Tag Archives: liberals

Top Bush Aide Denounces Mark Levin, Malkin, Others as ‘Unhinged…Bolshevik’ Party-Line Enforcers

Former top Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson is a Washington Post columnist, and there is never a better time for right-leaning columnists to lean left than in the last weeks of an election season. (See George Will trashing Sen. George Allen in the last weeks of 2006.) His rant also may have granted Gerson a seat on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. Gerson not only denounced Christine O’Donnell as a wacky candidate like Alan Keyes, he denounced “the childish political thought of the Tea Party.” He insisted conservatives were like Bolsheviks. Bloggers like Michelle Malkin and talk show hosts like Mark Levin were “unhinged” against Karl Rove: While Rove’s critique was tough, the reaction in parts of the conservative blogosphere has been unhinged. Michelle Malkin wrote that it “might as well have been Olbermann on MSNBC.” Mark Levin pronounced Rove at “war against the Tea Party movement and conservatives.” “In terms of the conservative movement,” wrote Dan Riehl, “we should not simply ignore him, but proactively work to undermine Rove in whatever ways we can, given his obvious willingness to undermine us.” Gerson didn’t explain in this short blog how it was “unhinged” to see Karl Rove’s fierce attack on O’Donnell as like an Olbermann moment. (In fact, it was: Olbermann reran large chunks of it on MSNBC.) He didn’t explain how it was “unhinged” to say Rove was at war with the Tea Party when they won a surprise victory, and he denounced the winner in the strongest terms. But the attacks were just getting started: This reaction is revealing — and disturbing — for a number of reasons. First, it shows how some conservatives view the business of political commentary. Rove obviously has strong views on O’Donnell, based on personal experience with the candidate. But deviations from the party line are not permitted . It is not enough to dispute Rove’s critique; Rove himself must be punished. The message is clear: The facts do not matter. Politics is war carried on by other means. Anyone who doesn’t consistently take one side is a traitor. Gerson doesn’t consider that the anger on the Mike Castle side of this election — the losing side — is based on the view that  the Tea Party deviated from the party line that Castle should march to the general election undisturbed. They implied only traitors would throw a “slam dunk” election in doubt. This attitude can be found on right and left. But a serious commentator cannot think this way. He owes his readers or viewers his best judgment — which means he cannot simply be a tool of someone else’s ideological agenda. Some conservatives have adopted the Bolshevik approach to information and the media : Every personal feeling, every independent thought, every inconvenient fact, must be subordinated to the party line — the Tea Party line. Gerson wants to suggest that the Tea Party people are unhinged in their rhetoric, and then he compares them to murderous Russian communists. Remember this the next time Gerson agrees with a liberal that Obama shouldn’t be smeared with foreign associations. 60,000 is Delaware does not make the Tea Party movement predominant in the Republican Party, or even in the conservative movement. If Tea Party activists believe they can win in a political coalition so pure that it doesn’t include strong, mainstream conservatives such as Karl Rove, they are delusional. And they are hurting their own cause. Third, some conservatives seem to display special venom for those who are “compromised” by the experience of actually winning and governing . Rove, according to Malkin, is an “establishment Beltway strategist.” Actually, he is a former high-level policy aid to the president of the United States and the primary author of two presidential victories. This does not make him always right. But it means he has had responsibilities bigger than running a Web site. This is an advantage for a commentator, not a drawback. Here is Gerson’s arrogance on display, for it’s very easy to remind the Bush people that “winning” wasn’t what happened in 2006 and 2008. Rove and Gerson and their team drove the GOP into a deep hole. This is the spot where the liberals secretly point fingers and laugh — before they invite these Bushies in front of the cameras to denounce the conservatives. The ending was just as petulant: In Tea Party theory, inexperience is itself seen as a kind of qualification. People like O’Donnell are actually preferable to people like Rove, because they haven’t been tainted by public trust or actual achievement. This is the attitude of the adolescent — the belief that the world began on their thirteenth birthday. It is also a sign of childish political thought.

