New York’s Mayor De Blasio and President Bill Clinton joined restaurateurs Marcus Samuelsson (Red Rooster) and Tren’ness Wood-Black (Sylvia’s) to announce a new food festival…
Monica Lewinsky. There. Do have your attention now? The 40-year old former mistress of President Bill Clinton is featured in the new issue of Vanity Fair, addressing the 1998 dalliance that led to an impeachment and one of the biggest scandals to ever hit the White House. “It’s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress,” Lewinsky writes in the magazine, emphasizing a theme of looking forward. Lewinsky goes on to say it’s time to stop “tiptoeing around my past – and other people’s futures.” She wants to shed her identity as the White House intern who had a sexual relationship with a sitting President and take control of her own “narrative” for a change. “I am determined to have a different ending to my story,” she says. “I’ve decided, finally, to stick my head above the parapet… and give a purpose to my past. (What this will cost me, I will soon find out.)” Lewinsky doesn’t push blame on Clinton, either. “Sure, my boss took advantage of me,” she writes. “But I will always remain firm on this point: It was a consensual relationship. Any ‘abuse’ came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position… “The Clinton administration, the special prosecutor’s minions, the political operatives on both sides of the aisle, and the media were able to brand me. And that brand stuck, in part because it was imbued with power.” As recently as last August, a Monica Lewinsky sex tape (really, just a recording of her planning a meeting with the POTUS) went viral. “I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton,” Lewisky adds. “Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened.” The ex-intern also says she was inspired to tell her tale by Tyler Clementi , the 18-year-old Rutgers student who committed suicide in 2010 after being bullied because he was gay. Because she, too, was suicidal around the time the scandal broke in 1998, this is how Lewinsky hopes to use her fame going forward. “[My goal] is to get involved with efforts on behalf of victims of online humiliation and harassment and to start speaking on this topic in public forums,” she writes. Vanity Fair’s digital edition will be available May 8 and the magazine will be on newsstands May 13.
The 2013 Golden Globes have given us so many magical gifts, like that five minutes of Kristen Wiig – Will Ferrell wackiness and the surprise appearance by Lincoln -stumping former President Bill Clinton and that coming out/not coming out maybe-drunk, still amazing speech by Jodie Foster . So let’s celebrate the added wonderment of watching the Globes in the internet age: Reliving the best, most random moments of sloshed-celebrity shenanigans as immortalized in animated GIF form! First, let Best Song winner Adele and her impromptu Skyfall high-five with James Bond himself, Daniel Craig , delight you all over again. 1. Let the Skyfall… up top! 2. Can’t forget Tommy Lee Jones’ ebullient reaction to Wiig & Ferrell’s Hope Springs laffers! What would Thaddeus Stevens do? (Probably the same thing.) ( @CJZERO via @RockieWarAntz / @MissBrittHayes ) 3. Amy Poehler on Clooney’s lap. Doin’ it right. (via @ditzkoff ) 4. Drunk Glenn Close. YES. (via @BuzzFeed ) 5. Quentin Tarantino with the best spit-take of the night! Have more favorite Globes moments? Leave ’em in the comments! Get the full list of Golden Globes 2013 winners and follow along with Movieline’s Golden Globes Live-Blog Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
Hillary Clinton celebrates her 65th birthday today. The wife of former President Bill Clinton and the candidate who barely lost out to Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2008, Hillary has emerged as a wildly respected global ambassador. This Secretary of State has earned praise from both sides of the aisle for her handling of complicated foreign matters and blatant examples of sexism . She’s a staunch, respected advocate for women’s rights around the world. She can even recognize a solid set of hooters when she sees them. So let’s put our partisan dividers down for a moment and wish Hillary a very happy birthday. Send in your best wishes now as we all wonder: Will she seek a higher office in 2016? Should she? Yes, she can solve this country’s problems! No way! View Poll »
In an electrifying speech, former President Bill Clinton declared last night at the Democratic National Convention that President Barack Obama inherited a wreck of an…
Chelsea Clinton is featured in the new issue of Vogue magazine. In it, she muses that like her famous parents – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton – she may seek office too one day. “Before my mom’s campaign I would have said no,” Chelsea said . However, “If there were to be a point where it was something I felt called to do and I didn’t think there was someone who was sufficiently committed to building a healthier, more equitable, more just, more productive world?” “Then that would be a question I’d have to ask and answer.” Clinton, 32, who married investment banker Marc Mezvinsky in 2010, said her celebrity is “something I could continue to ignore or it was something I could try to use to highlight causes that I really cared about,” she told Vogue . “I believe that there are many ways for each of us to play our part. For a very long time that’s what my mom did. And then she went into elected public life. Her life is a testament to the principle that there are many ways to serve.” “Historically I deliberately tried to lead a private life in the public eye,” she said. “And now I am trying to lead a purposefully public life.” People have pondered Chelsea’s political future for her since … forever. “It was something I had thought a lot about because people have been asking me that my whole life,” she said. “Even during my father’s 1984 gubernatorial campaign, it was, ‘Do you want to grow up and be governor one day?’ No. I am four.”
