Tag Archives: lawson

Sarah Palin on Syria Conflict: Let Allah Sort it Out!

When it comes to the civil war in Syria, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says the U.S. should “Let Allah sort it out” until there is a stronger leader in the White House. Palin’s comments came in response to the Obama administration’s decision to provide armed support to the rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “We’re talking now more new interventions … militarily, where is our commander in chief?” Palin asked at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference. “I say until we know what we’re doing, until we have a commander in chief who knows what he’s doing, well, let these radical Islamic countries who aren’t even respecting human rights, where both sides slaughter each other as they scream over an arbitrary red line, ‘Allah Akbar,’ I say until we have someone who knows what they’re doing, I say let Allah sort it out.” Earlier this week, the White House announced it confirmed that the Assad’s regime has used chemical weapons in the fight against its own people. The Obama administration says it will provide more “direct support” to the Syrian opposition since the president’s “red line” has now been crossed. The White House said that Obama discussed the civil war in Syria with European leaders and it is expected to dominate the G-8 Summit in Northern Ireland. Palin warned the crowd of “tyranny” in government and railed against recent scandals involving the IRS and NSA, which have evoked 1984 comparisons. Calling Washington, D.C. “one hot mess,” Palin said Congress should put itself on “Cruz control, on Ted Cruz control … just for a week and let’s see where things go.” Cruz (R-TX) is a first-term U.S. Senator supported by Palin in 2012. And while she has often served as the butt of jokes on SNL , Sarah Palin joked about the amount of jokes and jobs for comedians she’s created over the years: “They should think of me as a friend. For a while there, I was providing more job security for the Tina Feys of the world and doing more for those employment numbers than Obama’s ever done.”

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Sarah Palin on Syria Conflict: Let Allah Sort it Out!

Ed Hardy: Jon Gosselin Killed My Brand!

Jon Gosselin’s association with Ed Hardy shirts personally torpedoed the entire once-popular brand, says none other than Ed Hardy himself. Call it the Midas touch, only the exact opposite. Shortly after splitting from Kate Gosselin in 2009, Jon became friends with Christian Audigier, who licensed Hardy’s art for shirts and other products. Audigier even entertained Jon and then-girlfriend Hailey Glassman in St. Tropez on his yacht … and that’s when it all started to go downhill for Hardy. Jon Gosselin was repeatedly spotted wearing Ed Hardy clothes, and that association was beyond toxic for the brand, Hardy told the New York Post . “That Jon Gosselin thing was the nail in the coffin,” Hardy said . “That’s what tanked it. Macy’s used to have a huge window display with Ed Hardy, and it filtered down and that’s why Macy’s dropped the brand.” Jon, a fan of the Ed Hardy brand who loved the stuff long before he was famous (or infamous), was even in talks for his own fashion line with Audigier. There was even talk of Jon or Hailey scoring their own fashion line! Jon’s repulsive powers were formidable, but Hardy, 68, puts equal if not more of the blame on Audigier, a “celebrity-obsessed” French businessman. “Christian worships celebrities so much, he will get next to anyone … if he could’ve gotten Charles Manson in a shirt, he would have,” Hardy said. The whole Jon-killed-my-entire-brand allegation is one of many interesting highlights of Ed Hardy’s new memoir, Wear your Dreams: My Life in Tattoos .

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Ed Hardy: Jon Gosselin Killed My Brand!

Nigella Lawson: Choked by Husband in London Restaurant?

Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson is in the news today, but it’s not for any dessert recipes whipped up by The Taste panelist. It’s for something far more disturbing. According to a report in Great Britain’s Sunday People , Lawson and husband Charles Saatchi were dining at a restaurant called Scott’s when the latter reached over and grabbed his wife by the throat. The British newspaper actually has photos of the incident . “At one stage [Saatchi] tweaked her nose then pushed both hands in her face,” according to the report. “Twice Nigella jerked her head backwards as if in fear. Several times she nodded ­intently while the conversation became more and more heated.” Lawson was described by one witness as “distraught and in tears” throughout the confrontation, while another added: “It was utterly shocking to watch. I have no doubt she was scared. It was horrific, ­really. She was very tearful and was ­constantly dabbing her eyes.” Though the celebrity has not filed charges, police are looking into the incident. Lawson and Saatchi have been married since 2003.

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Nigella Lawson: Choked by Husband in London Restaurant?

‘Fifty Shades Of Lawson’: Band Reviews Their Most ‘Kinky’ Fan Fiction

U.K. foursome remember the ‘filthy things’ their fans have dreamed up about them. By Jocelyn Vena Lawson Photo: MTV News

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‘Fifty Shades Of Lawson’: Band Reviews Their Most ‘Kinky’ Fan Fiction

Taylor Swift’s New Love? Meet Lawson

British band opens up to MTV News about meeting the singer for the first time, and why she’s such a big fan of ‘Standing in the Dark.’ By Jocelyn Vena Lawson Photo: MTV News

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Taylor Swift’s New Love? Meet Lawson

Justin Bieber Challenged To Table-Tennis Match With Lawson

British foursome are down to work with Bieber, but rumors that they were involved in Believe Acoustic were untrue. By Jocelyn Vena Lawson Photo: MTV News

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Justin Bieber Challenged To Table-Tennis Match With Lawson