Source: Jim McIsaac / Getty 76ers superstar Joel Embiid has been plotting on Rihanna since he entered the league. Rih turned the 7’2 baller down four years ago, telling him to get at her when he was an All Star. After making the All Star team this year, Embiid was asked if he would ask her out again. WOWWW @KristenLedlow asked Embiid about the tweet from 2014 when he asked out @rihanna and she told him to come back when he makes all-star team. Embiid makes all-star team today says nah he good “onto the next one.” — Rob Perez (@World_Wide_Wob) January 19, 2018 He curved her at the moment , but he’s clearly had a change of heart. Saturday, Joel threw up his boldest shot attempt to date, randomly tweeting, “Babe are you single or nah?” Babe are you single or nah? @rihanna — Joel Embiid (@JoelEmbiid) April 1, 2018
Source: Muslim Girl / Getty It’s April 1st, which means April Fools Day is upon us. A lot of companies have already begun setting up their pranks on social media, so before you find yourself becoming a victim of an online hoax, check out our list of corporate tricksters to watch out for. We give you the Chocolate Whopper. Coming soon. Maybe. — Burger King ZA (@BurgerKingZA) March 30, 2018 Sorry guys, there will be no Chocolate Whopper. Hit the flip for more corporate April Fools jokes.
Source: Muslim Girl / Getty It’s April 1st, which means April Fools Day is upon us. A lot of companies have already begun setting up their pranks on social media, so before you find yourself becoming a victim of an online hoax, check out our list of corporate tricksters to watch out for. We give you the Chocolate Whopper. Coming soon. Maybe. — Burger King ZA (@BurgerKingZA) March 30, 2018 Sorry guys, there will be no Chocolate Whopper. Hit the flip for more corporate April Fools jokes.
Tallia Storm is a Scottish singing scam that was put together by her parents…or her mother who was an egotistical PR chick who knew how to do low level internet marketing – and probably saw all these vine stars make millions of dollars and all these youtubers get TV show deals and saw all these tweeters on tweeter twitter get book deals and figured “I can make my daughter my portfolio piece”…and put her togeter, get her the press, and some singing lessons and convince her to go to events for the paparazzi with her tits out…because people like young tits… Here are those young tits, I support their marketing. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Tallia Storm Nipples of the Day appeared first on .
I am on trend. You know with it, current, a man who gets down with the times, who connects to the youth and what they are into, up on the social media, not getting scammed by interent scammers trying to install phishing software on my computer to steal everything like other old people…but doing the abbreviated words, the hashtags, all that other good stuff….like THROWBACK THURSDAY…. With some LOHAN tits, cuz it’s not a throwback when a Lohan is in it because she is everything, but I asssume it’s some old ass titties, not the new Muslim her with the ESL accent… Courtney Stodden is doing Melania Trump with her tits out – sounding like Lindsay Lohan’s new ESL accent….and I figure i should post it here… The post Lindsay Lohan in the Shower #TBT of the Day appeared first on .
