HelloBeautiful.com’s BASE LEVEL column features the hottest new artists we’re buzzing about. Before they make it to the summit of superstardom, we spot them at base level–the beginning of their hopeful journey to the top.
The Divergent Series returns to theaters today with its third installment, “Allegiant.” Shailene Woodley and Theo James are back as Tris and Four, who this time, are hoping to go over the wall and see what’s outside.
Source: George Pimentel / Getty H&M has taken advertisements to another level. While most commercials are 30 seconds to a minute long, Kevin Hart stars in a seven-minute promotional clip for H&M’s new “Modern Essentials” collection. And of course the ad is nothing short (no pun intended) of hilarious. Here’s the setup, Kevin is preparing to […]
Irina Shayk is a rumored hooker….. These pictures tell a different story, that she’s just a romantic, as most soul-less Russians who escaped RUssia via the gayest Soccer player in the history of Soccer, to become a bikini model, as it solidified his story are… She just love loves, this is a great American love story, of a man…with a lot of money, and fame, who bangs out as many young models as he can, because that’s the benefit of being a famous, rich person girls want to fuck….finding love in one of the rumored hottest half naked bitch in Sports Illustrated…you know they defied all odds to make this union happen…and to make it work….so that they could show the world how much they care about each other as he dries to dig clams out of her cunt on the beach…because he paid her to let him do whatever he wants to do to her… The post Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk Beach Porn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Beyonce terrifies me… We’ve given her too much money, too much fame, too much power. She thinks she’s still relevant…people think she’s still relevant…and she keeps on doing media, and sexualizing herself, despite being old, tired, and a mom…There is no aging gracefully and bowing out, because once in the game, and accepted by they gays for your level of fabulous, like Cher and Madonna – you just keep on fucking polluting the world with your nonsense…well into your 70s…because you can afford to do this for free…now that you have more money than god…but more importantly, you don’t have to do it for free…as idiots still throw money at you… Beyonce…is the devils work The post Beyonce in Vogue’s September Issue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Beyonce terrifies me… We’ve given her too much money, too much fame, too much power. She thinks she’s still relevant…people think she’s still relevant…and she keeps on doing media, and sexualizing herself, despite being old, tired, and a mom…There is no aging gracefully and bowing out, because once in the game, and accepted by they gays for your level of fabulous, like Cher and Madonna – you just keep on fucking polluting the world with your nonsense…well into your 70s…because you can afford to do this for free…now that you have more money than god…but more importantly, you don’t have to do it for free…as idiots still throw money at you… Beyonce…is the devils work The post Beyonce in Vogue’s September Issue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Meek Mill took two consecutive knockout blows with “Back To Back” and Drake‘s pettiness during last night’s OVO Fest. But Meek is a rapper’s rapper. If the…
Nicki Minaj has finally reached the level of fame where she gets a spot at Los Angeles’s Madame Tussauds museum. Of course, her wax doppelganger is based…