberals

Kanye West: Waaah, Liberals Are SUCH Bullies!

Kanye West is a new father . However, in an interview with David Letterman, the famous rapper goes off once again about those who disagree with his poltiics, basically labeling Liberals as bitter motherf-ckers. West, of course, is an unabashed Donald Trump supporter . He loves to wear his Make America Great Again and he held court in the Oval Office several months ago. Kanye has come under fire for these beliefs from critics who think President Trump is a narcissistic, dumb racist — and he’s very annoyed about it! “This is like my thing with Trump — we don’t have to feel the same way, but we have the right to feel what we feel,” West tells Letterman in a chat that will debut on Netflix on May 31. He goes on to say that rocking a “Make America Great Again” hat is “not about politics,” but rather an attempt to break the stigma around showing support for Trump. There’s an odd hill to wanna die on, right? In the discussion, Letterman brings up the Republican-led voter suppression efforts during the recent midterm elections. “So if I see a person that I admire talking about Donald Trump can think whatever he does,” he says, “I wonder if those thoughts, indirectly, aren’t hurting people who are already being hurt.” In other words: Donald Trump’s policies are having a harmful effect on African-Americans. Doesn’t Kanye realize that his support is therefore contributing to this pain and suffering? West ignores this question and replies that Trump voters are “treated like enemies of America because that’s what they felt.” After Letterman makes a case that Trump actually is not helping those who vote for him, that it’s just one giant con perpertrated by the President, West shoots back: “Have you ever been beat up in your high school for wearing the wrong hat?” Simply put, he adds: “Liberals bully people who are Trump supporters!” It really is pretty sad. All those Trump supporters want to do is deport foreigners, take away the rights of LGBTQ members and cheer on corruption at the highest level in peace. Give them a break, Liberals! Leave them alone! Elsewhere, Kanye brings up his issues with Drake at one point, although he refuses to mention the artist by name. We had a little beef last year,” West tells the comedian. “He has this line that I love that says, ‘I told my story and made history’ – like made his story and made history. That’s what we do, we tell our story and then people relate to that story.” Continues Kanye, sort of on this topic: “I have a friend who told me that my power is my influence. And I said my power is my ability to not be influenced.” We’re not totally sure what Kanye is talking about here, either. But check out excerpts from the interview below: My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman: Season 2 Trailer

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Kanye West: Waaah, Liberals Are SUCH Bullies!

Frida Aasen Bikini Model of the Day

Frida Aasen sounds like some kind of terrorist…who I’d like to have bomb my dick…or testicles…or even my prostate but not in a gay way…in a “That is where my orgasm lives, go to the source, of you’re gonna get things explosive, figure it out”….hijacking planes and shit like she was a HADID…. I like to think of her as a refugee looking for a new life in America and desperate, willing to get naked despite her family being shamed by her behavior and forcing a honor killing, but before they stone her to death in the park, you get out your way with her…because you promised her the good life… UNFORTUNATELY, because life isn’t as good as I write it out, it turns out she’s a 23 year old Victoria’s Secret model who is from Norway and Frida Aasen is not an Arab name, but rather a Viking name…I’d like to have rape and pillage my testicles…or prostate….but not in a gay way…it’s just the direct line to the source of my orgasms…something we need all the help in achieving in my older, desenstized, unhealthy pervert existence.. This is not Affirmative Action, Inclusion, Inclusivity, Letting Everyone in, Celebrating Diversity…in a racist world where the liberals trying to help like some condescending elitist shit are as racist as the rednecks with their tiki torches…it’s just some Nordic Bitch built hot….like a Finnish Sauna….only from Norway…the land of Cross Country Skiing…white as fuck… . The post Frida Aasen Bikini Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Frida Aasen Bikini Model of the Day

Folks Are Big Mad About “Reparations Happy Hour” In Oregon Where Whites Made Donations But Couldn’t Attend And People Of Color Drank Free

