Tag Archives: sneaky-geniuses

Put On Blast: Ex-Kardashian Nanny Is Writing A Tell-All Book Talkin’ That Isht About How Much She Hated Kimmy And Kompany As Kids!!

The bitter ex-nanny is the LAST person you want writing a book about your dirty laundry… According to TMZ reports : The help is turning on the Kardashian clan … TMZ has learned a former family nanny is shopping a tell-all book about her time with the K-squad before they were famous … and it’s clear she HATED some of the kids. Sources tell us … the woman behind the book, Pam Behan, served as a nanny, personal assistant and cook for Bruce and Kris Jenner for years … and spent all sorts of time with the Kardashian girls AND the Jenner boys, Brody and Brandon. We’re told … in the book, Pam makes it clear — she couldn’t stand Bruce’s sons … calling the two kids, “extremely spoiled and disrespectful.” In the book, we’re told Pam also claims she almost lost her job after slapping Brandon one day. As for the Kardashians — we’re told Pam describes her relationship with Kris as a “love/hate” thing … but she seems fond of Bruce, claiming he helped her avoid prosecution when she was busted for DUI a while back. We’re told Pam also promises to reveal some “intimate details” about Kourtney and Kim — surprising, because we’re told the girls were very fond of her. Sources tell us the book has been pitched to several major literary agents — but it’s unclear if a deal has been struck. We don’t think that anything could be more “intimate” than Kimmy Cakes video sexcapade with Ray J, but we’d be lying if we said we weren’t interested in what this lady is gonna say. Should be pure comedy if nothing else… More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Put On Blast: Ex-Kardashian Nanny Is Writing A Tell-All Book Talkin’ That Isht About How Much She Hated Kimmy And Kompany As Kids!!

True Or False: Is Baby-Bump Bey-Bey Bound To Bust Out Her Gut Full Of Camel Sometime Today???

Has the time finally arrived for Jay and Bey to welcome their new addition to the family?? St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital on the Upper West Side has been informed that an exceptionally high-profile patient will check in today to give birth. The hospital staff believes that the mom-to-be is none other than Beyoncé. Nurses shared with the site that while the identity of the patient has yet to be confirmed, whoever she is, she booked an entire half of the hospital’s “labor and delivery suite,” where Alicia Keys gave birth to baby Egypt. The suite is known for its luxurious accommodations and, according to Media Takeout, offers enough room for three deliveries and up to a dozen guests overnight. Simple math is further fueling the rumors that the famous patient is Beyoncé. In a scene on the superstar’s “Live at Roseland: Elements of 4″ DVD, Beyoncé says, “Hello! It’s September 23rd … Right now I’m actually shooting the video for ‘Countdown’ and I’m six months pregnant, pretending that my stomach is flat in body suits.” This means that Beyoncé rounded the nine months mark days ago. It’s been a long time coming word to Sam Cooke, but we sincerely hope that this baby is born healthy and without complication. Congrats to the happy couple! Countdown to the Knowles-Carter child begins NOW! Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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True Or False: Is Baby-Bump Bey-Bey Bound To Bust Out Her Gut Full Of Camel Sometime Today???

Home For The Holidays, The Hollyweird Edition: Celebrities Cozy Up With Their Christmas Trees

Oh Christmas Tree! We’re pretty sure this isn’t the only tree Snoop will spend time with this holiday. In the spirit of the season we’re sharing a few snapshots of our favorite celebrities and their Christmas trees over the years. Keep clicking for a lil holiday cheer…

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Home For The Holidays, The Hollyweird Edition: Celebrities Cozy Up With Their Christmas Trees

Ninjas In Aspen: Mariah Carey Coupled Up With Goof Goon Troop Hubby Nick Cannon

It looks like Nick Cannon is spending the holiday the “ski mask way.” The comic actor was spotted with his superstar wife Mariah Carey on the “mean” streets of Aspen last night. Yeah great whatever, where are Dem Babies??? We wanna see Dem Babies! Fame Pictures More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Ninjas In Aspen: Mariah Carey Coupled Up With Goof Goon Troop Hubby Nick Cannon

Ya Big Dummy!!: You’ll Never Believe How A Glass Of Beer Helped To Catch A Bank Robber….

We couldn’t make this isht up if we tried… Authorities say a Tampa Bay area man ordered a beer at a bar, left to rob a nearby bank then came back to finish his beer. The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office says 52-year-old John Robin Whittle was arrested at the Hayloft Bar in Port Richey on Thursday afternoon. Deputies say he’s the man who robbed a Wells-Fargo bank branch earlier, but not before stopping off at the Hayloft for a brew. A bartender there says Whittle ordered a beer, disappeared for about 30 minutes and then returned to his beer. Deputies say they arrested him at the bar about 10 minutes after he left the bank. Whittle remained in jail early Friday on $10,000 bond. No attorney was listed for him. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant…SMH Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Ya Big Dummy!!: You’ll Never Believe How A Glass Of Beer Helped To Catch A Bank Robber….