White Supremacist Slits Good Samaritan’s Throats Two people are dead and one severely injured after a self-proclaimed white supremacist attacked them with a knife for defending two Muslim women he was screaming racial slurs at. The incident took place on a Portland, Oregon light-rail transit train. Daily Mail reports that Jeremy Joseph Christian was on the train Friday night, yelling out general slurs and white supremacist rants, before turning his attention to two Muslim women who boarded the train. One of the women was wearing a hijab. As he attacked the women with anti-Muslim slurs and threatening tirades , several passengers spoke up to defend them. Two men stepped in between Christian and the women. That’s when he pulled out a knife and began slashing at their throats. Eyewitnesses report that as he was stabbing the passengers, he declared “This is free America, I can do whatever I want.” One man died on the scene while the other passed away at the hospital. SMH! Of course, people are calling on Donald Trump to denounce the attack and give a statement of condolence to the victims. But seeing as how he couldn’t string two words together to denounce White Supremacists and the support he gets from them up to now, we won’t hold our breath on it. Creative Commons
A Modern Day Lynching? Washington Islamic Teen Found Hanging This kind of thing makes us really nervous. The family of a Washington State teen found hanging from a tree is looking for answers after the medical examiner changed the cause of death in the case from suicide to undetermined. 18-year-old Ben Keita went missing November 26, but his body was not found until January, hanging from a tree near his home in the Lake Stevens area, according to KIRO reports . Family members say Ben showed no signs of being suicidal. “Ben was very happy young man,” the teen’s father, Ibrahimi Keita. “He was already in the running start program going to Everett Community College. No history of depression or anxiety. any psychological breakdown at all whatsoever.” The medical examiner’s office says Keita’s cause of death was changed for two reasons; the rope Ben was hanged with was tied 50 feet high in the tree, and a K-9 search of the same area weeks was conducted several weeks earlier, with no sign of his body. The Washington Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations have asked the FBI to investigate the case. “We just want to make sure that the expertise, the experience and the human resources of the FBI are brought to make sure everything is comprehensively investigated, no stone is left unturned,” Washington CAIR executive director Arsalan Bukhari told KIRO. In a statement, the Seattle office of the FBI said it is “communicating with our police partners.” “We are aware of circumstances of the individual’s death and will review them with consideration of federal law,” read the statement. “If warranted, we may conduct further investigation. A review does not necessarily result in the opening of an investigation.” Lake Stevens police said in a statement Wednesday that the case remains open and they are awaiting results for the state crime lab in order to close the case. Center For American-Islamic Relations
Son Of Boxing Great Muhammad Ali Detained By Immigration Over Muslim Name This is some real bullisht here. If you’re not already disgusted by Trump’s #MuslimBan this should definitely help you put things into perspective. Earlier this month, on Febrauary 7, Muhammad Ali Jr., the son of boxing great Muhammad Ali, and is mother Khalilah Camacho-Ali who was the boxer’s second wife were returning to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport after visiting Jamaica for a Black History Month speaking engagement in Montego Bay when customs officials pulled them aside because of their “Arabic-sounding” names. USA Today reports that the officials let Camacho-Ali go after she showed them a photo of herself and her former husband, but family lawyer Chris Mancini says Ali Jr. was held for almost two hours and repeatedly asked questions about his name including: “Where did you get your name from?” and “Are you Muslim?” After Ali Jr. responded that he is a Muslim, he continued to be barraged with questions about his religion and place of birth — stupid because they had his U.S. passport which lists Philadelphia as his birthplace. “The line of questioning is indicative of profiling and designed to produce answers that corroborate what officials want to hear,” Mancini said. Neither Camacho-Ali nor Ali Jr. have ever been subjected to detainment before, despite extensive global travel experience, he said. “To the Ali family, it’s crystal clear that this is directly linked to Mr. Trump’s efforts to ban Muslims from the United States,” Mancini said, referring to President Trump’s executive order signed Jan. 27 that instituted a ban for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. Mancini said he and the Ali family are contemplating filing a federal lawsuit and are currently trying to find out how many other people have been subjected to the same treatment as Ali Jr. “Imagine walking into an airport and being asked about your religion,” he said. “This is classic customs profiling.” Just INSANE!!! The son of a national hero detained over his NAME! In AMERICA! The place of his birth! The saddest detail Mancini added to the story is how Ali Jr.’s mother desperately ran around the airport while he was detained asking “Where’s my son?” and begging for help but local police were unable to intervene. So upsetting. Can you even imagine? SplashNews