Jenny Dettrick/GettyImages Oregon Happy Hour Sparks Critique From Blacks And Whites A Portland, OR “Reparations Happy Hour” is getting a ton of backlash from critics of many different backgrounds. Pics from last nite's Reparations Happy Hour. We had 40 attendees & gave out $400 in cash reparations. Thank you for everyone who shared, donated– most importantly, GRATITUDE to the Black, Brown & Indigenous people who showed their leadership and participated in reparations work pic.twitter.com/S4hPQCeZqd — Cameron Whitten (@CameronWhitten) May 22, 2018 People of Color are POWERFUL. Amazing turnout at Brown Hope’s inaugural Reparations Happy Hour event! pic.twitter.com/3wlqLpb3lr — Cameron Whitten (@CameronWhitten) May 22, 2018 Cameron Whitten, one of the organizers of a non-profit called Brown Hope, hosted a “Reparations Happy Hour” last Monday at a bar in Portland where drinks were provided by the event sponsors and people of color received a $10 donation. The idea was to create a safe space for people of color (Portland is predominantly white if you weren’t aware) where the need for reparations would also be recognized. White people were invited too — but not to physically attend, just to give reparations. Here’s more details on the event, via the Oregonian : The premise was simple: Black, brown and indigenous folks could show up and collect $10 at the door donated by their white neighbors. In total, 40 people attended Monday’s event. “The best part for me was showing up like Portland Oprah and see their eyes light up when I handed them $10,” the event’s organizer, Cameron Whitten said. “Because it was about more than that.” The reparations happy hour signified the transformation of an idea that progressive Portlanders support into something tangible for the city’s residents of color. “We do a lot of talking. We do a lot of making excuses,” Whitten said. “But how often do we actually recognize and acknowledge someone’s suffering? We’re so used to being denied any sort of justice that $10 is a respite.” North Portland’s Backyard Social hosted the inaugural event for two hours starting at 6 p.m. The next one, Whitten said, will be at the Back to Eden Bakery, where a black woman was kicked out earlier this month by a pair of employees who have since been fired. The full event details were also listed on Eventbrite . Whitten has been tweeting to explain a lot of misconceptions around the event. Bars also sell food and provide a social environment. I’m sober, and other sober individuals were there. Our Reparations Happy Hour next month is at a Bake Shop — this was scheduled weeks before NYT wrote an article. — Cameron Whitten (@CameronWhitten) May 28, 2018 —We— featured the $ pics. You can see it on my Facebook. Our attendees did not have a single problem claiming their $10 & taking a picture. This event, pictures and all, left attendees feeling good. We are de-stigmatizing the myth. Ntn’l blowback doesn’t hinder local organizing — Cameron Whitten (@CameronWhitten) May 28, 2018 This won’t get many RTs. But needs to be said. 1. The @nytimes headline is #FAKENEWS 2. This wasn’t a substitute for Reparations & wasn’t organized by white people 3. This event SUCCESSFULLY built community for local PoC 4. I’m 27 years sober — this event wasn’t about alcohol pic.twitter.com/We17MpwmC4 — Cameron Whitten (@CameronWhitten) May 28, 2018 Check out some of the critiques from social media below: Liberalism among pathetic, self-hating, guilt-ridden, white people in Oregon is a serious mental illness. https://t.co/0IHW6BrjOR — Wayne Allyn Root (@RealWayneRoot) May 26, 2018 People who aren't (and have never been) slave owners paying for people who aren't (and have never been) slaves……yeah it all makes a lot of sense……and it definitely won't nurture more pathology or anything like that….. https://t.co/DNLeOTAx3Q — Jamie Glazov (@JamieGlazov) May 27, 2018 I'm glad this “Reparations Happy Hour” raises awareness of the issue, but it's gonna take more than a free drink to recover from 400 years of systemic oppression. Let's talk about transferring land and wealth and dismantling racist laws and social systems. https://t.co/UqS5aUxBU3 — Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) May 28, 2018 thought this was the dumbest tweet of the day until I saw Oregon with a Reparations Happy Hour .. blacks drink free and paid for by whites .. — buster (@busternjax) May 28, 2018 'Reparations Happy Hour' invites white people to pay for drinks! Congrats to all the idiots who donated money to this goofy idea to absolve themselves of some irrational guilt. Count on Liberals to take Crazy to whole new levels every chance they get! https://t.co/XL7jsuWSqu — GuysForTrump (@GaysForTrumpFL) May 28, 2018 To be clear — the drinks and food were paid for by the sponsors and the organizer. The donations came — in part — from white donors. Do you think the “Reparations Happy Hour” was a bad idea? Do you think it diminishes the argument around genuine reparations?

