Tag Archives: kari-ferrell

Woman Who Fell into Picasso Painting Not Magically Transported to World of Cubism

Since Gawker now covers art : A woman at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Friday got way too excited about Picasso’s “The Actor”. She fell into it, ripping a six-inch hole in the rare Rose Period painting. Update: A tipster sends in additional details about the circumstances surrounding the great Picasso Tearing of 2010, which they claim to have heard from a Met security guard: There was a group of students touring the 20th century area and a special needs kid was sitting on the floor or leaning on the wall, went to get up, tripped and tore a six inch long hole in Picasso’s ‘actors’.

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Woman Who Fell into Picasso Painting Not Magically Transported to World of Cubism

Kari Ferrell Does Las Vegas

Hipster Grifter Kari Ferrell is slowly making her way from her incarceration land of Utah back to the East Coast, upon which she will descend, formidably, all too soon. We have “obtained” photos of her recent stop in Las Vegas . To see all of these on one page

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Kari Ferrell Does Las Vegas

The Hipster Grifter Has a Great Reality TV Show Pitch

It’s a weekday, and that means the Hipster Grifter is back, with some more sexxxy jail correspondence ! Besides her usual ho-hum tales of imaginary lesbian jail sex , Kari reveals her wacky idea for a reality TV show. Snag her now! Self-deprecation and crazy sex teases, together at last

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The Hipster Grifter Has a Great Reality TV Show Pitch

The Hills: The Island of Misfit Sex Toys

What would it be like to live in a world where you are the only person with a job? Stacie The Bartender gave us a page of her diary so we could live vicariously through her

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The Hills: The Island of Misfit Sex Toys

Today’s Hipster Grifter News: Cellmate, Porn

A letter from the Hipster Grifter’s cellmate in her Utah jail . Would that be too much , in terms of “Wringing every last ounce from this mystifyingly popular story?” What about a Kari Ferrell pornography job offer ? EH?

Continued here:
Today’s Hipster Grifter News: Cellmate, Porn

The New Hipster Folk Hero: Danielle Bremner, Grafitti Bombette Babe

Confirmed : last night’s episode of Law and Order was indeed the Hipster Grifter -inspired story. Footage coming soon, but while Keri Ferril’s still incarcerated, we need a new hipster folk hero in her stead. Meet the Zooey Descchenel-esque taggette Danielle Bremner .

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The New Hipster Folk Hero: Danielle Bremner, Grafitti Bombette Babe

Yes, the Hipster Grifter Law & Order Episode is Coming

A tipster tells us Law & Order has put out a confidential casting call for someone who sounds a lot like Kari Ferrell , our favorite Brooklyn scammer. The show is said to be seeking Asian females, 25-29, to play a con artist who claims she needs money for kidney treatments. Under the force of her irresistible charms, men form over cash.

Continued here:
Yes, the Hipster Grifter Law & Order Episode is Coming