Tag Archives: like-the-iphone

Nintendo 3DS announced at E3

After much speculation and anticipation, Nintendo has announced the world's first ever 3D handheld games console at the E3 expo in Los Angeles. Unlike 3D TVs and cinema screens, gamers using the 3DS won't need to wear daft-looking special glasses to see things in full multi-dimensional glory. Looking a lot like pre-existing DS handhelds, the 3DS will have improved graphics, a slide pad controller and an internal gyroscope and motion sensor (like the iPhone). It'll be able to show 3D films on its 3.5-inch screen and, intriguingly, is able to take 3D photographs using the two lenses mounted on the back of the device. http://www.techtree.com/India/News/E3_2010_Nintendo_3DS_Announced/551-111804-585… added by: richjm

Apple iPad Unbanned in Israel

Israel is the only country that banned the iPad, it was about their concern that the wireless tablet will disrupt the signals of other devices. According to Yechiel Shabi, a ministry spokesman, he said that their Communications Ministry conducted thorough inspection before allowing the iPad in their country.  The ministry just wanted to clarify that the series of tests they performed has nothing to do to the issue that the iPad’s wireless signal could cause interference to the signals of the military equipments.  As a matter of fact, 10 units of the device were confiscated in the airport, but they are now allowed to be retrieved by the owners. Even though this may look awkward, Shabi and the Communications Ministry just wanted to test the device. Shabi said that they have nothing against the wireless tablet, and in fact, they like the iPhone, also an Apple-made gadget. Apple iPad Unbanned in Israel is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Scholars reject Obama’s Stance on Warrantless Cellphone Recording

http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/04/scholars-reject/ The Obama administration’s position that the government can force mobile carriers to hand over cellphone tower location information on their customers without a warrant is wrong, two legal scholars say. “Because CSLI acquisition is hidden, indiscriminate and intrusive, and because it reveals information over a period of time, it should be subject to the highest level of Fourth Amendment oversight (the same procedures used for wiretapping and video surveillance),” the scholars wrote late Friday.

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Scholars reject Obama’s Stance on Warrantless Cellphone Recording