Tag Archives: leaning-toward

Camille Grammer: Schizo On ‘Housewives’ Decision

Filed under: Camille Grammer , Real Housewives , TV Camille Grammer is leaning toward “walking away” from ” Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ” — so says a source closely connected with C.G. … and we’ve learned it’s not the first time she’s thrown in the towel. Sources involved in the production of the… Read more

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Camille Grammer: Schizo On ‘Housewives’ Decision

As Cannes Hits Midway Point, What Films Stand Out?

As the Cannes hits the midway point, only a handful of films either in or out of competition have excited critics. And some big-name directors who were supposed to excite instead left their audiences racing for the exits.

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As Cannes Hits Midway Point, What Films Stand Out?

Chris Klein’s Mamma Mia Audition: Real, Fake, or Really Fake?

Move over, sexually ambiguous sixth grader wailing “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga! This week, Chris Klein may take your viral video crown. The Election and American Pie actor is the star of an excruciating new YouTube video that purports to be his audition tape for Mamma Mia! , and it involves a level of singing and cringing not experienced since The Comeback went off the air. At Movieline HQ, we’re split over whether the video is a put-on or not — I’m leaning toward “fake,” but even so, I don’t know what to do with this information. Maybe he just wanted to be a trending topic on Twitter for once?

Go here to see the original:
Chris Klein’s Mamma Mia Audition: Real, Fake, or Really Fake?

The War Against Census Takers

The coroner of Clay County, Kansas has confirmed that the word “FED” was scrawled on the dead body of census worker and teacher Bill Sparkman, who was found asphyxiated earlier this month. Here is a video of various popular television news show hosts and elected officials—well, Glenn Beck and Michele Bachmann (R-MN)—explaining that the census was part of a plot to round up patriotic Americans and place them in internment camps. Also included: a fun amateur short-film in which a young man in fatigues aims an assault rifle at a census taker.

See original here:
The War Against Census Takers