Tag Archives: Naked

Olga De Mar Naked for Titty Magazine of the Day

Olga De Mar is pretty fucking amazing…. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of her, and didn’t bother looking to see if I’ve written about her being a nude Eastern European sex worker trying to get ahead and some of that A-List cock by being a hot bitch willing to get naked to get noticed…because I am sure I did….I probably also said Russian women have no souls…I am repetitive… Instead – I pulled her bio: Olga De Mar was born in Latvia and was involved in different kinds of sport from the young age, enrolled by her mother in fitness industry before taking an interest in modeling. After long years of traveling between Paris, Milan, London,NY and South Africa. She took a leap of faith and moved to Italy to model full-time. She worked with the best photographers and gained a lot of working experience, has been blessed to meet some very special and unique people who have helped her along the way and pushed her to be the best person she can be. Olga is full of energy in love with sport and in love with her job. Nice to have a little backstory for the nude tennis shoot, for a tennis fetishists like myself, with an amazingly hot blonde bitch just out there trying to make it as anything but a cam girl who pisses in a basement of a communist apartment building in her home town…. Living the dream….and I’m sure when looking like this…her life is pretty luxurious and filled with rich dudes. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Olga De Mar Naked for Titty Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Olga De Mar Naked for Titty Magazine of the Day

Lena Dunham Obesity Nudes of the Day

Dude… This is the second time the now man Lena Dunham has made me fucking gag with her smut that for some reason doesn’t get her deleted off social media for being offensive, pornographic and most importantly fucking DISGUSTING. I don’t know how some fat rich girl who journaled ended up being a celebrity in her own right, with an opinion people actual care to listen to or get inspired by, when everyone with a brain can just fuck see her for the fat chick she is…. I don’t know why people agreed to let the fat exhibitionist, who clearly is missing a few things beyond just her uterus…in terms of her mental capacity….the flasher who people cheer on who keeps flasing… But I do know that her fucking naked, on her show or in life now that there is no show, is fucking vile…and should not be celebrated, and should be covered up…we have standards to uphold and just because you can get naked, or don’t mind exploiting yourself, because you get off on it, since you don’t have to look at it, doesn’t mean it’s decent behavior… Everyone in the world has the capabilities of being naked, but not all of us do it because we know we are gross.. Not to mention, how is this any different than a dude pulling his dick out in a hotel room for people to see…is it cuz it’s for her followers, her self expression, I didn’t consent to this…so I call it rape. Not to mention she’s more man than woman, so this is clearly just an example of toxic masculinity trying to rape us all.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lena Dunham Obesity Nudes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lena Dunham Obesity Nudes of the Day

Rosamund Pike Says She Was Asked to Take Off Her Dress at Her Bond Audition

If they wanted to see her naked they had to hire her. And they did! … read more

Rosamund Pike Says She Was Asked to Take Off Her Dress at Her Bond Audition

#TBT to Mod Maven Julie Christie

Throw it back to this naked icon of the swingin’ sixties. … read more

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#TBT to Mod Maven Julie Christie

Girl Trying to Get Her Fuck On and Other Videos of the Day

Uncensored McDonald’s Fight – Tit Out Russian Babes in Snow Who’s Against Body Shaming? Another Drake Run Over Prank Monkey Steals Bike The post Girl Trying to Get Her Fuck On and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Girl Trying to Get Her Fuck On and Other Videos of the Day

Jenna Dewan is Naked of the Day

Recently divorced Jenna Dewan, a dancer who danced her way into Channing Tatum’s male stripper, rich as fuck thanks to Magic Mike heart, is out there naked, celebrating the women’s form, being empowered and feeling beautiful…because it garners attention and gets people talking to her, after so many years as identifying at a Tatum…this new scramble later in life to find herself and her own identity after setting with Tatum cuz it was easier than getting famous on her own…is hard…if you think getting naked is hard…knowing seeing her naked gets you hard. My Tatum story is pretty fucking simple…I met Channing’s old agent, who used to drop off scripts at his house, where Dewan and Tatum would answer the door fully naked cuz they were having a naked party and they’d try to get him naked with them…so naked is something they do publicly to begin with…and this is a natural progression to her skillset of being naked. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jenna Dewan is Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jenna Dewan is Naked of the Day

Two Old Perverts and Other Videos of the Day

Man Doesn’t Like the Naked Bikers Hood Hair Swing… Airline BEGGER Drunk Driver of the Day Horse Dancing Indian Fail Priest Loses Shit and Slaps Kid Apartment Sex Car Jackers in a Gun Fight The Troll of the Day

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Two Old Perverts and Other Videos of the Day

Maci Bookout Naked and Afraid Preview: Watch The Teen Mom OG Star Battle the Elements!

