Tag Archives: licks-kitten

Squirrel Hides Nut in Dog’s Fur: See the Amazing GIF!

As made clear in the movie Up , dogs can get easily distracted by a … SQUIRREL! But not all dogs.  Some dogs are so calm, so serene and so patient that they’ll just lie around and hang out, even while a squirrel buries a nut in their heavy fur. Case in hilarious point: We’re not sure what’s funnier: this squirrel actually hiding a nut in this dog’s fur. Or the expression of utter bafflement on the dog’s face while his fur is used as a hiding place. While sort of gross to some, squirrels have a viral history of being awesome. Remember the squirrel who dropped a nut from a pole and reacted in devastating fashion? Or the squirrel who freaked out a panda ? Or, of course, the squirrel who reacted to a selfie by getting rather angry at the selfie snapper ? 21 Animal Friendships We Did NOT See Coming 1. Cat and Lynx View Photo Well, this is adorable. Check out a photo of a cat and a lynx who have become best friends at the zoo in St. Petersburg, Russia. 2. Goat and Donkey View Video Watch this video to see a lonely goat refuse to eat and go outside… until his best friend arrives to live with him! It’s unusually emotional stuff. 3. Elephant and Dog View Video An elephant and a dog as best friend? Who play catch in the water? It doesn’t get much cuter than this! 4. Lion, Tiger and Bear View Photo This lion, this tiger and this bear are best friends. They live together in a George sanctuary. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Pig and Dogs View Photo Is there anything cuter in the world than a pig snuggling with a dog? There may not be. 6. Dog and Horse View Video This dog and this miniature horse are the cutest and bestest of friends. And you need to watch this video. 7. Puppy and Cheetah View Photo This puppy and this young cheetah are totally best friends. And we could totally look at this photo at all. 8. Pitbull and Deer View Video Well… this is adorable. Watch a Pitbull play with a deer and witness an unexpected friendship form. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Seal and Little Girl View Video A girl and a seal play around in this video. Watch what happens when she falls down. 10. Ducks Really Love Dog View Video These ducks won’t leave this dog alone. It’s very cute, and only a tad bit disturbing. 11. Cat Gives Pit Bull Massage View Video This kitten and this Pit Bull are totally best friends. Watch this adorable video now! 12. Piglet Loves Pit Bull View Photo This piglet and this pit bull are totally best friends. And our hearts just melted a little. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Deer Licks Kitten View Video This deer is playing mother to this kitten. It might not get any more adorable. 14. Horse and Cat Snuggle View Video This horse and this cat are total best friends. Watch them cuddle up in this cute video. 15. Boxer Puppy Befriends Cows View Video What happens when a young Boxer meets a group of cows? Find out now! 16. Pitbull and Rabbit Who knew a pitbull and a a bunny would get along so well that the former would gladly give the latter a tongue bath? Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. Bird Feeds Dogs View Video Who needs a human dog sitter? This bird is doing a pretty great job at it, don’t you think? 18. Puppy Comforts Cheetah View Video Best friends forever! Watch this video to see how a dog kept a cheetah company through some tough times. 19. Cat Befriends Owl View Video Yes, an owl and a cat really can be friends. Check out this video for funny proof. 20. Seal Embraces Dog on Beach View Video This seal loves this dog! And we can’t stop watching the unexpected best friends totally cuddle up. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 21. Squirrel Buries Nut in Dog’s Fur View Photo Amazingly awesome! This squirrel just buried a nut in this dog’s fur! How adorable! The End. Up Next: ” 21 Animal Friendships We Did NOT See Coming .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

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Squirrel Hides Nut in Dog’s Fur: See the Amazing GIF!

