Tag Archives: like-marriage

Pretty Tampa Based Crackhead and Other Videos of the Day

Homeless Man in the Trash Compactor! Jet Skis VS a Wave! Dog Causes a Car Accident! Woman Parker… Weirdest Cock Fighting Video Ever…Not That Cock Fights are Ever Not Weird… Taken Out at the Bus Stop Woman Catches on Fire at Some Iranian Cooking Show The Handicap USPS Worker… Detroit What?! Night Club of Dreams Dude Loses an Eye with an Idiotic Potato Gun Truck VS Tour Bus The post Pretty Tampa Based Crackhead and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pretty Tampa Based Crackhead and Other Videos of the Day

Katrina Bowden’s Bikini Yoga of the Day

Katrina Bowden has been releasing a series of pictures of her doing YOGA in her bikinis… I talk to a few of these aspiring celebrities, aspiring model type girls, and they all struggle to have compelling social media, because jobs are all based on social media, so someone like Emily Rat Cow just goes full nude whore and has millions of followers, where someone like Katrina Bowden, who has been on TV and in movies, has less followers than my (@drunkenstepfatherdotcom)…because actors are lazy and really just puppets that don’t really deserve the jobs they’ve got, they just sort of happened… The funny thing is that actors when paid on scale, make virtually dog shit, I mean yes, a movie has to pay you 60k, but this girl has done one movie in 10 years…so 60k in 10 years is far less than WELFARE….THANK GOD FOR RICH GUYS to allow her to live her dream… So yes, this is her, trying to do the whole slutty on social media thing – with purpose…even though no one does yoga in bikinis, unless they want to be seen in fucking bikinis…I’m onto you Katrina Bowden and your subtle whoring. The post Katrina Bowden’s Bikini Yoga of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katrina Bowden’s Bikini Yoga of the Day

Hilary Duff’s Snapchat Porn of the Day

I liked Hilary Duff when she was married to her baby daddy, billionaire heir thanks to his family owning a chain of Canadian furniture stores, and hockey player….because it made her the “hot” enough wife and mother….despite her thick mom body, a thick mom body I assumed she built in the gym with her husband’s trainers because it made her sturdier to pass around the locker room to increase team morale.. But now I just see a divorcee who gave up on her family, like why get married in the first place, it’s like your vows mean nothing. What was that “Til Death Do Us Part / Til we get bored and divorced / because we are rich cunts and we have options”.. I’m not a Christian man, I don’t even believe in god, but to see a girl with all this money, parading around social media like some kind of harlot, all recently divorced, like marriage ain’t a fucking thing…makes me sick. Why get married in the first place, why take those vows, what are you a fucking liar….what else do you lie about bitch…maybe about having sex appeal since you’re built like a fucking tank…a tank in a bikini…what a fail, which is perfect for a failure of a wife and mother…rockin’ her rich person broken home… The post Hilary Duff’s Snapchat Porn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff’s Snapchat Porn of the Day

Amber Heard is a Homewrecker in C Magazine of the Day

Here’s a little home wrecking…harlot who figured “USE Johnny Depp to get ahead”…because he’s Johnny Depp and pretty much runs Hollywood thanks to surviving the 90s drugs…and sex with Kate Moss…because it was when she was 19 and not after all the unprotected sex with needle sharing rock stars… She’s the official stepmother of 16 year old Lily Rose Depp, who everyone can see on instagram hanging out with Jenners, where you would want an LA rich kid who is virtually on her own fending for herself in her dad’s mansion, while he’s at one of his other houses..fucking this Homewrecker…living out her childhood crush…dreams…all because her pussy is the kind of pussy that makes dudes do really dumb fucking things…like marriage…I’ve heard of those kinds of pussies..watch out… The post Amber Heard is a Homewrecker in C Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Amber Heard is a Homewrecker in C Magazine of the Day

Ashley Sky’s Sexy Swimsuit Pictures

I did a post drooling over this Brazilian hottie Ashley Sky here a couple months ago, but I’m not sure what went wrong, because we’re not Twitter dating yet. I guess she’s too good for me or something (and she’s probably right). Anyway, I’m still in love with her either way, so here’s Ashley showing off that killer body of hers in a swimsuit. And who knows, maybe if I keep this up long enough, she’ll eventually become a future ex-Mrs. Tuna. Because I think the two of us could make each other very unhappy someday. Fingers crossed. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Ashley Sky’s Sexy Swimsuit Pictures

Genevieve Morton Busts Out Good!

Between the last set of bikini pictures from Genevieve Morton and now these, I think Hailey Clauson might have some serious competition for the title of the Tuna’s favorite busty blonde. Because these latest shots from my ex-Twitter girlfriend are making me remember all those great times we used to share together. You know, when she and I would send each other sweet nothings over Twitter, or at least her assistant or publicist would. Anyway, nowadays Genevieve just ignores my dumb jokes and propositions, which at first I thought meant we broke up, but now I’m thinking it means we must’ve taken things to the next level. Because that sounds an awful lot like marriage to me. I’d better run upstairs and tell my mom the good news.

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Genevieve Morton Busts Out Good!

Simon Cowell: Totally Smitten with Mezhgan Hussainy

As evidenced by his response to Ryan Seacrest’s question during a live broadcast of American Idol last week ( Who are you winking at? My girlfriend. ), Simon Cowell is in proudly in love with Mezhgan Hussainy . Whether or not these two are engaged is still a question , but Simon’s feelings for the make-up artist are not. “You just know when you’ve found somebody special and I feel very, very happy,” Cowell tells Piers Morgan in an interview that will air Saturday in England. The judge, of course, will leave American Idol after this season. What else does his future hold? Possibly children. “The thing about kids, it’s like marriage, you know you have to believe you’re in something that you’re in for the long term, a hundred percent,” Simon said, not dismissing the possibility of procreation. The Afghanistan-born Hussainy has been seen sporting a huge diamond ring, but neither she nor Cowell will confirm if a proposal has taken place. In other Idol news: How awesome is Crystal Bowersox ?!?

Simon Cowell: Totally Smitten with Mezhgan Hussainy