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Top Bush Aide Denounces Mark Levin, Malkin, Others as ‘Unhinged…Bolshevik’ Party-Line Enforcers

Typically, Kathleen Parker Finds It Ridiculous That Beck or Palin Can Complain About Media Bias

Washington Post columnist and incoming CNN prime-time talk-show host Kathleen Parker is still auditioning for liberal-media accolades. In Wednesday’s Post she offered another shovel of her  frenzied distaste for prayer and G-O-D talk in public as she dismissed the Glenn Beck rally, especially the notion that Beck or Sarah Palin could blame the news media for hostility and bias. The media made these people rich , Parker insisted: Oh, that’s right, The Media. Never mind that Beck is one of the richest members of the media. Or that Palin has banked millions primarily because The Media can’t get enough of her. But what’s an exorcism without a demon? And who better to cast into the nether regions than the guys lugging camera lights? That’s an interesting line for someone whose assaults on Palin and other conservatives made her a millionaire CNN host. But conservatives have never focused their media-bias complaints on “guys lugging camera lights,” but the people who adore Obama and other liberals in front of the cameras. Parker also made her usual female-version-of-Scarborough complaints about how poor Barack Obama is the subject of juiced-up right-wing paranoia and conspiracy theories about his aggressive aggrandizement of government action: And the darkness? Creeping communism brought to us by President you-know-who. Conspiracy theories and paranoia are not unfamiliar to those who have wrestled the demon alcohol. Like other successful revivalists — and giving the devil his due — Beck is right about many things. Tens of thousands joined him in Washington and watch him each night on television for a reason. But he also is messianic and betrays the grandiosity of the addict. Let’s hope Glenn gets well soon. Don Surber ably put Parker in her place, that place where her talk-show partner Eliot Spitzer had demons of his own: Ridiculing his alcoholism after agreeing to appear nightly on an hourlong show electronically beside a man whose sexual addiction and proclivities cost him his job as governor of New York is humorously ironic. Instead of picking at Beck’s speck, she might try dislodging that log in her broadcasting partner’s eye.

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Typically, Kathleen Parker Finds It Ridiculous That Beck or Palin Can Complain About Media Bias

Amidst Obama’s Falling Poll Numbers, MSNBC Tries to Suggest He Could Rebound Like Reagan

During the 3 p.m. MSNBC news hour Monday, anchor Chris Jansing asked the question and hosted an expert who supplied the seemingly desired answer. The question: Could President Obama make a mid-term comeback similar to President Reagan in 1982? The answer: Absolutely. The two discussed the similarities of the situations faced by the presidents, and seemed to conclude that if the economy turns around, President Obama would almost certainly be re-elected. It is a big if, but the short segment seemed quite focused on what would happen after the economy turns around. The two didn’t bother to discuss what would happen if the economy continues to be stagnant, or takes a turn for the worse. “Well you have a President facing a deep recession, high unemployment, dropping poll numbers, and a potentially game-changing midterm election. That was Ronald Reagan’s first two years in office. Then, two years later, he won re-election in a landslide,” stated MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing. “Could President Obama make the same comeback?” Guest Allan Lichtman, presidential historian at American University, answered in the affirmative.  “Absolutely,” he responded. “They are kind of mirror images of each other.” After Lichtman explained how the two Presidents’ situations are quite similar, Jansing asked her follow-up question. “If the economy starts to turn around in the next year to 18 months…is it likely to follow that Barack Obama will have a much easier time with re-election?” “It will follow like night to day,” Lichtman predictably answered. “And of course this all presumes the Democrats don’t commit internal suicide by challenging [Obama] in the primaries.” A full transcript of the segment, which aired on August 23 at 3:40 p.m. EDT, is as follows: KRIS JANSING: Well you have a President facing a deep recession, high unemployment, dropping poll numbers, and a potentially game-changing midterm election. That was Ronald Reagan’s first two years in office. Then, two years later, he won re-election in a landslide. Could President Obama make the same comeback? And with 30 years between them, is it realistic to compare the fate of these two very different presidents? Allan Lichtman is a political analyst and Presidential historian at American University. And we didn’t just come up with this. There are plenty of people who have made this comparison, and especially in recent months, when the poll numbers for President Obama have been dropping so precipitously. Are there fair comparisons to be made with Ronald Reagan? ALLAN LICHTMAN: Absolutely. They are kind of mirror images of each other. Each president won a pretty handy victory coming in against the grain of his times. Ronald Reagan was a conservative elected at the end of a liberal-to-moderate era. Barack Obama was a liberal, elected at the end of a conservative-to-moderate era. Both presidents passed major initiatives. Ronald Reagan with his big tax cuts. Barack Obama with his stimulus plan and his health care plan. Neither one got very much credit for that during their first two years. They both faced biting recessions, they both saw their poll numbers plummet into the low forties, remarkably identical poll numbers. And in both cases, the ideological wings of their parties were very unhappy. Conservatives were really unhappy with Ronald Reagan because he wasn’t cutting the budget, and he wasn’t pushing social issues like abortion, and we know the liberals are very unhappy with Barack Obama because of his escalation of the war in Afghanistan, and his failure to adopt a more liberal type of health care, and to push harder on global warming. So let me count the ways they are similar, as the poet would say. JANSING: If the economy starts to turn around in the next year to 18 months, if people start to get jobs again, if people start to feel more confident in their jobs, start buying houses and spending money again, is it likely to follow that Barack Obama will have a much easier time with re-election? LICHTMAN: It will follow almost like night to day that Barack Obama will win re-election if the economy picks up. Ronald Reagan faced a tough midterm, he lost a couple of dozen house seats, but the economy began to pick up in 1983, boomed in 1984, and he won one of the biggest landslide re-elections in the history of the United States. The same thing could happen to Barack Obama, although it’s unlikely the economy will boom the same way it did for Ronald Reagan. So he may not be looking towards a landslide, but if the economy significantly improves, especially as we head into the election year, then I think Barack Obama’s re-election is almost certain, particularly given the confusion within the opposition, and the lack of a clear, strong, Republican opponent. And of course this all presumes the Democrats don’t commit internal suicide by challenging him in the primaries. JANSING: Ah, well there’s always that. LICHTMAN: Always that. The Democrats can always snatch defeat from victory.

