Tag Archives: kucinich

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Will support Senate health care bill

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH10) statement: will support Senate health care bill. added by: treewolf39

Dennis Kucinich: 60% of Bankruptcies Are Because Of Hospital Bills! 80% of Them Are Insured!

http://earth2obama.org/ July 15, 2009 C-SPAN http://www.youtube.com/v/TYpfrtssF2A&f=standard&app=youtube_gdata Read this article: Dennis Kucinich: 60% of Bankruptcies Are Because Of Hospital Bills! 80% of Them Are Insured!

Continued here:
Dennis Kucinich: 60% of Bankruptcies Are Because Of Hospital Bills! 80% of Them Are Insured!