Tag Archives: naked-pictures

Figure Skater Sasha Cohen Blurry Stripper Pics

It’s not every day I get pictures of an Olympic medalist working the stripper pole, but that’s exactly what’s happening in these shots. Here’s silver medal winning figure skater Sasha Cohen showing off her impressive stripper skills at one of those dance studio/gym where women can go to pretend they’re strippers and not just boring soccer moms. Unfortunately, Sasha’s technique is a little too fast, all I see is a blurry chick with what looks like a pretty tight body. Still hot.

Candace Bailey Sexy Little Bikini Pictures

Does anyone know who this Candace Bailey chick is and how can I get in touch with her? I’d like to ask her out on a date. Not a real date, I’m a blogger, but an internet date where we chat for hours on Twitter until she sends me naked pictures of herself and I fall asleep on the couch with a smile on my face. Any chick who likes to play that stupid velcro ball game and drink beers in her bikini is my kind of woman. Call me.

Candace Bailey Sexy Little Bikini Pictures

Does anyone know who this Candace Bailey chick is and how can I get in touch with her? I’d like to ask her out on a date. Not a real date, I’m a blogger, but an internet date where we chat for hours on Twitter until she sends me naked pictures of herself and I fall asleep on the couch with a smile on my face. Any chick who likes to play that stupid velcro ball game and drink beers in her bikini is my kind of woman. Call me.

Ashley Greene Gives Her Spandex A Workout

I know I say all the time how annoying it is that all I ever get of Ashley Greene are shots of her heading to or leaving the gym, but I haven’t really seen her in a while and I’ve missed these intimate moments. Alright so it’s only been a few days since I’ve last seen her, but the girl is hot and makes me fell special in my no-no spot so getting her walking around in her spandex is a nice little treat. You’re welcome.

Abigail Clancy’s Hot Little Package

Here’s a hottie we haven’t seen in a while, maybe her husband puts her away for the winter like a quality sports car, it’s Abigail Clancy showing off her high end chassis on the red carpet for something. I’ve always loved this woman, there’s just something about a hot blonde with a British accent that gets me all riled up in the pants. To be honest, there’s something about hot blondes with any kind of accent that gets me going. I don’t discriminate, if they’re going to wear tight outfits like this… We’re all good. Enjoy.

Arianny Celeste Topless Bikini Hotness

Here’s Arianny Celeste yet again showing up on the site with some awesome half naked pictures, the girl is on one hell of a roll right now. I mean come on, topless with some UFC gloves on covering the goods? That’s hot. I wouldn’t mind going a few rounds with this hot piece of ass, not in the UFC ring, those long legs could probably kick me pretty hard, but if she wants to meet me for some backyard baby pool and baby oil wrestling I’d be up for that. Twitter me.

Eliza Cummings Nude Photoshoot of the Day

I am not the kind of guy who’s into girls cumming…because it means they are having too much fun with me…and no girl…not even the most desperate should ever be that into letting me inside her…it makes me unable to enjoy myself…knowing she’s that crazy in her head…but I like the concept of a bitch cumming…maybe cuz I am convinced it is a myth…that it never happens…that it doesn’t fucking exist…or maybe cuz I know that when it does happen…the girl is likely doing it to herself…in her bath, shower, bed…and that’s hot….but not as hot as when they do it by getting naked and taking pictures for me to experience it with them…see cuz I’m a voyeur…but unfortunately the only naked pictures of bitches I get to see are models who do it for fashion and money…and I guess it’s not all bad…even if I prefer the homemade kind…cuz without them…I’d never know what hotness looks like unclothed…. Her name is Eliza Cummings…she’s naked for a fashion shoot….she’s an up and coming model…doing good to get noticed…here are the pics.

Go here to see the original:
Eliza Cummings Nude Photoshoot of the Day

Kate Upton – GQ’s Body Of The Year

It seems that GQ magazine has recently voted Kate Upton their ‘ Body Of The Year ‘, they obviously haven’t seen the photoshop work I did of my vacation to Cuba, but whatever. For a woman who just won ‘ Body Of The Year ‘, they sure manage to hide it well in these shots. The pictures we saw of her in her bikini/nun costume yesterday sure didn’t look like the body of the year to me. A little too soft around the edges if you ask me. I’m guessing some editor wanted an excuse to take her out to dinner on the company expense account. Well played.

Holly Peers’ Perfect Little Backside Shot

I thought I was done for the week and then this beauty fell into my lap. You’ve got to love the Twitter . Here’s Holly Peers in a behind the scenes backside shot posted on Twitter somewhere. I just love that there’s a place for women to post half naked pictures of themselves without any shame. That’s a booty I’d like to see under my christmas tree this year.

Kate Upton is Tobasco Sauce of the Day

I am going to assume Kate Upton dressed up like some Tobasco Sauce in honor of her dedication to the flavor enhancing sauce she loves on her Chili fries, as much as she loves on all her foods… Sure every shitty website out here is going to make this joke: “Kate Upton proving her Hotness” this halloween….because people aren’t original, in fact they are annoying in their similarities… While this shitty website is gonna say, she’s a fat chick in the making, no 18 year old should be stacked like that without serious repercussions that come in the form of late 20s obesisty…. Her ass will catch up to her tats….and in the meantime here she is covering up the only real thing she has going for her..

Continued here:
Kate Upton is Tobasco Sauce of the Day