It is not a good day to be in the commercial business. First, this Swiffer ad was slammed for sexism. Then, these Happy Prostitute ads were pulled in Brazil. Now, Pamela Anderson has been deemed an insult to her gender in Great Britain… or at least a commercial that features the former Baywatch beauty. Pamela Anderson Ad: Sexist? The country’s Advertising Standards Authority stated in its ruling that the above ad for Dreamscape Networks includes a fantasy sequence that is far too offensive for the air. In a statement defending its prohibition, the ASA pointed to a bikini-clad Anderson and another model showing off their cleavage while dancing and being covered in cream. “Because of that, we considered the ad was likely to cause serious offence to some viewers on the basis that it was sexist and degrading to women.” Watch the spot and decide for yourself: Should the commercial have been yanked? Yes, it has no business on the air! I’ll need to watch it a few more times to decide View Poll »
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Pamela Anderson Ad Pulled in Great Britain, Deemed "Sexist, Degrading"