Here’s some Vanessa Hudgens in bike shorts, because that’s the style now, people wear them out to fancy events, Kanye and his clothing company take credit for it, but it’s really just bullshit, bike shorts have been around forever, I mean every weekend I see a crew of Jewish Orthodontists ride by like clockwork for the last 18 years in bike shorts… Back when sexuality was a thing, I used to call people gayer than Bicycle shorts, because bike shorts are pretty gay, I mean how much speed and comfort is it providing these weekend warriors…it’s not like they are riding to Tour De France…but I am not allowed to say gay now, it’s against the law, a hate crime….Not to mention, when they are on girls, they are hot, even old timers like Vanessa Hudgens….who may be best known as a girl who leaked her nudes, thick bush out, claiming to be barely 18…but she was also on Disney’s High School musical and is now whatever the fuck a bike short wearing girl in public is…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Vanessa Hudgens Ass in Bike Shorts of the Day appeared first on .
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Vanessa Hudgens Ass in Bike Shorts of the Day