Chelsea Clinton is featured in the new issue of Vogue magazine. In it, she muses that like her famous parents – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton – she may seek office too one day. “Before my mom’s campaign I would have said no,” Chelsea said . However, “If there were to be a point where it was something I felt called to do and I didn’t think there was someone who was sufficiently committed to building a healthier, more equitable, more just, more productive world?” “Then that would be a question I’d have to ask and answer.” Clinton, 32, who married investment banker Marc Mezvinsky in 2010, said her celebrity is “something I could continue to ignore or it was something I could try to use to highlight causes that I really cared about,” she told Vogue . “I believe that there are many ways for each of us to play our part. For a very long time that’s what my mom did. And then she went into elected public life. Her life is a testament to the principle that there are many ways to serve.” “Historically I deliberately tried to lead a private life in the public eye,” she said. “And now I am trying to lead a purposefully public life.” People have pondered Chelsea’s political future for her since … forever. “It was something I had thought a lot about because people have been asking me that my whole life,” she said. “Even during my father’s 1984 gubernatorial campaign, it was, ‘Do you want to grow up and be governor one day?’ No. I am four.”
Today’s extremely troubling jobs report is yet another sad reminder that President Obama’s policies simply are not working—and that we need a president who understands the economy. Last night on CNN former President Bill Clinton praised Mitt Romney’s “sterling” career in the private sector . This morning Steny Hoyer echoed that sentiment, underscoring the importance of the private sector in growing… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 01/06/2012 03:31 Number of articles : 3
The Obama campaign continued to hammer GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney on foreign policy Friday, releasing a new video questioning whether the former Massachusetts governor would have had the courage to launch a mission akin to the one that took al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s life about a year ago. In the spot, former President Bill Clinton commends Obama for making the call on the operation,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Huffington Post Discovery Date : 27/04/2012 12:07 Number of articles : 2
And… there it is. As expected, the Catholic League has issued a statement regarding Nicki Minaj’s controversial performance of “Roman Holiday” at the Grammy Awards Sunday night, which featured choir boys, bishops, holy water, faux possessions, levitation and a confessional. Nicki Minaj – “Roman Holiday” (2012 Grammy Performance) “Nicki Minaj, fresh off looking like a fool with Madonna at the Super Bowl , showed up last night on the red carpet at the Grammys with a guy dressed like the pope. This was just a prelude of what was to come,” wrote Catholic League President Bill Donahue, adding: “Perhaps the most vulgar part was the sexual statement that showed a scantily clad female dancer stretching backwards while an altar boy knelt between her legs in prayer. Finally, ‘Come All Ye Faithful’ was sung while a man posing as a bishop walked on stage; Minaj was shown levitating.” Donahue concluded by calling out the Grammys themselves, writing: “Whether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question, but what is not in doubt is the irresponsibility of The Recording Academy. Never would they allow an artist to insult Judaism or Islam.” What is Nicki’s defense of her act? She told Ryan Seacrest it was all about an alter ego named Roman. Naturally. “I had this vision for Roman, for him to be exorcised, but people around him telling him he’s not good enough, that he’s not normal, he’s not fitting in with the average Joe,” Nicki explained. “He wanted to show that not only is he amazing and confident, but he’s never going to be exorcised and when they throw the holy water on him, he rises above it.” Well… okay then. WHAT DID YOU THINK OF MINAJ’S PERFORMANCE AT THE GRAMMYS?