Tag Archives: making-the-big

Are You Feeling This Get Up? Erykah Badu Hits The Essence Journey To Beautiful Event In Extra-Tall Hat And Metallic Sweater

Black hippies are out here making the big hat a thing, huh? Erykah Badu stepped out in NYC last week rocking a silver metallic sweater with an over-sized pocket stocked full with random feathers, and topped off with super-chunky jewelry. Of course we can’t forget her 20 gallon hat, upstaging anything Pharrell has ever hit us with. What do you think, Bossip fam? Was Miss Badu killing ‘em with this outfit? Photos: GSI

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Are You Feeling This Get Up? Erykah Badu Hits The Essence Journey To Beautiful Event In Extra-Tall Hat And Metallic Sweater

Rosie Huntington-Whitely Naked for Burberry of the Day

I guess transformers projected this model who used to get naked for fashion to a whole other level of model….you know making the big money and not being forced to show actual nipple for some new burbery scent campaign…. It seems like just last year….I’m talking July 13th last year….bitch showed her nipple for fashion…I guess doing the ground work to be a household name knowing her movie star career was coming….you know getting the whore who gets paid to get topless out of her system….something I hope is part of her moral fabric….cuz I’m down for the tail-end of this career to hit when she’s forced to do everything naked just to pay for her mortgage…and least that’s what I’m hoping for, cuz I like desparation, even though I know she’ll easily find a billionaire man to lock herself into via marriage…and the only nudity we’ll get out of her is paparzzi shots of her tanning topless on a yacht… What a waste of a perfectly willing to get naked for money slut…..

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Rosie Huntington-Whitely Naked for Burberry of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Does Purple Magazine of the Day

Lindsay Lohan did a photoshoot for a magazine called Purple, which was only fitting because from what I’ve been told, her vagina is also purple cuz that’s what happens when you cut off the oxygen supply and die….I guess is trying to make it in the hipster art fag fashion world, so she’s been doing this sexual photoshoots for various hipster art fag fashion magazines and I’m all for it, because getting girls as slutty as possible with any spin you put on it is good enough for me, especially when it involves Lohan showing off her tits, something I’ve been missing in my useless internet for some time now….sure, it would have been more interesting to see these pictures back when Terry Richardson was interesting and trying to get noticed by taking pretty shocking erotic pics, back before American Apparel stole his point-and-shoot snapshot approach that he stole from so many people before him, because now he may be making the big money, but he just comes across as a tamer version of an American Apparel ad, but when it comes to Lohan with her panties halfway down her ass, I’ll take whatever I can get, even if shit was taken by a one-armed tap dancing austic midget with diabetes and a rash, if you know what I mean and I hope you do, cuz I have no idea what I am talking about….maybe I’m just trying too hard to be shocking and cool to break free from my dad but I like leave that up to Terry Richardson….

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Lindsay Lohan Does Purple Magazine of the Day