You kinda have to love a bitch like Coco…and as much as I call her out for being a whore who Ice-T locked down in marriage cuz she was the hottest at the brothel…I have to appreciate that she has no problem tapping into that whore and showing the world half naked pictures of herself for a little attention…and maybe a little money…cuz her man makes enough money to support her in doing anything she wants….I mean she could nap all day, everyday and still drink dom perignon every night, but she chooses to be this half naked “model” and there’s something really comendable about that…. Here’s her amazing halloween costume…not on her body….but on twitter… To see her amazing costume on….follow the link below… To SEE the Rest of the Pictures of her In the Costume…. FOLLOW HIS LINK
I probably should have posted these pictures yesterday, but I’m a little lazy and I got all hot and bothered and distracted by those naked pictures of Rihanna that were floating around. Anyhow, here’s Selena Gomez at the premiere of The Thing in a nice little pair of classy short shorts and a wasted of a see through top. Seriously, a shirt under a see through top? What’s the point? At least her sexy legs are making ‘The Thing’ in my pants come to life. Ha! more pictures of Selena Gomez here
Chris Brown’s mother, Joyce spoke with Sister 2 Sister Magazine about her son’s leaked naked picture and ex-girlfriend Rihanna. Joyce said: “ As young people we do crazy things sometimes like, ‘What in the world?,’ but not never would he have…I…no, Chris’ personality [he] never would have sent something [like that].He felt kind of embarrassed, because I hit him [up] directly afterwards and he said, ‘Mom, I pretty much know who did it,’such and such and such and such, but it’s like, you don’t do that. People either want to make you look bad, or want a check. One or the other, so it’s like, you don’t do that. I guess it was somebody he probably had known for a while that may have been upset with him for a certain reason, maybe he doesn’t talk to them anymore.” Regarding Rihanna: “I think he really needs to talk about the situation in itself, what actually happened to Rihanna… so that he can get that out for himself.He has to learn to deal with it and go on with his life. This is something that happened; it was a huge mistake… it was not good at all. But he is still a human being and we all make mistakes and we live and we go on with it. But he has to own it, deal with it and move on with his life.” Breezy just celebrated a birthday ; the R&B singer turned 22! Chris Brown’s Mom Reminisces On Giving Birth Chris Brown, Keri Hilson & Lloyd Announced As First Perfomers At Birthday Bash 16 Chris Brown’s Mom Apologizes For Michael Jackson Comment Chris Brown “She Ain’t You” [MUSIC VIDEO] Chris Brown Makes A Birthday Resolution; Goes Blonde Again Chris Brown Nude Pics Leaked By Ex-Girlfriend Chris Brown Talks Twitter Hook Ups & Guilty Pleasures [EXCLUSIVE] Chris Brown Breaks Down “F.A.M.E.’s” Double Meaning [EXCLUSIVE] Chris Brown Calls The Durtty Boyz [EXCLUSIVE]
Nick Cannon is regretting taking naked pictures with his pregnant wife Mariah Carey. Though the artistic nude photos were meant to be reminders of Mariah’s pregnancy, Nick is having second thoughts about hanging them up in their house. “My children are going to have to see these pictures. It’s a little weird. It’s a little nasty. I mean, have you ever seen your parents naked?,” Cannon said on today his radio show, “Rollin’ with Nick Cannon.” “When they get older and their friends come over, they will see the pictures and say, ‘Your daddy’s butt naked.’ I don’t want my naked booty out there for everyone to see!” SOURCE Mariah Carey Tweets Pic Of Her Painted Pregnant Belly [PHOTO] Nick Cannon Gets Slimed At Nickelodeon’s 2011 Kids’ Choice Awards [PHOTOS]
I was kinda hoping we’d be done with pictures of Ashley Greene going to or coming from the gym in her pilates outfit, but it would seem that I’m mistaken. Here she is looking, well, looking like she always looks. I’m bored. I never thought I’d say that I’m bored looking at a hottie in leggings, but I am. All this hard work at the gym needs to be rewarded with a bikini getaway for Ashley and some of her hot lady friends, filled with pillow fights and leg wrestling I hope. I’ll keep you posted.
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It looks like it’s that time of year already, the time of year when all sorts of hotties come out with calendars filled with half naked pictures of themselves. Personally I think it’s a little early for this kind of thing, but I like half naked chicks. Here’s one featuring one of my all time favorites Cheryl Tweedy showing off her sexiness and a little of her trashiness with her stripper tattoos. I like it, but they should have made it a daily calendar. I need more pics.
I’m happy to report that Ashley Greene is Keeping herself nice and fit for me and my loyal readers. Here she is getting all hot and bothered after leaving the gym the other day in her sexy workout spandex. What do I have to do to get reincarnated as spandex? Is it just a matter of cutting a cheque or do I have to actually do something worthwhile for charity? Forget it, with my luck I’ll come back as spandex in some fat European dudes speedo. No thank you. more pictures of Ashley Greene here
Obviously you know by now that I’m not getting enough Ashley Greene in my life, which might explain why I post pictures of her practically every day, I do it in the hopes of getting a more evenly balanced hotties diet. Anyhow, here she is doing her sexy thing walking the streets yesterday, not walking the streets in the way that I might be able to buy her affection for about an hour and a half, but still looking hot as hell. Sweet.
Ashley Greene is one of my new favorite hotties, so even on the rare occasion where she’s dressed like it’s her “special” time of the month and she’s having a particularly heavy flow day, I’m still going to post pictures of her. In every relationship, even if it’s one sided and over the information super highway, there are going to be days where your true feelings for a woman are tested. Like when she slaps you in the sack for eating all the ice cream when all you were trying to do was save her ass from getting too large. This is one of those days. more pictures of Ashley Greene here
I thought that I might start to get a little sick of looking at pictures of Ashley Greene because she’s all over the place these days promoting her latest sensitive vampire movie… I’m not. Here she is in England giving me those bedroom eyes that make me feel all warm and fuzzy in my special places. I don’t know how she does it, but I think she’s getting even better looking. I love her.