Tag Archives: listicles

Seven Cartoons That Deserve Their Own Live-Action Movies [Free Advice]

Transformers , G.I. Joe , Garfield , The Chipmunks , and now The Smurfs . Hollywood’s gone on a spree pilfering our childhood favorites to make crappy live-action movies. We have some suggestions of ‘toons that should make the trip to the big screen. More

Ten Better Ways to Get Back at Your Neighbor [Revenge]

A Staten Island man was arrested this week for hurling a bag of feces (his own, presumably) at the door of his neighbor, with whom he didn’t get along. So unoriginal! Neighborly revenge deserves better. More

The Great Unwritten Magazine Stories

Vanity Fair ‘s new Tiger Woods cover story doesn’t have a Tiger interview, and its Tiger beefcake photos are all of pre-scandal vintage. It just makes us consider the tantalizing magazine story possibilities that are still waiting to be written. The inside story of Tiger Woods since the fateful accident: Just about everything that led up to his wife flipping out and making him run into a hydrant has been published.

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The Great Unwritten Magazine Stories

Ten Ideas for Bono and his New York Times Op-Ed on Ten World-Changing Ideas

” Another fucking Bono op-ed, ” a tipster astutely notes! The U2 frontman has Ten Ideas to Change the World, and they’re in the Times ‘ Op-Ed section “in the spirit of rock star excess.” So how ’bout ten ideas to change Bono? 1.

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Ten Ideas for Bono and his New York Times Op-Ed on Ten World-Changing Ideas