Originally posted here:
Amidst Obama’s Falling Poll Numbers, MSNBC Tries to Suggest He Could Rebound Like Reagan

Have you seen Scott Pilgrim vs The World?

YOU SHOULD, cause I did. It was freakin' fantastic. I saw it twice, just as I said I would. But the real reason for this conversation….. My question is where are the Conservative view points? Current was created to have a balance view. Where is that view? Name 15 who regularly post here? Oh…you so can't. You so can't. Why can't you? One Current bans those that think differently while allowing those that are vicious and attack others by stalking and ganging up mentality get 2, 3, 4 bannings for show but still are allowed back. Two, those that state they are tolerant bully and push and team up on those that don't think like them and those posters never come back because this place is hostile to anyone that thinks differently. I challenge you to actually point out who are the regular conservatives and what number do you come up with? Because I promise you it is dwarfed by the liberals that post here which is why the same crap and stupid thinking is always in the top ten because those that are part of the Current Gang make sure their views are seen, heard and BEATEN into those that don't agree's heads. Who are you? Are you someone that's actually tolerant? Do you actually care that a site that use to be about different views has now NARROWED it's focus so tightly it's become boring and predictable? added by: Unlie

Ed Schultz, Clueless as Usual, Angered by Allegedly Unprecedented Criticism of First Lady