See the article here:
Folks Are Big Mad About “Reparations Happy Hour” In Oregon Where Whites Made Donations But Couldn’t Attend And People Of Color Drank Free

The Side-Eye: Democratic Primary Candidate Sends Out Campaign Mailers To “Negrohood” Community; Blames Typo For Racist Context

Democratic Assemblyman Candidate Criticized For “Negrohood” Reference In Campaign Mailers More politically INcorrect behavior…this time from the liberals. An Assembly candidate whose campaign sent mailers using the word “negrohood” to residents in his Sheepshead Bay district apologized Wednesday — calling the racially tinged language a “typo.” “As the candidate, I take full responsibility for this inadvertent error and I am sorry to anyone who was offended by it,” Ben Akselrod, who’s running in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary against Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, said in a statement. The Friends of Ben Akselrod sent the mailers last week, claiming that his opponent “has allowed crime to go up over 50% in our negrohood so far this year.” Akselrod didn’t specify Wednesday whether his campaign intended to use the word “neighborhood” instead. He said he faced discrimination as a Jew in his native Russia, and rejects “any form of racial and ethnic bias.” He also blasted his opponent’s supporters for focusing on the typo instead of addressing crime in the community. The Cymbrowitz campaign didn’t return a call seeking comment Wednesday. Source A 5-letter typo huh? Riiiiiigght. Image via Shutterstock

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The Side-Eye: Democratic Primary Candidate Sends Out Campaign Mailers To “Negrohood” Community; Blames Typo For Racist Context

For Discussion: Is Herman Cain “The Wrong Type Of Black” For People To Like Him As Much As Barack Obama?

That is one conservative writer’s theory. In article about how poor “Big Daddy” Cain is being made to look like a villain when he did way less with the broads accusing him of sexual harrassment then Bill Clinton did with all of his side-pieces, Victor David Hanson basically says that Barack Obama speaks too well to be a REAL Black man, and now that liberals have been faced with a real Black man (namely Cain), they are uncomfortable. Cain also wins greater scrutiny, not exemption, because he is black — or at least a certain sort of black. In addition to his conservatism, his voice, bearing, grammar, and diction, even his showy black cowboy hat, bother liberals in much the same way that Joe Frazier was not Muhammad Ali and Clarence Thomas was not Anita Hill. Black authenticity, as defined by Southern mannerisms and darker complexion, amplified by conservatism or traditionalism, earns liberal unease. Rarely has anyone been so candid in confessing just that unease as were Senators Harry Reid and Joe Biden in their backhanded praise of Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign. I think Reid (“light-skinned,” “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”) and Biden (“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”) both were trying to say at the time that Barack Obama did not look or sound like someone analogous to Herman Cain. Yet most Americans are far more concerned with authenticity than with color or diction, and Cain is nothing but authentic. His speech and manner are as genuine as Obama’s are forced and often phony. His everyman persona and appeal to the working classes scare the liberal elite, in much the same way that Sarah Palin’s did. If Cain were to say “corpse-man” or “punish our enemies,” he would be written off as an embarrassment — in liberal parlance, a “minstrel” and “buffoon.” But if he said “corpse-man” with an academic non-accent and a Harvard pedigree, well, that’s a momentary, understandable slip for a gaffe-prone Harry Reid or Joe Biden. SMH at people who reveal their own racism and prejudice while trying so hard to show it exists in others. Source

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For Discussion: Is Herman Cain “The Wrong Type Of Black” For People To Like Him As Much As Barack Obama?

