Via | HipHopDX Some notable names in music cracked the list. A few names in the music industry made their way onto the annual Forbes’Highest Paid Celebrities list for 2017. The Weeknd made this year’s list at number 6, bringing in around $92 million; due in large part to receiving a tour advance of $75 million. […]
Rita Slora had a train … on her feathery frock up at the 2013 MTV Music Awards, while Ciara also opted for feathers but without all the extras (aside from boo thang Future). If you had to choose, Who Looked More Bangin? Hit the flip for lots more flicks from the night.
Has the time finally arrived for Jay and Bey to welcome their new addition to the family?? St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital on the Upper West Side has been informed that an exceptionally high-profile patient will check in today to give birth. The hospital staff believes that the mom-to-be is none other than Beyoncé. Nurses shared with the site that while the identity of the patient has yet to be confirmed, whoever she is, she booked an entire half of the hospital’s “labor and delivery suite,” where Alicia Keys gave birth to baby Egypt. The suite is known for its luxurious accommodations and, according to Media Takeout, offers enough room for three deliveries and up to a dozen guests overnight. Simple math is further fueling the rumors that the famous patient is Beyoncé. In a scene on the superstar’s “Live at Roseland: Elements of 4″ DVD, Beyoncé says, “Hello! It’s September 23rd … Right now I’m actually shooting the video for ‘Countdown’ and I’m six months pregnant, pretending that my stomach is flat in body suits.” This means that Beyoncé rounded the nine months mark days ago. It’s been a long time coming word to Sam Cooke, but we sincerely hope that this baby is born healthy and without complication. Congrats to the happy couple! Countdown to the Knowles-Carter child begins NOW! Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?
We couldn’t make this isht up if we tried… Authorities say a Tampa Bay area man ordered a beer at a bar, left to rob a nearby bank then came back to finish his beer. The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office says 52-year-old John Robin Whittle was arrested at the Hayloft Bar in Port Richey on Thursday afternoon. Deputies say he’s the man who robbed a Wells-Fargo bank branch earlier, but not before stopping off at the Hayloft for a brew. A bartender there says Whittle ordered a beer, disappeared for about 30 minutes and then returned to his beer. Deputies say they arrested him at the bar about 10 minutes after he left the bank. Whittle remained in jail early Friday on $10,000 bond. No attorney was listed for him. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant…SMH Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?
Ladies, ever feel bored each Sunday while your man is glued to the TV watching grown men piled on top of each other? Well, now you have reasons to watch. Here are a few of the pigskin tossers that aren’t married and would turn you into instant football fans. Gives a new meaning to “Fantasy Football,” huh?
More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any
Won’t you be happy in a few more weeks when Beyonce finally has this baby (or pics her up from wherever you Anti-stans really think the baby’s coming from)?? Because at least then, we can start the countdown until every single Beyonce quote doesn’t involve the word “baby.” But since she’s still a mommy-to-be, Beyonce says she can’t even stop thinking about the baby long enough to get Hov a proper Christmas gift. So what IS she getting him? “I can’t say, it has to be a surprise! Seriously, though, we both keep seeing super-cute stuff for the baby, so I am sure even our presents for each other will involve the baby in some way!” Miss Knowles continued, “Also Kelly [Rowland] has been so busy buying gifts for the baby, I think she might forget to buy for me this year! She is always seeing cute gifts for the baby in London.” After opening up all of their bountiful gifts, Beyonce is all about relaxing with her loved ones, as she told, “I will be with family. We are both so busy throughout the year that Christmas is just a time to relax with family and count the many blessings in your life. Christmas Day is a no-TV zone. We just like to sit and talk together as a family.” Awwww!!! Can’t wait until this time next year when we’re posting pics of baby Jayonce Dereona Brooklyn Knowles-Carter spending her first Christmas with Mama Tina and the gang. Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?
Oh let’s doooo it! Police officials in Atlanta have secured an arrest warrant for the lead suspect in the shooting death of Waka Flocka affiliate Slim Dunkin. The warrant is for 28-year-old rapper Young Vito (real name, Vinson Hardimon) who police are now urging to turn himself in, since they believe that he might be in danger. “We are urging Mr. Hardimon to turn himself in to authorities because we have reason to believe he may be in danger,” Atlanta police said in a release. Slim Dunkin (born Mario Hamilton), a member of Waka Flocka’s Brick Squad Monopoly, was shot and killed last week following an altercation in an Atlanta recording studio that reportedly began over a piece of stolen candy. On Thursday night, Hamilton’s family and friends–including Waka and Wooh Da Kid–paid their respects at an open viewing on the city’s west side. Members of the Brick Squad Monopoly were joined Hamilton’s friends from other crews across the city. When news of the murder broke last weekend, a distraught Waka took to Twitter to share his grief with fans, writing, “WISH IT WAS ME … MY F—ING RIGHT HAND IS GONE,” and “IM LOST.” Hopefully Mr. Young Vito turns himself in before things get ugly out in the skreets… Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?