Is Ed Schultz determined to make his mark as the dumbest man in media? Hardly a day passes without the lib radio host and MSNBC action hero providing more fodder for the premise. On his radio show Monday, Schultz rushed to the defense of first lady Michelle Obama for criticism of her winging off to an opulent Spanish resort hotel during — as Schultz and other liberals oft remind us — the worst economy since the Great Depression. Here’s Schultz defending Mrs. Obama after first talking about a campaign ad that mocks House Minority Leader John Boehner as an out-of-touch elitist golfer ( click here for audio) — I think the Democrats, as far as setting the tone, I don’t know why the White House isn’t all over this. I think that the criticism that Michelle Obama is getting for being overseas is absolutely disgusting. She is the first lady of the United States, the assumed ambassador, someone who can do nothing but goodwill for America and its allies and its image in the world. And I think it’s important. I’ve never, ever seen a story like this where the first lady is criticized. This is a great chance for the White House to go on the offensive. It is true that Michelle Obama’s overseas and she’s not running for anything, but she’s not on the golf course 119 times the way John Boehner is. Then again, Boehner isn’t bringing 70 Secret Service agents in tow on the public dime when he hits the links (his office denies that Boehner has golfed anywhere near as often as alleged by Blue America). Schultz claims he’s “never, ever seen a story like this where the first lady is criticized.” The sentiment of a Democrat, no doubt, but surely not a democrat. I’ll attempt to jog Schultz’s memory with the first obvious example that comes to mind. Just out of curiosity, Ed, did Hillary Clinton undergo much criticism in the eight years she was first lady? (I remember it well, from back when I was a Democrat). Unless Schultz was also in a coma during the decade before that, surely he recalls that first lady Nancy Reagan withstood similar slings and arrows during her husband’s two terms in office. Nancy Reagan and her astrologer — ring a bell? How about Mrs. Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign against drug abuse, the one liberals raved about? Any of this strike a chord? If Schultz were an inquisitive sort, he might be familiar with what is arguably the closest parallel to Michelle Obama’s vacation in Spain and its cost in political capital to her husband — then-first lady Jacqueline Kennedy yachting in the Mediterranean with — wait for it — her future second husband, Aristotle Onassis. As described by Laurence Leamer in his 2001 book, “The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963” — The president clearly would have preferred not to have his wife sailing around the Mediterranean with Onassis, but there was no other luxury yacht in the world like the Christina, and he figured it was just the tonic that Jackie might need before facing the rigors of re-election. To keep up a pretense that the journey had some other purpose than amusement, and to watch over his wife, he asked Franklin Roosevelt Jr., his undersecretary of Commerce, and his wife, Suzanne, to go along. Kennedy was consumed enough by the idea of his wife going off with the Greek magnate that while staying at the Carlyle Hotel on September 20, he doodled on a notepad ‘Jackie-Onassis.’ … Jackie sailed off on October 5 from Athens, along with a crew of sixty, including two coiffeurs and a dance band. The ship had hardly left port when the previously sacrosanct Jackie became the subject of criticism. Was it ‘improper for the wife of the president … to accept [Onassis’s] lavish hospitality?’ asked Congressman Oliver Bolton, an Ohio Republican. With his re-election campaign less than a year away, Kennedy was attuned to even the most subdued criticism. He knew that the Republicans would attempt to create an image of the White House, in the words of the GOP national chairman, as a scene of ‘twisting in the historic East Ballroom … [and] all-night parties in foreign lands.’ ‘Well, why did you let Jackie go with Onassis?’ Kennedy was asked at a private party while the boat sailed the Aegean, bad publicity traveling in its wake. ‘Jackie has my blessing to go anywhere that will make her feel better,’ he replied, leaving the matter at that. … Jackie’s European sojourn had created headlines that might please a king, but not a democratic leader — ‘Mrs. Kennedy Aegean Island-Hopping,’ ‘Jackie Follows Script as Hollywood Wrote It,’ ‘Jackie Sails in Splendor.’ Betty Beal, a Washington social columnist, reported that Jackie’s European trip had caused ‘complaints … to pour in from all quarters and it may hurt politically.’ Marianne Means, a Hearst columnist and reporter, wrote: ‘During her three years in the White House, she had consistently refused all invitations to appear with the president at political functions and most public events, outside the realm of the arts. She did not once accompany him last fall as he campaigned for Democratic congressmen up for re-election. And she has never traveled with him on any of his trips around the country.’ Jackie had a radiant popularity all her own that would help create the almost frenetic excitement that would translate into votes next November. In 1960 Kennedy’s advisers had thought Jackie might be a liability; in 1964, in a close campaign, she might prove a crucial asset. Later that fall, Mrs. Kennedy decided to accompany her husband on a campaign swing for the first time since 1960, to Texas where JFK sought to broker peace between feuding Democrats.

More here:
Ed Schultz, Clueless as Usual, Angered by Allegedly Unprecedented Criticism of First Lady

Hundreds of dead crappies have risen to the surface, leaving a distinct aroma. | StarTribune.com