Capitalist Offering Jobs at Occupy Portland Finds Few Takers


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“Man I hope this isn’t sellin out” HT – Laughing at Liberals Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Sharp Elbows StL Discovery Date : 18/10/2011 14:08 Number of articles : 2

Capitalist Offering Jobs at Occupy Portland Finds Few Takers

Krauthammer Scolds Shields for ‘Moaning and Bitching’ About the Tax Plan

Charles Krauthammer on Friday scolded Mark Shields and other liberals for “moaning and bitching” about the President's compromise tax plan after months of demanding the White House implement a second stimulus package. After Shields on PBS's “Inside Washington” predictably criticized Obama for agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts on the so-called rich, Krauthammer marvelously struck back (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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Krauthammer Scolds Shields for ‘Moaning and Bitching’ About the Tax Plan

Obama Sinking So Low, Daily Show Jokes His Approval Rating for Us is Down

It shouldn't be surprising that as Barack Obama's approval ratings have dipped (Real Clear Politics average of 45.6 percent ), the liberals at The Daily Show would start turning on the public as ridiculous and fickle. On Thursday night's show, they turned the tables on the polls, and Wyatt Cenac talked about the other opinion measure that is sinking: “Obama’s approval ratings of us.” Stewart played along: “I was not aware actually that they measured that.” Cenac replied: “Oh, yeah. Let's look at the numbers. At present, Obama only approves of 26 percent of all Americans. That’s down from a high of 79 percent and that's across all demographics.” The skit continued: read more

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Obama Sinking So Low, Daily Show Jokes His Approval Rating for Us is Down

