Tag Archives: magical-enough

Marta Placzek Big Polish Tits of the Day

Marta Placzek is some model, who is apparently Polish, which I assume means she’s got a circus bear that balances on a ball in her basement, assuming she’s got a basement, unless she’s what you’d want from a hot Polish girl, and that’s poor and with no basement thanks to living in a cold water flat, one room for her family of 12…where they eat beets and cabbage waiting for the Nazi’s to lose….so that they can get back to living…. Because the second these poor hot chicks get a taste of the life of luxury, that first 5 star hotel with a rich guy, you know the kind of hotel that has a Rolls Royce pick you up at the airport…it’s fucking over… It may not quite be over for this one – as she’s got next to no followers on social medai…but it’s magical enough to me…thanks to her perky lookin’ tit. The post Marta Placzek Big Polish Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Marta Placzek Big Polish Tits of the Day

Heidi Klum’s Old Mom Ass in a Bikini of the DAy

I try not to old bitch shame Heidi Klum – because she’s an old bitch – and it’s hard to not outline that basic fact, or that she’s got a banged out pussy, thanks to SEAL and her big pile of children…. We live in an era of whiners with this “inclusivity” anti-bullying, everyone is good, we all get the gold medal in a contest, we are all equals, don’t culturally appropriate, we can make babies with other races, we can be fat, but not skinny, topless and slutty because it is empowering, but not in wet t-shirt contests….so Heidi Klum should not be bullied for her age, mainly because she looks amazing… There’s no way she wasn’t created in one of Hitler’s human genetically modification lab to make the super human, if this isn’t German engineering I would be surprised….so you probably shouldn’t fuck with her, or she’ll gas Chamber you…. Because ultimately, she looks amazing in a bikini… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Heidi Klum’s Old Mom Ass in a Bikini of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Heidi Klum’s Old Mom Ass in a Bikini of the DAy

Peyton List is the Disney Star Heading in the Right Direction of the Day

It’s nice to know that it’s not just fat girls getting famous on instagram, but rather young starlets too….because girls of all shapes and sizes can be shameless whores for attention, if anything, it’s the norm and the challenge is finding the whore amongst the whore because everyone’s a whore.. I believe in this Peyton List girl and her 10 million fans….her head may a be a little disproportionate and weird…but she’s in a bikini top about to pull off her bikini bottoms and that’s magical enough to me. Keep up the good social media work…. The post Peyton List is the Disney Star Heading in the Right Direction of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Peyton List is the Disney Star Heading in the Right Direction of the Day

Bella Thorne Skinny of the DAy

Bella Thorne posted some cheerleading erotica…and some other skinny girl with skinny legs and a flat stomach because she’s a Vegan 18 year or 19 year old on TV, but more importantly on Instagram, making that social media money for being on TV…thanks to her mom teaching her a valuable lesson about whoring herself out….all at a young age…and it’s magical…magical enough for me to watch it slowly decline as it always does because these girls are too young to make it sustainable but instead shoot themselves in the foot / get themselves drug addictions and the whole thing…cycles…new girls come in…old girls become Lohan…and the world remains in tact because none of this bullshit actually matters.. Here’s some more of her… I do like when she flashes her tits on social media though…wonderful…I’ll keep milking that like she was the village cow and the only source of milk….see reference in video below: TO SEE HER TIT FLASH CLICK HERE TO SEE HER TIT FLASH VIDEO CLICK HERE I wonder if she’s a virgin.. The post Bella Thorne Skinny of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Skinny of the DAy

Bella Thorne Skinny of the DAy

Bella Thorne posted some cheerleading erotica…and some other skinny girl with skinny legs and a flat stomach because she’s a Vegan 18 year or 19 year old on TV, but more importantly on Instagram, making that social media money for being on TV…thanks to her mom teaching her a valuable lesson about whoring herself out….all at a young age…and it’s magical…magical enough for me to watch it slowly decline as it always does because these girls are too young to make it sustainable but instead shoot themselves in the foot / get themselves drug addictions and the whole thing…cycles…new girls come in…old girls become Lohan…and the world remains in tact because none of this bullshit actually matters.. Here’s some more of her… I do like when she flashes her tits on social media though…wonderful…I’ll keep milking that like she was the village cow and the only source of milk….see reference in video below: TO SEE HER TIT FLASH CLICK HERE TO SEE HER TIT FLASH VIDEO CLICK HERE I wonder if she’s a virgin.. The post Bella Thorne Skinny of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Skinny of the DAy