For several hundred crappies, the lake wasn't the place to be as August arrived. Handfuls of the small panfish turned up dead at Lake Harriet, bobbing to the surface and suffusing the air around the popular Minneapolis lake with a distinct fishy smell. “Just seeing the fish and smelling the fish wasn't a pleasant experience,” said Deb Franko of St. Paul, who walked around the lake with her husband, Aaron, on Saturday. Dawn Summers, spokeswoman for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, said the fish deaths might have been caused by lack of oxygen near the surface of Lake Harriet because of recent steamy weather and decomposing vegetation. However, there were no dead fish along the shores of Lake of the Isles Sunday. And the Frankos said that when they'd walked around neighboring Lake Calhoun on Saturday, they hadn't seen any dead fish. Lake chemistry differs from lake to lake, Summers noted. She added that group fish deaths happen every summer, and there is no indication that water quality in Minneapolis lakes has declined. Fish also commonly die in winter when ice cover limits oxygen. The only dead fish visible at Lake Harriet on Sunday were crappies, with the lake's many other and larger species apparently unaffected. Summers said workers will clean out the dead fish as soon as possible. Despite the bellying-up of the fish, Lake Harriet was busy with boaters, joggers, bicyclists and strolling families Sunday. Franko said the aroma wasn't enough to keep her and her husband from walking the lake — though she thought they might hesitate to return if the fish continued to surface. A woman reading a book on the west side of the lake Sunday afternoon didn't seem bothered in the least. “I have pretty bad allergies,” she noted. added by: toyotabedzrock

British Columbia’s carbon tax is looking like a winner

It's hard to tell which has sunk lower: BP's share price or the prospects for government action on climate change. Despite daily reminders of the growing costs of oil addiction — from blackened Louisiana shorelines to the rapidly melting Arctic — climate change seems to have dropped off global leaders' agendas. The recent G20 declaration paid lip service to the issue, the U.S. Congress seems increasingly unlikely to pass a climate bill this year, and Canada's official policy position is to say “after you” to the U.S. All of which makes British Columbia's approach even more remarkable. On July 1, 2008, B.C. embarked on an ambitious climate policy path; it brought in North America's first ever carbon tax shift. Though praised by environmentalists and economists, the measure was soon met by a host of concerns — that it could increase overall taxes, decrease growth, and hurt low-income families. Some pundits labelled it political suicide, particularly after the resounding defeat of St

USA Today Frets Obama Unable to ‘Infuse Courts with Women and Minorities’ – i.e. Liberals

The “deeply polarized confirmation process in the Senate” has “undercut Obama’s effort to significantly infuse the federal courts with more women and minorities,” USA Today’s Joan Biskupic fretted in a Wednesday front page article in which she refused to identify Obama’s nominees as liberals as she attached the positive “diversity” patina to Obama’s agenda without any regard for the irony such “diversity” is ideologically uniform. She led her June 16 story, “ Push for court diversity hits snag: Partisan rancor ties up action on Obama nominees ,” however, by noting the ideology supposedly pushed by President George W. Bush: “President Obama came into office determined to stop the rightward shift of the federal courts — after eight years of appointments by President Bush — and to add more diversity to the bench.” She then outlined Obama’s achievement: So far he is setting records for the number of women and minorities nominated to lifetime appointments. Nearly half of the 73 candidates he has tapped for the bench have been women. In all, 25% have been African Americans, 10% Hispanics and 11% Asian Americans. But, his noble quest has been thwarted: Yet as Obama tries to make gains in diversity among judges, he faces a deeply polarized confirmation process in the Senate. During his first 18 months in office, his administration has been thwarted by unprecedented delays. The situation, which has received little notice against the backdrop of a pending Supreme Court nomination and the administration’s complex legislative agenda, could undercut Obama’s effort to significantly infuse the federal courts with more women and minorities. Deep in her article, Biskupic at least acknowledged how Democrats had blocked a “diverse” nominee who happened to be conservative: This is a long-building situation. Senators on both sides recall old grievances and try to settle scores. The senior Judiciary Committee Republican, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, often invokes President George W. Bush’s nominee Miguel Estrada, whose nomination to the influential Washington, D.C.-based appeals court was filibustered by Democrats. Estrada, who would have been the first Hispanic on that court, withdrew in 2003, after two years of delays. From April: “ USA Today’s Biskupic Sees SCOTUS of ‘Ideological…Conservatives’ and ‘Pragmatic Liberals ‘”

Go here to see the original:
USA Today Frets Obama Unable to ‘Infuse Courts with Women and Minorities’ – i.e. Liberals

Bill Maher’s RACIST rant that Obama is not a "real black"