NewsBusters Sparks PolitiFact Examination of Bill Clinton Remark

A NewsBusters article about misstatements made by former President Bill Clinton on “Meet the Press” sparked a fact-checking examination by the St. Petersburg Times’ PolitiFact. As reported Sunday, Clinton bragged to host David Gregory that his administration had “paid down the debt for four years, paid down $600 billion on the national debt.” This of course was quite incorrect as the debt didn’t decline one year while Clinton was in the White House and actually increased by $394 billion in the four years in question. PolitiFact staff writer Lou Jacobson contacted a number folks on this issue including me to reach what I consider a “politically correct” conclusion : It depends on what the definition of “national debt” is. There are actually a few ways of tabulating the debt. One is public debt, which includes all debt borrowed by the federal government and held by investors through Treasury notes and other securities. Another is gross federal debt, which includes public debt plus debt held by the government. The most notable forms of debt held by the government are the trust funds for Social Security and Medicare, money which is owed to beneficiaries in the future. The Office of Management and Budget estimates that the public debt will reach $9.3 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2010. Add in the $4.5 trillion in debt held by the government, and you come up with a gross federal debt of $13.8 trillion. Now let’s look at Clinton’s tenure. Using the public debt figures, we see that the debt rose year by year during the first four fiscal years of Clinton’s stewardship, then fell during each of the following four fiscal years, from a 1997 peak to a 2001 trough. So using this measurement, Clinton is correct that “we paid down the debt for four years,” though he did overestimate the amount that was paid down when he said it was $600 billion. The actual amount was $452 billion — which was equal to about 12 percent of the existing public debt in 1997. But what about gross federal debt? On this score, NewsBusters is correct: In each fiscal year from 1993 to 2001, the gross federal debt increased, because the increase in money in government trust funds exceeded the annual decreases in the federal budget deficit. So by one of these measures, Clinton is correct, and by another, he’s wrong. After citing a number of economists on either side of the aisle, PF quoted one of my e-mail messages concerning the subject: “If the public debt during those years was bought with other debt — meaning by the Social Security trust and the Federal Reserve — we didn’t actually pay down any debt, did we? If you take out an equity line of credit on your home to pay off your car loan, your debt didn’t decrease. Furthermore, if you take out an equity line of credit to pay off your car loan and buy a boat, it would be deceitful on your part to say you reduced your debt, right? This is what happened those four years: We did retire some debt held by the public, but we did so by increasing debt held by the government and the (Federal Reserve). That’s not retiring debt. That’s just shifting it from one lender to another.” Despite this seemingly incontravertible logic, PF concluded: We see merit in using both public debt and gross debt, so we are reluctant to declare that Clinton is definitively right or definitively wrong in citing statistics supported by the public debt figure. Clinton’s phrasing — talking about “the debt” and “the national debt” — strikes us as vague enough to refer to either the public debt or the gross federal debt. So we are left with a statement that’s correct using one measurement and incorrect using another measurement. In addition, Clinton overestimated by about 25 percent the dollar amount by which the public debt declined from its peak during his term, though he also correctly characterized the changes in the debt under Republican presidents. So on balance, we rule Clinton’s statement Half True. As readers likely predict, I feel Clinton’s statement should have gotten either a “False” or a “Pants on Fire.” Looking at exclusively public debt would be like a lender only considering your mortgage balance in determining your credit-worthiness while completely ignoring your car loans and your credit cards.  Don’t you wish that were the case? The reality is the Treasury includes moneys owed to Social Security and Medicare in its gross debt figures because they are part of our nation’s total debt. Even the National Debt Clock tabulates gross federal debt and not just what is held by the public. In this instance as it pertains to Clinton’s claim, here are the pertinent facts. Debt held by the public did decline by $452 billion from the end of FY 97 to the end of FY 01. However, the amount held by government accounts – which mostly means Social Security and Medicare trusts – increased by $853 billion. Yet the surpluses in Social Security and Medicare only totalled $534 billion. This means these trust accounts purchased $319 billion more Treasury paper those four years than their actual surplus. That represents most of the $394 billion increase in gross federal debt during this period. Remember, we were told at the time that this debt buyback was as a result of the surpluses. Quite the contrary, what happened was debt held by the public was largely converted into debt owned by the Social Security and Medicare trusts as well as the Federal Reserve.  As our budgets are “unified,” it is therefore ludicrous to only look at public debt when referring to what the nation owes. Let me explain. Since 1969, we calculate what’s called “unified” budgets meaning they include receipts and expenditures associated with Social Security and Medicare. When the Clinton administration was reporting budget surpluses from 1998 on, and the CBO was projecting “surpluses as far as the eye can see,” they were including projected surpluses in Social Security and Medicare. Without these “trust fund” surpluses, we actually showed what’s called “on-budget” deficits in FY 98 and FY 01. In fact, in the four years that we showed unified budget surpluses of a combined $559 billion, fully $534 billion of that came from surpluses in Social Security and Medicare. Our actual “on-budget” surplus those four years was only $25 billion, a far cry from what was advertised and celebrated. With this in mind, if we’re going to report budget figures that include Social Security and Medicare surpluses – and even brag about our performance – we should certainly include what we owe these programs when we talk about national debt. Failing this is allowing political figures to have their cake and eat it too.  Something else to consider is media outlets look at the gross debt and not just what’s held by the public. When the gross debt past the $13 trillion mark earlier this year, these were some of the headlines: ABCNews.com reported on May 26, “National Debt Soars Past $13 Trillion”     Bloomberg.com reported on May 26, “U.S.’s $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP”  CBSNews.com reported on June 2, “National Debt Tops $13 Trillion for First Time” Once again, please recall that Clinton said “national debt.” As such, it appears our friends at PolitiFact were being generous in their ruling, at least in my opinion. That said, Jacobson was tremendously cordial in his e-mail discussion with me, and appears to have done a nice job of soliticiting varied opinions for this piece. Also of note, and in case your assumption was that this group always defends anyone named Clinton, this is not the case. Mr. Clinton has had twelve of his previous comments examined by PF resulting in four “Trues,” three “Half Trues,” one “Barely True,” two “Falses” and two “Pants on Fires.” Maybe this means that the next time the gang at PF is led to examine someone’s statements as a result of something I wrote, I’m going to need to plead my case a little better. To quote the late Ed Hart, we will know in the fullness of time.

Read the original here:
NewsBusters Sparks PolitiFact Examination of Bill Clinton Remark

New MRC Report Documents Massive CBS Tilt Toward Obama: ‘Syrupy Minutes’