Movie Theater Inadvertently Advertises for Transformers Sex Tape

If only, random IMAX movie theater. If only… With this summer set to be the lowest-grossing summer in the recent history of cinema, at least one theater has found a way to draw in attendees: is anyone interested in seeing a Transformers Sex Tape?!? Perhaps the only amateur porn that would rake in more money than the Kim Kardashian Sex Tape , we’re sorry to report that a Transformers Sex Tape does not actually exist. But the new Transformers movie does. And so does the terribly reviewed Sex Tape . Put them together and you get our favorite marquee of the year: Pretty classic stuff. The real question, of course, is this:  Would you watch a Transformers Sex Tape?   Totally! Never! It depends on which Transformers were in it. View Poll » However you feel about Transformers hypothetically getting freaky on film, check out some other names that read differently when put together … 15 Epic Last Name Fails 1. Eaton Cox We know what’s on the menu after the reception! (Sorry)

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Movie Theater Inadvertently Advertises for Transformers Sex Tape

Eddie Cibrian Talks Brandi Glanville Feud: "LeAnn Always Takes the High Road!"

The televised train wreck known as LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian’s reality show will need some heavy promotion if it’s gonna survive season one, so the homewrecking duo has been making the media rounds lately and saying things that reveal them to be even more delusional than we thought. Take, for example, the recent interview in which Eddie opened up about the everlasting feud between LeAnn and his first wife, Brandi Glanville: “My wife doesn’t engage,” says Eddie. “I mean if you want to look back, really dig down and be a journalist, look at the timelines and you will see there’s a big discrepancy. There is really no going back and forth.” “I mean, you eventually have to say something, enough is enough, but the truth is, she always takes the high road.” Right. Apparently Eddie’s forgotten about some of the more memorable exchanges between his first two wives: For starters, there was the time LeAnn joked about wrecking Brandi’s marriage  on Twitter.   Oh, and of course, there’s the many times LeAnn and Eddie slammed Brandi on their reality show (and ywe’ve only seen one episode). The list goes on and on, and while Brandi certainly isn’t blameless, if LeAnn’s behavior is what Eddie considers “the high road,” we’d hate to see his idea of shameless public bullying. Fortunately for Brandi, these days she doesn’t have to do any retaliating. The reviews for the premiere of LeAnn and Eddie were so bad that the critics are doing plenty of trash talking for her. LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian Pics: Happy Home-Wreckers 1. LeAnn Rimes With Eddie Cibrian Photo LeAnn Rimes with Eddie Cibrian. They got married more than two years ago now.

Originally posted here:
Eddie Cibrian Talks Brandi Glanville Feud: "LeAnn Always Takes the High Road!"

Deer Plays Mother to Kitten, Makes Everything Right in the World

Sorry, Saint Bernard who tried to befriend this cat . You may not wanna watch the following video. Don’t take it personally, but the kitten featured in the footage below is quite receptive to the gentle kisses being licked upon him by a most unexpected source: a deer. No, really! It’s as adorable as it is surprising, as one of nature’s cuter animals take very kindly to one of man’s cutest pets. See them bond peacefully her: Deer Licks Kitten Is this the cutest cat video we’ve ever seen? That’s saying a lot. Especially when there’s just so much to compare it to. Click around now and prepare to spend the next several minutes of your life wondering why you don’t own a cat… or why you don’t own MORE cats: 54 Crazy Cat Videos 1. Cat Licks Vacuum Cleaner, Holds it Like Bong Check out this awesome video of a cat licking a vacuum cleaner, and holding it like a bong.

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Deer Plays Mother to Kitten, Makes Everything Right in the World

Deer Plays Mother to Kitten, Makes Everything Right in the World

Sorry, Saint Bernard who tried to befriend this cat . You may not wanna watch the following video. Don’t take it personally, but the kitten featured in the footage below is quite receptive to the gentle kisses being licked upon him by a most unexpected source: a deer. No, really! It’s as adorable as it is surprising, as one of nature’s cuter animals take very kindly to one of man’s cutest pets. See them bond peacefully her: Deer Licks Kitten Is this the cutest cat video we’ve ever seen? That’s saying a lot. Especially when there’s just so much to compare it to. Click around now and prepare to spend the next several minutes of your life wondering why you don’t own a cat… or why you don’t own MORE cats: 54 Crazy Cat Videos 1. Cat Licks Vacuum Cleaner, Holds it Like Bong Check out this awesome video of a cat licking a vacuum cleaner, and holding it like a bong.

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Deer Plays Mother to Kitten, Makes Everything Right in the World