There is no way a conservative could say ANYTHING LIKE THIS and get away with it. But of course Liberals will ignore this. Maher: “I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's — (in black man voice) we've got a 'motherfu**ing problem here?' Shoot somebody in the foot.” So, according to Bill Maher, a “real black” is a black man with a gun in his pants who would pull the gun out and shoot someone “in the foot”?! Can you imagine if O'Reilly said that “real blacks” carry guns and act like thugs? This is clearly as racist as you can get. But of course, it's LIBERAL racism (which means no one is likely to hold is bigoted feet to the fire) OK, let's hear all the Liberals try to wiggle and squirm and defend Maher. added by: curtisreed

Republican Totally Wants In On This Violent Threat Scare Trend (Updated) [Me Too]

As the hysterical rhetoric surrounding health care reform escalates, many lawmakers are reporting receiving violent threats. Like Eric Cantor , Republican Minority Whip, who says someone totally shot his office , with a gun. [Update: Police confirm an attack on Cantor’s airspace!] Cantor is mad that Democrats are scoring political points by being the victims of actual vandalism and receiving violent threats from crazy people riled up by the out-of-line apocalyptic rhetoric of Republicans and their media allies. So he’s like, hey people are totally threatening to kill me too, so shut up. “I’ve received threats since I assumed elected office, not only because of my position but also because I’m Jewish,” Cantor said. “Any suggestion that a leader in this body would incite threats… is akin to saying I would endanger myself, my wife or my children.” Cantor said he has also received threatening e-mails but will not release them lest they spur any further hostility. By contrast, Cantor said he has “deep concerns” that some in the Democratic party — particularly Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Tim Kaine, chairman of the Democratic National Committee — are “dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting these incidents be used as a political weapon.” Yes. Right. By publicizing the violent hysteria that’s been whipped up by cynical manipulators of the forces of popular outrage, Democrats are in fact fanning the flames. Just like that guy with Parkinsons was totally asking for it by having Parkinsons and supporting health care reform in public. Cantor also claims that a bullet was shot through the window of his Richmond, VA office this week. Let’s just get the obvious arguments out of the way first: liberals are not the ones carrying firearms to angry public demonstrations. In fact, liberals are not attending angry public demonstrations, because right now liberals don’t actually have anything to be angry about. Liberals just won! Why the hell would they be angrily threatening anyone? If someone did shoot Eric Cantor’s window in Richmond, Virginia, this week, it is exponentially more likely that it was a Tea Party sympathizer than some Obama-voting NoVa yuppie enraged by Cantor’s attempts to obstruct legislation in the House (which he’s failed at again and again and again). An angry, armed liberal would not shoot the House minority whip. They would be more likely to shoot Harry Reid. Or Bart Stupak, who no longer has any friends on any end of the political spectrum. (And honestly—if this theoretical armed and dangerous libtard isn’t shooting some turncoat Democrat, he’s much more likely to go after a right-wing media figure than some loser GOP congressman.) It’s the pissed-off raging teabaggers who are furious with the Republicans right now, for failing to stop the thing they promised they would stop. But we are not even going to blame some stupid Teabagger for shooting Eric Cantor’s office. Because no one gives a shit about Eric Cantor. No one is shooting him or threatening him. He is just another asshole. Meanwhile, in reality: Bart Stupak released the actual tapes of the insane and violent threats he got from right-wing (pro-life!) nuts. Louise Slaughter and Gabrielle Giffords had their offices actually vandalized, for real. (And Slaughter got some crazy voicemail about snipers.) James Clyburn got a fax of a noose. Some asshole teabagger attempted to post the home address of Rep. Tom Perriello on the internet, so that people could harrass him. But he posted the address of Perriello’s brother. And then someone went to Perrillo’s brother’s house and cut the gas line to his grill. Why do Democrats keep fanning the flames by telling people about these things? Sorry Republicans, I know playing the victim is the one thing you guys love doing even more than attacking actual victims of things like hate crimes and economic disadvantages, but no one wants to shoot any of you. [ Photo via Getty Images ] Update: Hah. A Richmond Police detective was assigned to the case. A preliminary investigation shows that a bullet was fired into the air and struck the window in a downward direction, landing on the floor about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to break the windowpane but did not penetrate the window blinds. There was no other damage to the room, which is used occasionally for meetings by the congressman. Yep, just some health care reform-supporting enraged loony lefitst, wandering around Richmond, Virginia, firing guns in the air near buildings where the House Minority Whip has offices.

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Republican Totally Wants In On This Violent Threat Scare Trend (Updated) [Me Too]