Tag Archives: new-regulations

Random Ridiculousness: Woman Drives Four Hours To Planned Parenthood After Being Shamed For Hickey By Doctor

Poor woman . Woman Shamed By Doctor For Hickey This is a damn shame in 2013. According to Raw Story A Texas woman who was shamed by her doctor for having a hickey and wanting birth control says she is now forced to drive four hours to a Planned Parenthood clinic for health care due to the state’s new anti-abortion laws. Athena Mason told KUT that her first visit to the doctor as a student at Texas A&M was awkward. “I had a hickey and the doctor was just like, you shouldn’t be doing that,” she recalled. “I’m like, ‘It’s a hickey, it’s nothing major.’ But I got a big lecture. [He said] my boyfriend was abusive and all of these things. And then I asked for birth control. I did not hear the end of that. So I said never mind, I’ll go somewhere else.” Mason started using the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan. But that facility is one of four women’s health service providers that closed in August after the state passed new regulations restricting abortions. So Mason now drives four hours to the Planned Parenthood clinic in Austin for health care. Since when do doctors give moral lectures to their patients? Actually the bigger issue may be the public health crisis some of these states are creating by closing affordable health care facilities. SMH.

Random Ridiculousness: Woman Drives Four Hours To Planned Parenthood After Being Shamed For Hickey By Doctor

Lui Tuck Yew Biography(Singapore)

Lui Tuck Yew adopted a conservative stance against the Singapore#39;s Internet community as he felt they were incapable of #39;self-regulation#39;. Singaporean netizens suggested Lui may have intentions implementing new regulations to curb local Internet content deemed hostile to his ruling party. * “Sadly, the Internet community here squandered an opportunity to show that it was capable of a higher degree of self-regulation.”, referring to online postings that suggest that member of parliament

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Lui Tuck Yew Biography(Singapore)

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The ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) Information, Communications and the Arts Minister Lui Tuck Yew has dismissed the concern of Singaporean voters over the fielding of one of the party’s young candidate as “noises”. The intended fielding of its youngest candidate Ms Tin Pei Ling, has generated a large outcry among Netizens with many questioning her ability and qualification to perform as a Member of Parliament (MP), if elected. Ms Tin Pei Ling, who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and less

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Weekday Vegetarian: Mushroom Dumplings in Vegetable Broth

Photo: Kelly Rossiter We’ve had some brutally cold weather over the past few days, enough so that I was cooking from my pantry rather than leaving the house. And when it’s that cold you really want something warming and comforting. Hauling stuff out of my refrigerator, I came up with enough ingredients to make mushroom dumplings. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Weekday Vegetarian: Mushroom Dumplings in Vegetable Broth

50,000 MW of Nation’s Dirtiest Coal Plants Could be Shut Down

Photo: Richard Harrison , Geograph, CC The EPA is planning on increasing the pollution controls on coal plants — a move that is being fought tooth and nail by industry and the politicians who support it. And they’re fighting for good reason: The new regulations, which, among other things, will clamp down on the amount of toxic pollution (sulfur dioxide, mercury, etc) coal plants can emit, will likely cause a massive wave of coal plant closures — or hefty, hefty fines — across the nation. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

50,000 MW of Nation’s Dirtiest Coal Plants Could be Shut Down