Tag Archives: least-couples

On This Day: Everybody Welcome Paul Rudd!

The latest journey through Movieline’s deep, rich historical archives yields another round of historical how’s-thats and what’s-its, including a Hollywood dynasty born 126 years ago, a technical innovation that would come to define cinema, and, well, the introduction of some talented young Rudd.

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On This Day: Everybody Welcome Paul Rudd!

The Gossip Girl Pun Index: Love is a Pun-Free Battlefield

The knives were most certainly out on Gossip Girl last night. The episode (“Inglorious Bassterds” for those keeping score at home) dealt with all the little betrayals that couples do to each other on a daily basis. Or, at least couples on Gossip Girl . So Dan and Vanessa lied to each other about how they felt about their respective work, Nate got kissed by hopeful man-stealer Jenny but didn’t tell his girlfriend Serena, and Chuck used Blair’s emotional attachment (and l-o-v-e) to get his precious Empire Hotel back. Never mind that Chuck’s a billionaire and the hotel is ultimately meaningless; it’s a symbol for his father’s something something something. How did Gossip Girl’s cheeky puns and wordplay fit in with the episode’s theme? Not very well. To the list!

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The Gossip Girl Pun Index: Love is a Pun-Free Battlefield