Tag Archives: north-atlantic

Would You Eat It???? McDonald’s To Debut McLobster Rolls This Summer

Yuck on yuck on yuck … McDonald’s Offering McLobster Rolls Now THAT is McNasty… Fox CT reports: McDonald’s announced a new addition to its menu for the summer at its New England locations. For a limited time beginning June 27, participating restaurants will sell a lobster roll made of 100 percent North Atlantic lobster and mayonnaise, layered on a bed lettuce, all piled into a home-style toasted role. The meal will sell for $7.99, and has just 290 calories. This is the first time in 10 years that New England-area McDonald’s restaurants have offered the seafood special.. “The return of the Lobster Roll is exciting because we have requests for it every summer. It’s a delicious sandwich and we are thrilled to offer this regional favorite at a great value,” says Nicole Garvey, a McDonald’s Boston region spokesperson. Would you eat a $7.99 lobster roll from McDonald’s????

Would You Eat It???? McDonald’s To Debut McLobster Rolls This Summer

Whale Explodes in Graphic Video: Watch at Your Own Risk!

A dead sperm whale literally exploded after it was pierced by a resident of Denmark’s Faroe Islands, in the North Atlantic, and it was all caught on video. Its innards blasting out sideways as if it were an enormous volcano, the footage is as incredible as it is graphic. Watch it at your own risk below! Sperm Whale Explodes The whale had already died of natural causes. This did not kill it. The fisherman above was reportedly tasked with cutting up the carcass to avoid further health risks, but struck a gas pocket through the whale’s blubber. Combustion of decomposing sea life has been reported before. Putrefying fish consumed by the marine mammal prior to its death likely created a buildup of gas, Science Channel biologist Adam Ruben explained. The network also says that dead whales have been known to emit methane and hydrogen sulphide, as well as ammonia. Call it what you want … wow. National Geographic reports that sperm whales are bigger than a school bus and can eat about a ton of fish and squid a day. That’s for one animal. They are listed as “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List Of Threatened Species, though they do not hunt whales on the Faroe Islands, where this took place. While commercial whaling has lessened, entanglement in fishing nets, collisions with ships and ingestion of marine debris are all significant threats.

See more here:
Whale Explodes in Graphic Video: Watch at Your Own Risk!

Iceland Porn Ban to Go Into Effect?

Horrible news today for all teenage boys in Iceland: the government of this North Atlantic nation is hoping to become the first county to actually ban pornography. The proposal by Interior Minister Ogmundur Jonasson has created quite the stor, but this official’s political adviser doesn’t understand why. Asks Halla Gunnarsdottir: “When a 12-year-old types ‘porn’ into Google, he or she is not going to find photos of naked women out on a country field, but very hardcore and brutal violence. There are laws in our society. Why should they not apply to the Internet?” Technically, it should be noted, pornography is already banned in Iceland. But it’s also undefined. So it has been impossible to enforce. But the idea of restricting websites? Of outlawing the ability to surf online for hardcore nudity and sexual situations? It has Internet-freedom advocates concerned. “This kind of thing does not work. It is technically impossible to do in a way that has the intended effect,” said Smari McCarthy of free-speech group the International Modern Media Institute. “And it has negative side effects – everything from slowing down the Internet to blocking content that is not meant to be blocked to just generally opening up a whole can of worms regarding human rights issues, access to information and freedom of expression.” What do you think, readers? Could you live in a nation without porn?

Read more from the original source:
Iceland Porn Ban to Go Into Effect?

Comet impact did not cause mammoths to die out, say scientists

Researchers have previously suggested that the last mass extinction of animals on Earth was triggered by a comet colliding with the planet and sparking a sudden drop in temperature around 13,000 years ago. This sudden change in climate, known as the Younger-Dryas climate reversal, saw many species of large mammals die out and also brought humans to the brink of extinction. But scientists now claim to have disproved the controversial theory after finding a key piece of evidence used to support the comet impact idea could have been created by a more mundane process. Another theory, which proposes that fresh water from a giant glacial lake glaciers poured into the North Atlantic, upsetting the ocean's currents which had helped keep most of the planet ice free, is now the most likely explaination for the shift in climate, which triggered the extinctions. Scientists first put forward the idea that a comet was behind the extinctions after tiny crystals of carbon, known as nanodiamonds, were found in 12,900 year old sediment layers. link:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/7981798/Comet-impact-did-not-cause-mammoths-to-die-out-say-scientists.html added by: Kristena

Seven American Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

Monday was the deadliest day so far in 2010 for U.S. troops in Afghanistan. According to the Los Angeles Times, five American soldiers died in a bombing in the east and two in the country’s southern region.