Tag Archives: little-bathing

Jessica Biel’s Delicious Booty In A Bikini

They don’t happen all that often, but when they do they rarely disappoint. I’m talking of course about pictures of Jessica Biel in a bikini. Awesome. Alright so technically she’s just in bikini bottoms, I don’t know anybody who swims in a long sleeve shirt, but those bottoms are so hot that it doesn’t really matter. The chick is just gorgeous, almost too gorgeous, so that booty plus a little bathing suit add up to a pretty incredible party going on right now in my pants. Thank you Jesus. I need more.

Bar Paly Looks Really Really Talented

I don’t know anything about this Bar Paly woman, but she looks really good in a tiny tight dress so I’m going to have to get to know her a little better. Here she is filming some scenes for that new muscle-douche movie Pain & Gain with The Rock or whatever he calls himself now. I don’t know what character she’s playing, I’m going to have to assume it’s something like ‘Hot Blonde #12′ , but she looks really good doing it so who cares. Keep up the good work.

Michelle Hunziker Is Still In A Little Bikini

Today has already been a pretty good day for hot chicks in their bikinis, so I might as well keep it going with yet another beauty doing her thing half naked. Here’s Michelle Hunziker rocking a little bathing suit as she vacations next to the pool. I’m just assuming she’s on vacation, this could just be her life, she’s a really hot chick so she probably has at least one rich old dude paying all her bills. Lucky old guy.

Paris Hilton Works Her Weird Bathing Suit

After the pictures of a pregnant Uma Thurman hosing her belly down in a bathing suit, I was in desperate need for some sort of normal looking swimsuit pictures. These are close enough. Here’s Paris Hilton showing some skin in her tattered little bathing suit. That’s more like it. You would think that someone as rich as Paris would be able to afford a bathing suit without any holes in it. Ha! Show us your boobies.

Sexy Miss Ireland Competition

I don’t know what the hell this old man on the bicycle is doing, but he’s the luckiest son of a bitch around. It looks to me like he’s being attacked by a gaggle of hot chicks in bikinis, but that doesn’t seem right. Poor guy just wants to go for a bike ride. Apparently this is how they determine the hottest chicks in Ireland…. I like it. Anytime you get a group of hotties in little bathing suits trying to win some sort of competition… You know you’ve got my attention. more pictures of the Miss Ireland competitors here