Tag Archives: michael-burns

‘The Hunger Games’ Could Get A Prequel — But What Would It Be About?

In an investor conference today, Lionsgate entertainment vice chairman Michael Burns said that he expects to film prequels in the ‘Hunger Games’ franchise one day.

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‘The Hunger Games’ Could Get A Prequel — But What Would It Be About?

Blond on Blond: Which Golden-Hued Nicolas Cage Coiffure Do You Prefer?

By now everybody’s seen Nicolas’s Cage’s blond ‘do, which he debuted a few weeks ago. “You know, I’m always changing the hair color, and right now I’m doing a movie called Drive Angry and I’m trying to tap into my Celtic roots, so I dyed it blond,” the actor told media gathered at WonderCon. But a new hue took over at this week’s Kick-Ass premiere, and it’s… interesting .

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Blond on Blond: Which Golden-Hued Nicolas Cage Coiffure Do You Prefer?

Report: Box-Office Betting is a Go

Wall Street’s proposal to launch a futures exchange based on box-office receipts may have haters in Hollywood , but regulators in Washington are said to support the idea and may even green-light it in time for gamblers investors to wager on Iron Man 2 . Buried in Wednesday’s report is this winning quote from Lionsgate boss (and Hollywood Stock Exchange co-founder) Michael Burns: “If the studios have a chance to have an equity position in the actual exchange, if Cantor offers that, I think that’s a giant win-win. I think it will ultimately become a terrific hedging vehicle for the studios. You can buy corn futures, orange juice futures, it makes no sense you can’t buy movie futures.” In other words: Flop insurance, here we come ! [ Bloomberg ]

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Report: Box-Office Betting is a Go