Tag Archives: mad-lovemaking

Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza: Engaged!

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel , looks like you have company in the celebrity engagement department today: Mario Lopez has proposed to girlfriend Courtney Mazza. And she said yes! The 38-year-old Extra host and Saved By the Bell alumnus popped the question over New Year’s weekend in Ixtapa, Mexico, Lopez personally revealed to Us . “We took a long walk alone as the sun was setting,” recalled Lopez. “I told Courtney that I wanted the mother of my children to have their last name.” “She was silent at first from shock, then she leaped for joy and did a little jete!” “Besides our daughter’s birth, this was the best moment of my life!” Mazza says. The couple started dating in 2008 and are parents to 2-year-old Gia. They plan to marry in Mexico at some point later this year. Hooray! [Photo: WENN.com]

Continued here:
Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza: Engaged!

Kim Kardashian Kalled Out by Kalifornia Tax Proponents

Kim Kardashian is threatening to take over the 2012 political campaign season. First, Mitt Romney referenced the reality star’s failed marriage in a recent diss of President Obama . Now, an organization of California citizens who are pushing for an initiative in their home state that would raise taxes on millionaire by three to five percent are using Kardashian in an ad. California Citizens Urge: Tax Kim Kardashian! “Not everyone was born a Kardashian, but we all need to pay our fair share,” the spot says, noting that Kim banked $12 million in 2010… but paid just one percent more in taxes than a worker who made $47,000. The Courage Campaign and the California Federation of Teachers are teaming up to raise around $6 billion for public schools and local services through this income tax hike. They hope to get it on the November ballot. “Don’t you think she could pay a little more?” the ad asks of Kim, as images of children, firefighters and an elderly woman flash on screen. “Especially to fund education and critical services?” Do you think Kim Kardashian should pay more taxes?

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Kim Kardashian Kalled Out by Kalifornia Tax Proponents

Michele Bachmann Drops Out of Presidential Race

Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann formally ended her campaign for the White House this morning, just one day after Mitt Romney’s Iowa caucus victory . “Last night, the people of Iowa spoke with a very clear voice. And I have decided to stand aside,” the GOP Congresswoman from Minnesota told reporters today. They spoke, indeed, dealing her a disappointing sixth-place finish. The Queen of Rage could not become The Queen of Votes . Despite Bachmann’s extensive tour to visit all 99 of Iowa’s counties, her August straw poll win, and the state being her place of birth, she garnered just five percent. Her communications director Alice Stewart told reporters following the news conference that conversations began last night about whether to continue the campaign. The congresswoman asked for time to “sleep on it” and “pray about it.” Stewart said she was awoken early Wednesday morning with the news that Michele was out. Bachmann has not yet discussed whether she will seek reelection to her U.S. House seat in Minnesota, Stewart said, or whether she will endorse another candidate. Also unclear if last night’s second-place finisher will reach out to her supporters with the following tagline: Rick Santorum: Conservative Like Bachmann, But Less Crazy!

Michele Bachmann Drops Out of Presidential Race

Sinead O’Connor and Barry Herridge: Back Together!

Who says true love can’t find a way: Sinead O’Connor and Barry Herridge, who recently separated after 18 days of marriage, are now giving it another shot! The singer took to Twitter to announce that she and Herridge, who wed last month, then split up, were very much on again once more just one week later. “Guess who had a mad lovemaking affair with her own husband last night?” she Tweeted, adding that “mother—–s who dont like it …so me all happy!!” Eloquent, Sinead O’Connor. Eloquent. O’Connor married Herridge , a drug counselor, on December 8 in Vegas (not a good sign), but split amid “intense pressure” from people in Herridge’s life. “The whole reason I ended it was out of respect and love for the man,” Sinead told The Sun (UK) way back in the day. “It felt like I was living in a coffin.” “It was going to be a coffin for both of us and I saw him crushed.” The “Nothing Compares 2 U” singer acknowledged she and Herridge had rushed into the marriage the first time around, but will now be taking things slow. “Yay!!! we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend an stay married but we did rush so we gonna return to b friend g friend an be sickenly happy,” she wrote. Hey, she’s trying a hell of a lot harder than Kim Kardashian . Just sayin’ … [Photo: Pacific Coast News]

Sinead O’Connor and Barry Herridge: Back Together!