Son Of Boxing Great Muhammad Ali Detained By Immigration Over Muslim Name This is some real bullisht here. If you’re not already disgusted by Trump’s #MuslimBan this should definitely help you put things into perspective. Earlier this month, on Febrauary 7, Muhammad Ali Jr., the son of boxing great Muhammad Ali, and is mother Khalilah Camacho-Ali who was the boxer’s second wife were returning to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport after visiting Jamaica for a Black History Month speaking engagement in Montego Bay when customs officials pulled them aside because of their “Arabic-sounding” names. USA Today reports that the officials let Camacho-Ali go after she showed them a photo of herself and her former husband, but family lawyer Chris Mancini says Ali Jr. was held for almost two hours and repeatedly asked questions about his name including: “Where did you get your name from?” and “Are you Muslim?” After Ali Jr. responded that he is a Muslim, he continued to be barraged with questions about his religion and place of birth — stupid because they had his U.S. passport which lists Philadelphia as his birthplace. “The line of questioning is indicative of profiling and designed to produce answers that corroborate what officials want to hear,” Mancini said. Neither Camacho-Ali nor Ali Jr. have ever been subjected to detainment before, despite extensive global travel experience, he said. “To the Ali family, it’s crystal clear that this is directly linked to Mr. Trump’s efforts to ban Muslims from the United States,” Mancini said, referring to President Trump’s executive order signed Jan. 27 that instituted a ban for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. Mancini said he and the Ali family are contemplating filing a federal lawsuit and are currently trying to find out how many other people have been subjected to the same treatment as Ali Jr. “Imagine walking into an airport and being asked about your religion,” he said. “This is classic customs profiling.” Just INSANE!!! The son of a national hero detained over his NAME! In AMERICA! The place of his birth! The saddest detail Mancini added to the story is how Ali Jr.’s mother desperately ran around the airport while he was detained asking “Where’s my son?” and begging for help but local police were unable to intervene. So upsetting. Can you even imagine? SplashNews
At this point, it’s hard to be surprised by anything that Azealia Banks says, does, or tweets. Azealia feuds with just about everyone who crosses her path, especially those who dare to criticize President Donald Trump. Yes, for reasons that aren’t particularly clear (even/especially to her) Azealia is a yuuuuuge Trump supporter. In fact, she’s so hardcore in her beliefs that Banks went off on Rihanna last week for speaking out against Trump’s controversial Muslim ban. “This is all stupid and wrong. Is she even American??? Can she even vote???” Banks tweeted, and if she’d only squeezed in the words “cuck” and “snowflake,” she would’ve perfectly captured the tone of the typical irate Trump troll. Azealia is black, a woman, an artist, a young person, a supporter of the LGBTQ community, and (we’re just guessing, considering the way her career has kind of bottomed out) a non-millionaire – which makes her a member of half a dozen groups that aren’t particularly well-represented aboard the Trump Train. Of course, she also sacrifices chickens in her apartment as part of her witchcraft ceremonies, so pointing out inconsistencies in Azealia’s political ideology is a bit like calling Charles Manson crazy for pouring the milk in his bowl before the cereal. Azealia Banks Sacrifices Chickens, Posts the Bloody Aftermath on Snapchat Anyway, like her bestie Milo Yiannopolos, Banks was suspended from Twitter for doing what she does best (read: trolling the entire planet), but she’s back now, and it seems she’s already making up for lost time. This story comes to us courtesy of the Lana Del Rey fan page Planet Del Rey, which claims that Azealia has turned on her former friend Lana for jokingly (we think) threatening to take Trump down with witchcraft. Lana recently posted a tweet asking fans to find “ingredients” online and use them “at the stroke of midnight.” We’re old and easily confused by both hip young Millennials and social media, so we would’ve thought that Lana was organizing a good old-fashioned Meth cook-off. But the singer’s fans insist it was some sort of sly reference to bewitching the Donald, and apparently Azealia didn’t care for it one bit: “Leave that motherf-cker alone,” Banks allegedly tweeted. “You witches are only going to make Trump stronger. *rolls eye* hashtag. White girl magic.” She added: “No shade I will go toe to toe with these white witches because Hillary Clinton losing was a major loss for white feminism.” She later confirmed that she was referring to Lana in response to a fan’s query. The tweets appear to have been deleted, but as you can see, Planet Del Rey came equipped with receipts. We’d say this all seems a tad ludicrous, but this is Azealia Banks we’re talking about. The woman once started a feud with the entire country of Australia , seemingly just for her own amusement. Ya know, now that we think about it, we’re starting to understand her love of Trump …