Tag Archives: nearly-drowning

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: The Starks Remember

In case you missed last week’s episode  (and avoided all forms of media for the past week), the big twist that shocked absolutely no one finally went down on Game of Thrones . Watch Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Online Yes, Jon Snow is alive and…not well exactly, but he’s doing alright for a guy who got stabbed a few dozen times and woke up to find that someone gave him a summer bob cut while he was out. The aftermath of the Lord Commander’s resurrection could’ve been a shark jump moment for the show, but creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff kept the tone sufficiently dark (What did Jon see while he was dead? “Nothing.”) while at the same time conveying the astonished joy of the moment. (It’s nice to see an emotion displayed at the Wall other than seething, bloodthirsty rage.) Hell, they even delivered a little comic relief with a well-timed dick joke. (This still Game of Thrones , after all.) All-in-all it was a deftly handled sequence following a “twist” so anti-climactic it was lampooned in an SNL sketch this week. As Jon readjusts to life among the living, Sam and Gilly are sailing the high seas in low fashion. Sam’s headed for the Citadel; Gilly (much to her surprise) is bound for his childhood home. An odd choice, considering everything we’ve heard about how terrible Sam’s upbringing was, but hey – at least his mom is nice? After that, we get to a scene that Thrones fans (or Throners, as we like to call them) have been awaiting since the R + L = J theory first started circulating around the nerdier corners of the web. View Slideshow: 8 Best Game of Thrones Season 6 Fan Theories! Unfortunately, like Bran in warg form, we get stopped short just as we’re about to learn the truth about what really happened to Ned Stark’s “kidnapped” sister Lyanna. Frustrating, yes, but at least there was a badass sword fight first. Speaking of throwback moments, remember when Daenerys noshed on that stallion’s heart in Season One? The most badass of the Dothraki widows does, but that doesn’t mean she’ll let the Khaleesi go! Instead, her storyline continues to inch forward at a glacial pace, as we cut to another casual demonstration of power from Varys, who uses his powers of persuasion to procure some information about the rebellion against Dany and her army. Meanwhile, Tyrion tells Missandei and Grey Worm, “The history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms,” but it’s also a history of power struggles that turn into badass battles, which seems to be what’s about to go down in Meereen. Back in King’s Landing, Qyburn is using Varys’ tactics (and a little help from the terrifying hulk that is the undead Ser Gregor) to gather the necessary information to justify “crushing the High Sparrow’s head like a grape.” (They’re a poetic lot, those Lannisters.) Elsewhere, King Tommen is taking a more direct approach by confronting the Sparrow – and succumbing to his weird, sanctimonious brand of intimidation. That’s followed by more of the ugly side of religion (Is there any other side in Westeros?), as Arya gets beaten into telling her life story – a scene that somewhat heavy-handedly underscores the fact that this episode is all about coming to grips with the past. We’ll let you come to your own conclusions about how doing so literally opens Arya’s eyes. After that, get more blasts from the Stark family’s past as Rickon and Osha resyrface in the most unfortunate of places. Sure, it’s Winterfell – but it’s now under control of the new acting Warden of the North, Ramsay Bolton. It’s doubtful, but hopefully he’ll show the boy more mercy than Jon showed Ollie (who totally had it coming) when he executes the lad   along with the rest of his attempted assassins. No surprise there – but we finally get a real Jon-related twist when he handed his cloak over to Dolorous Edd and resigned from the Night’s Watch. Phew. Yet another jam-packed episode with a sky-high body count. We’re still on the edge of our seats, but we can’t help but wonder how much longer can the show keep up this pace. Watch Game of Thrones online to try to make sense of everything that’s happened thus far in Season Six. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Gambling Odds: Wager on Who Will Win the Iron Throne!

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Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: The Starks Remember

Mother Nearly Lets Daughter Drown, Explains Why

A woman named Keri Morrison is coming under extreme fire for a viral video that depicts her 13-month old nearly drowning. While Morrison just sits nearby. But there's a lot more to this story than some critics may realize. In the two-minute piece of footage posted below, the little girl (named Julia) is trying to grab a sandal that has fallen into the pool. But she quickly falls in herself. Instead of rushing to the rescue of someone far too young to swim, however, Morrison sits idly by, even as Julia is clearly having difficulty staying afloat. It's disturbing to watch and many Internet users have pointed to the video as an example of horrific parenting. However, Keri and her husband lost their two-year old son (pictured above) in a drowning accident not very long ago, causing them to be extra vigilant when it comes to the training of their children. Asked to defend her actions in this case by Fox News, Keri pointed to that tragedy and explained why she let her daughter flounder for so long: “Because I know the alternative; my son is no longer with us because he didn't have these skills.” She added: “To me, I'm protecting her and that is what a mother is supposed to do: protect her. I feel like I failed my son and I'm not going to fail my daughters.” What do you think of this strategy? Is it understandable, given the Morrisons' background? Might it pay off down the line? Or are they walking a very dangerous line if they try this again?

See the rest here:
Mother Nearly Lets Daughter Drown, Explains Why

Snoop Dogg Arrested in Sweden, Accuses Cops of Racial Profiling

It’s official: Snoop Dogg likes police in Texas far more than police in Sweden. The rapper – who posed with a Texas State trooper in April – was arrested overseas on Saturday after Swedish authorities said the artist “seemed to be under the influence of narcotics” while inside a car that has been pulled over. Snoop Dogg Blasts Police for Racial Profiling The police confirm that Snoop Dogg took a urine test and claim the results will not be back for another two weeks. But Snoop quickly took to Instagram after the incident and made it clear he thinks the arrest was based on the color of his skin, not the contents of his blood stream. “What up, it’s Snoop Dogg,” the star says in the online video. “I know a lot of y’all are concerned about me. I made it through. They took me down there, made me pee in a cup, didn’t find s–t, no case, no nothing. But it’s better to be searched and not found with nothing than not to be searched at all. “F–k y’all.” The arrest took place in the town of Uppsala, shortly after Snoop played a concert there. Snoop Dogg has numerous drug arrests on his record and has never been shy about his affection for Mary Jane (below)… so it does seem hard to believe he’d deny drug use in this kind of adamant fashion if he wasn’t being truthful. Your move, Swedish police.

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Snoop Dogg Arrested in Sweden, Accuses Cops of Racial Profiling

Bobbi Kristina Brown Dead at 22; Daughter of Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown Passes Away

Bobbi Kristina Brown has passed away, months after nearly drowning in her bathtub and falling into a coma from which she never recovered. The only child of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown was 22. Bobbi died outside Atlanta in the hospice care facility where she has been residing since June 24, back when her loved ones decided to take her off all medication. As reported on numerous occasions, a specialist had told family members that there was no chance of recovery. Bobbi Kristina was discovered face down and unconscious in the tub January 31. How exactly she got to that tragic point remains in question. Her longtime boyfriend Nick Gordon is under investigation , reportedly, for his role in her drug overdose and subsequent near-drowning. Gordon is being sued for $40 million by her estate . Brown’s conservator, appointed by a judge, fired off some blistering court papers this week. According to the estate, Nick stole from Bobbi Kristina’s inheritance and abused her physically – possibly even on the morning of January 31. No one will accuse Gordon of being an upstanding guy, but he hasn’t been charged with a crime and whether he will be remains unclear. What is clear is that her family finally made the tough choice to move Bobbi Kristina to hospice care this week, placing her “in God’s hands.” A little while ago, nature took its sad course.

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Bobbi Kristina Brown Dead at 22; Daughter of Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown Passes Away