On Sunday, the season premiere of 60 Minutes will include an anticipated Scott Pelley report on the Ground Zero mosque. Will the story be pro-mosque, just like President Obama? The first clips displayed softballs of sympathy , that it should be seen as “a hub of culture, a hub of coexistence, a hub of bringing people together.” To underline the overwhelming sympathetic tilt of this program in the Obama era — especially all the Steve Kroft hope-and-change goo before the 2008 election — the MRC has a new special report called “Syrupy Minutes.” Here’s my executive summary:  In the last five years, CBS’s 60 Minutes has become infamous for letting its left-wing ardor get way ahead of its journalistic mission. Dan Rather destroyed his own reputation in 2004 with a 60 Minutes II “expose” of President Bush’s incomplete Vietnam-era service in the Texas Air National Guard which relied on falsified documents. A CBS-appointed panel found “myopic zeal” in Rather’s professional demise, but no one would admit a political bias. For more than 40 years, CBS has boasted of 60 Minutes as a hard-hitting news show, a weekly story of investigative gumshoes digging up dirt and accusing major business and government leaders of committing dastardly deeds against the public interest. But the history of 60 Minutes isn’t filled to the brim with brutal investigations. It has a much softer, syrupy side, and it isn’t just reserved for movie stars or rock musicians. When it comes to champions of liberalism and even the radical left, the CBS News program has rolled out a red carpet, asking softball questions and lionizing their policy stands and programs – whether they were actually “achievements” or disasters. On September 19, a week before the new season officially began, CBS’s Lesley Stahl promoted the latest book of Jimmy Carter, and insisted that Carter was a bigger success than most presidents, including Ronald Reagan: “But when all is said and done, and many will be surprised to hear this: Jimmy Carter got more of his programs passed than Reagan and Nixon, Ford, Bush 1, Clinton or Bush 2.” Carter’s utter failure to end the Iranian hostage standoff and crushing inflation and unemployment rates were somehow irrelevant to history. Stahl also gushed to Carter: “A lot of critics of yours, when you were President, say that you’ve been a fantastic ex-President. You hear that all the time.” She said this even as she reminded viewers that Carter wrote a letter to the U.N. Security Council telling them they should oppose the first President Bush on the need for the Gulf War. In studying 60 Minutes broadcasts from January 1, 2006 through the September 2010 season premiere, Media Research Center analysts have found a very biased pattern of soft interviews and promotional language for the American left: — Liberals were featured more than twice as often than conservatives, and were four times more likely to be awarded easygoing interviews. Since 2006, 60 Minutes has aired 35 interviews with liberal leaders and celebrities versus 17 with conservatives. Twenty-four of the 35 interviews with liberals (69 percent) were friendly and unchallenging. Only five of the 17 conservative segments (29 percent) were soft – and one unchallenged conservative was hammering Sarah Palin as utterly unqualified for national office.. — Barack Obama was a major beneficiary of 60 Minutes admiration. CBS has devoted hours of air time to the promotion of Barack Obama – five interviews before the election, and six after it, all reported by Steve Kroft. Of the 49 Kroft questions in the first four CBS interviews (before the financial crisis hit), 42 were personal or horse-race questions. Only seven focused on issues – five on foreign policy, and two on trade – with no real focus on any domestic issues. Kroft never focused a question on Obama scandals, or his record in the Illinois legislature. Even issue questions were soft and open-ended. Kroft’s interviews were even made into a DVD for nostalgic Obama supporters, Obama All Access . — Other candidates for president were not granted the same red carpet as Obama. The contrast was striking to Scott Pelley’s 2008 bailout interview with John McCain: “But why would you let the Wall Street executives sail away on their yachts and leave this on the American taxpayer?” Mike Wallace’s interview with Mitt Romney in 2007 was sharply personal, demanding to know if the Republican candidate had premarital sex with his wife and asking his five sons why none of them had ever joined the military. — Liberal journalists and celebrities were also celebrated, and conservative celebrities were hounded. Morley Safer championed Stephen Colbert for satirizing conservative talk show hosts and their “wildly inaccurate, but patriotic and combative noise…With all of their excesses, it was only a matter of time before someone came along to skewer them. Well, the eagle has landed.” Safer also felt the pain of actor Alec Baldwin having to deal with “conservative junkyard dogs like Sean Hannity.” But Mike Wallace confronted Bill O’Reilly: “You are addicted to the power, you are addicted to the money, you are addicted to the fact that ‘I am Bill O’Reilly, and everybody knows it.'” A review of the recent output of 60 Minutes should cause media historians to restrain themselves before declaring that this program is a hallmark of hard-hitting journalism, without a political axe to grind. They either carry an axe or a shoe-shine kit.

Originally posted here:
New MRC Report Documents Massive CBS Tilt Toward Obama: ‘Syrupy Minutes’