Fatty Ariel Winter…is a murderer, but despite cutting off her tits, she still has tits that she likes showing her tits..tits that would be more impressive if she hadn’t killed them off like they were a villain… I guess we can’t really understand why any girl would cut off her tits, unless she was pre-cancerous, or if she had back issues, or if she was transitioning, of if she was tired of them growing uncontrollably into some kind of weird premise of a horror movie “attack of her tits”… I’ve fucked at least one breast reduced girl, and the scars aren’t so bad, it’s just too bad to ruin a full set of tits that spill out everywhere, to make them more manageable.. The post Ariel Winter Tits for Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I didn’t watch the VMAs, I don’t think I ever do. I just hate celebrating people who already won at life, in some over produced advertising campaign, wasting money that could be spent on better things, like hookers…not these kids of hooker…but street hookers…with babies they don’t have money to feed due to addiction…or really curing AIDS or cancer, or anything 100,000,000 dollars, or more could be better spent on…you know do these idiots really need more attention, airtime, celebration, and bullshit awards…they don’t… I didn’t see Kanye vow to run for president, you know to make a joke out of America, because he would probably win. I guess this happened to Ronald Reagan in the 80s, but he was an infomercial actor, not a rapper married to a media whore. I didn’t see Taylor Swift win all the meaningless awards. I didn’t see Miley make a fool of herself, or get in a fight with Nicki Minaj… I didn’t see Kim Kardashian dressed like Danny Devito as the Penguin in real time… I don’t believe in award shows, I don’t find them interesting, I am amazed that people love this shit and buy into the Soap Opera of celebrity…so I have no interest in any of this shit… Maybe that means I am officially too old to be relevant, but I’ve never been relevant….maybe I am too out of the loop to post pics of these idiots, well, I’ve always been out of the loop and hated this shit.. My purpose is to tell you how stupid it is, how commercialized all media we digest is, and how buying into it, instead of having a productive hobby like gardening or napping, is just perpetuating this absolute scripted garbage… I am amazed that as humans, with brains, people are reporting on this shit like it was the 90s, and we were too dumb to realize award shows didnt matter… Here are some highlights ,because pop culture may be a pile of vapid bullshit, but I still look on with disgust the day after looking at random internet pics… I don’t really see what this kind of played out nonsense Hollywood shit still happens….but it happens..so I guess it matters…to some of you idiots… HERE ARE SOME OF MILEY’S OUTFITS Here is Miley’s Instagram pics… HERE IS SELENA GOME WITH NO BRA Here is Taylor Swift…. Here is Taylor Swift’s Lipless Barbie – Side Tit… Jojo For Vintage Jailbait Memories… Some Kim K Looking Like the Danny Devito’s Penguin… Some Nicki Minaj Monster… Someone Invited the Tits from the Blurred Lines Video! Oh Shit- and a Hooters Girl!! Straight from Florida… Rihanna Couldn’t Be There so they Sent her Body Double… The post The VMAS Happened and I Don’t Care But Here are Pics Miley Nipple and Other Trash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Tove LO…the Stay High chick…with this solid fucking song….flahed her tits again,… She likes showing her tits…and that is the kind of new age pan sexual feminism I can appreciate, because it’s not feminist at all, but rather giving dudes masturbation material, while pretending it’s to say “girls have tits and should show them if they want”….because it’s fair, and dudes on the sideline are like “Hell yes you should”… assuming you can still jerk off to a good set of tits, like it was the 90s and they were all you had to jerk off to, seeing as porn is so dull, repetetive, fake and this Tove Lov tit…is real, despite possibly being implants… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Tove Lo Flashing Brazil of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Coco is ridiculous stripper ass who must have some serious dirt on Ice-T, like shit that can ruin his career, or maybe get him arrested or killed, because that’s the only reason I can assume he took her off the stripper pole and after work escorting and married her, marketed her….or maybe he is just a pervert who didn’t want to share his whore with other people, he wanted her all for himself. but like any dude who likes showing off his shit, in a way to say he’s really made it and he’s better than us, even though I find Coco fucking vile and disgusting, he makes her show off for her low level fans, because let’s face it she’s pretty fucking useless in the grand scheme of things….and here is a naked pic of her on her tanning bed that she posted on twitter… classy girls from the gutter who were probably molested or abused, like I like ‘em.