Several months ago, Teen Mom OG viewers started getting excited about reports that Maci Bookout shot an episode Naked and Afraid . But until Sunday night, we knew very little about Maci's experience on the show. Now, information is beginning to trickle in, and fans are more hyped than ever. We still don't where in the world Maci will be battling the elements, but we do know who she's partnered up with and — most importantly — when her episode will air. Check out the gallery below for the all the information on Maci's foray into the wilderness, as well as two exciting sneak peeks of her appearance on reality TV's most unforgiving series: 1. No Half Measures As we learned on the preview that aired during Sunday night’s Naked and Afraid: XL, Maci won’t be coddled just because of her celebity status. She totally stripped down, just like the show’s previous contestants, and you can expect she’ll be pushed to the point of severe dehydration, exhaustion and disease, like everyone else. Sounds awesome!! 2. Total Badass In Maci’s introductory clip, the mother of three describes herself as a badass – perhaps not what you’d expect given her MTV star pedigree. But, as Teen Mom OG fans know, she is no shrinking violet. Badass is a title she earned well before she embarked on her latest wilderness adventure. 3. First Look Last week, Maci took to Instagram to give several million of her closest fans their first glimpse of her episode. The show lives up to its title, clearly, and we’re just getting started. 4. Eeek, Indeed “Eeek! Everyone has been asking about my episode of Naked and Afraid,” Maci captioned the picture, and for good reason. What she’s going through is clearly one of the craziest ordeals in the world of reality TV. 5. Sneak Peek Tease “Watch the sneak peek inside the new episode of Naked and Afraid XL: All Stars this Sunday night at 10 p.m. on @discoverychannel,” Bookout added, and with obligatory anticipation, we have done just that. 6. It’s Finally Here Sunday night, the Discovery Channel dropped not one, but two preview clips from Maci’s episode. And so far fans are loving what they see … (we’re not just talking about her naked body, but that is most definitely on display). View Slideshow

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Maci Bookout Naked and Afraid Preview: Watch The Teen Mom OG Star Battle the Elements!

Olga de Mar Naked of the Day

Olga De Mar another naked instagram thot…who isn’t that famous on Instagram, but who trying to change that. This instagram nude shoot is for Playboy, because after Playboy made the brilliant decision to not do nudity, while the rest of the world got more nude, they decided to get girls desperate for attention who are already getting naked on instagram as their big tactic to win…weird right… I scanned this girl’s instagram, I’m not about to decide what she is about with any authority, I just know that she looks like her profile is a backpages account back when backpages existed, or maybe her profile on her escort agency site…which is pretty much what Instagram is for most girls seeking rich dudes to give them the good life… Her bio is: #modellife Which in and of itself is hilarious for anyone with big fake tits to say….but I guess escorts call themselves models as much as models call themselves models…plus if you’re an immigrant trying to come in and out of the USA, your profile can’t say “whore”…the don’t like letting whores in…even if the politicians like GETTING up in whores. Here is some of her “instagram goods”

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Olga de Mar Naked of the Day

Elsa Hosk Naked for Instagram of the Day

Elsa Hosk brought the instagram attention seeking instagram model hustle to her instagram feed today….fully naked… From my perspective, Elsa Hosk was a nude model before being a VS model, but it turns out her only real job was a VS model and getting nude was to solidify her position as a VS model, possibly created in their lab of genetic modifications, despite having a story of being a Swedish pro female basketball player, as if that exists… But girl knows how to get hits on the social media feed as a social media model, since all girls are social media models now, and the brands insist on social media numbers for bonuses to these girls, and since they work exclusively for the brand, so they don’t have to disclose everything they do is a paid add…SOLID scammin! Here she is for Harpers Bazaar And here are her tits covered in gliter The post Elsa Hosk Naked for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elsa Hosk Naked for Instagram of the Day