Pure Ignorance!!: Air Jordan 11 Texas News Report “What If Ya Child Get AMMONIA?!!” [Video]

More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any

Pure Ignorance!!: Air Jordan 11 Texas News Report “What If Ya Child Get AMMONIA?!!” [Video]

Not YOU Again: 7 Celebs Who Can Make It Hard to Like Them

Everyone else loves them, but there’s something about these folks that rubs us the wrong way…

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Not YOU Again: 7 Celebs Who Can Make It Hard to Like Them

A Lil Positivity: Indonesian Girl Swept Away By Tsunami Reunites With Family… Seven Years Later!

Miracles really do happen… A young girl who was believed to have been killed by the 2004 tsunami that claimed thousands of lives reunited with her family in Indonesia this week. A girl who was swept away in the Indian Ocean tsunami seven years ago said Friday that she broke down in tears this week after tracking down her parents, who had long lost hope of finding her alive. Fifteen-year-old Wati showed up at a cafe in Meulaboh, a town in Aceh province, earlier this week saying that not long after the wave hit she was found and “adopted” by a woman who forced her to beg in the streets, sometimes until 1 a.m. When she stopped bringing in money, Wati was kicked out by the woman. She then set out to find her family, but had very little information to guide her — only the name of her grandfather, Ibrahim. AP Fifteen-year-old Wati, second right, poses for a photograph with her father Yusuf, right, Friday. Someone at the cafe tracked down a man by that name, and the man — unsure if it was actually his granddaughter — quickly summoned her parents. “When I saw my mother, I knew it was her. I just knew it,” said Wati, who was given that name by the woman who found her. Her original name is Meri Yuranda. The Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami that killed 230,000 people in a dozen nations hit Aceh — closest to the epicenter of the magnitude-9.1 quake that spawned waves 30 feet (10 meters) high — the hardest. With tens of thousands of bodies never recovered in the province, many people continue to cling to hope of finding lost loved ones, putting up fliers or ads in newspapers. Reunions, however, are extremely rare and, when they occur, rarely confirmed. Wati’s mother, Yusniar binti Ibrahim Nur, 35, said she did not need a DNA test to prove the girl was hers. “She has her father’s face,” she said, adding that she had stopped believing she would ever see her daughter again. “Then I saw the scar over her eye and mole on her hip, and I was even more sure.” Wati and her father had different accounts of what happened on the day of the tsunami. The girl says she remembers her father putting her into a boat with her sister, who is still missing and presumed dead. The father says that before the family was separated, he put both of his daughters on the roof of their house. What a heartwarming story. It’s such a shame that people are so foul sometimes, if she was able to find her family with that little bit of information just imagine if the woman who’d found her was more kindhearted — she could have been back home long ago! Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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A Lil Positivity: Indonesian Girl Swept Away By Tsunami Reunites With Family… Seven Years Later!

Atlanta Police Have An Arrest Warrant For Rapper Young Vito, Slim Dunkin’s Suspected Murderer, They Say His Life Is In Danger…

Oh let’s doooo it! Police officials in Atlanta have secured an arrest warrant for the lead suspect in the shooting death of Waka Flocka affiliate Slim Dunkin. The warrant is for 28-year-old rapper Young Vito (real name, Vinson Hardimon) who police are now urging to turn himself in, since they believe that he might be in danger. “We are urging Mr. Hardimon to turn himself in to authorities because we have reason to believe he may be in danger,” Atlanta police said in a release. Slim Dunkin (born Mario Hamilton), a member of Waka Flocka’s Brick Squad Monopoly, was shot and killed last week following an altercation in an Atlanta recording studio that reportedly began over a piece of stolen candy. On Thursday night, Hamilton’s family and friends–including Waka and Wooh Da Kid–paid their respects at an open viewing on the city’s west side. Members of the Brick Squad Monopoly were joined Hamilton’s friends from other crews across the city. When news of the murder broke last weekend, a distraught Waka took to Twitter to share his grief with fans, writing, “WISH IT WAS ME … MY F—ING RIGHT HAND IS GONE,” and “IM LOST.” Hopefully Mr. Young Vito turns himself in before things get ugly out in the skreets… Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Atlanta Police Have An Arrest Warrant For Rapper Young Vito, Slim Dunkin’s Suspected Murderer, They Say His Life Is In Danger…

Guess Which Baller’s Son Is A Lil B Devotee???

Basketball is cool and all but hip-hop might be a bigger factor for this celebrity seed. Hope Shaq likes Ellen Degeneres and wonton soup! His son Myles was spotted on a Christmas trip rockin’ a Lil B the Based God “Stay Based” tee. Shaq shopped with all six of his kids Myles, Taahirah, Shareef, Amirah, Shaqir, and Me’arah. Cute kids, and that lil one is soooo precious! Fame Pictures More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Guess Which Baller’s Son Is A Lil B Devotee???