Based on the movie Honey alone, it is safe to say that Jessica Alba is realy lucky that she is hot, so that she can be thrown into movies as the Hot girl, without having to rely on actually acting…not that acting is really a thing, but there are just some people who are so fucking bad at it..that their pretty smile (read pussy) goes a long way… Not that any of that matters anymore, she’s managed to launch a billion dollar brand with a team of experts who like the directors and producers of every movie she’s been in, as well as her clever husband, used her tits to make it happen… Well, here she is showing you her old tactics while grinding up on James Cameron, because I guess she has dreams of being in Avatar 2 trhough 40….and she likes the smell of his billion dollars…all while looking like a Kardashian…. And what it comes down to is that if you look close enough, under her arm, you’ll see tit.. I know…we are pathetic, but at least we are in this together… The post Jessica Alba Side Tit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Bossip what the hell is wrong with my man? I’ve been seeing a man for about a year now and we are a really great match. We have similar goals and aspirations and are working towards building a life together. He never made it a secret that he likes women’s feet and always tells the story of how out of all his brothers he really took care of his mother (she was single) when he was a child. He said he would cook and make a plate for her, rub her back and that she would always fall asleep when he rubbed her feet when she got off work. I’m a nurse and work 12 hour shifts at the hospital and he definitely does make sure to rub my back and feet after a long week at work. A couple months ago he started getting into this thing where he would suck my toes and I was really not feeling it and pulled my feet away when he started to kiss up my ankles. I could tell that he was a little touched by the fact that I didn’t want him sucking on my toes but it’s not my thing and it doesn’t turn me on in form or fashion. Lately as soon as I get home or after we go out he’ll want to suck them after I’ve been in my socks and shoes all day! My feet don’t stink luckily but he says he likes the smell. WHAT??? I’m totally comfortable in my skin and love to turn things up in the bedroom but I can’t get with the foot fetish! I keep my feet pedicured and I’m a very clean person but I can’t kiss him after he’s been munching my toe jam and it makes me wonder who else’s feet he’s been kissing on! Is this something men like to do that I don’t know about or are most folks like me and think it’s gross? Any and all feedback would be most appreciated! Happy Friday, sis! Thank you for writing in and sharing your story! Well, here we are with another example of how different things are arousing to different people! It’s a matter of individual preference when it all boils down to it. However, you are completely entitled to reject his loving gestures toward your toes if it grosses you out and makes you uncomfortable! And, surely, your man wouldn’t want to force his fetish on you if it doesn’t excite you in any way. So, the question is: have you been firm and direct in communicating to him that you don’t like your toes sucked? It is completely understood that you would be apprehensive about kissing the mouth that’s been “munching” on your “toe jam,” as you put it. And it’s further understood that you would be concerned behind his indulging in his foot fetish on the women who came before you! However, assuming that you’ve both been tested for all transmittable diseases and are faithful to each other, you should find comfort in the notion that all acts of love (scents and all) are being shared between the two of you only! But, as with any relationship, you set the boundaries and they should be respected! So, Ma, we asked around and here’s what a few of our readers had to say!