Tag Archives: hottest-black

Mimi Boots Nikko To The Curb For Trying To Smash Karlie Redd! – Love & Hip Hop Atlanta [Video]

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Three’s G.O.O.D. Company: Guess Which Two Hollyweird Bangers Gave Yeezy Chop Down Action At The Same Damn Time?

Praise Yeezus! We’re not worthy. Kanye West has definitely blessed to have sinned with the best! Long before Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian came along, Yeezy was laying pipe amongst Hollyweird’s hottest black actresses, sometimes even taking on two at the same time. Any guesses which two beauties gave him the business after working together with the Chicago rapper? Hit the flip for the answer… Details Continue reading

Cake Model Turned Rapper: Shakur’s New Music Video “Play” Remix [Video]

You likey??? More On Bossip! Put On Blast: Amber Rose’s Former Publicist Goes H.A.M. On Twitter! Says She And Yeezy Broke Up Cuz She’s A Lyin’ Thievin’ A$$ Beyotch!!! X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them? Part 4 “The Money Shot” Woosah, Woosah: Do You Live In One Of The 10 Most Stressful Cities In America? More To Love: A Gallery Of Plus-Sized Women Making It Rain…Who Would You Wife?

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Cake Model Turned Rapper: Shakur’s New Music Video “Play” Remix [Video]

On The Come Up: Vanessa Bryant Strikes Gold In Divorce Settlement! But Did She Get As Much As You Thought She Would?

Does Vanessa get inducted into the ex-wife Hall of Fame for divorce settlements?? Not quite, but she still scored BIG! According to TMZ reports : Kobe Bryant’s wife Vanessa is the big winner in their divorce property settlement … TMZ has learned. Sources connected to the couple and with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ … the property settlement agreement is signed, sealed and delivered — a done deal. Vanessa is walking away with $75 million, which we’re told represents close to half of their total assets, estimated at around $150 million. TMZ previously reported several transfers of property earlier this year between Kobe and Vanessa. It turns out, based on the property settlement, Vanessa scored a clean sweep, snagging ALL THREE of the former couple’s mansions in the Newport Beach area. Vanessa gets the estate the couple was living in, the estate her mom is living in, and she gets the new estate that had been under construction for 2 years and was just completed. We were told Kobe was moving into the new estate, but that’s not true. It’s Vanessa’s crib, lock stock and barrel. Vanessa just scored 3 … where it counts. We’re sure Vanessa is overjoyed with her new-found riches however… “Beyotch you wasn’t with him shootin’ in the GYM!!” Hate it or love it??? More On Bossip! Get Your Life Together: 10 Classic Junk Food Snacks That Will Turn You Into A Paula Deen Chubby-Lumpkins Visitation Hours: Famous Dads That Are Always With Their Kids Even Though It Didn’t Work Out With Mommy X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them? Part 3! Beautifully Coupled Up: Look At This Atlanta Falcons Player And His Boo’s Engagement Pics

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On The Come Up: Vanessa Bryant Strikes Gold In Divorce Settlement! But Did She Get As Much As You Thought She Would?

Visitation Hours: Famous Dads That Are Always With Their Kids Even Though It Didn’t Work Out With Mommy

These dads are trying to make it work. While Bey and Hov are popping out a bundle of happiness, these relationships didn’t quite work out. However, the men were trying to still spend time with their chirren. Clap for em.

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Visitation Hours: Famous Dads That Are Always With Their Kids Even Though It Didn’t Work Out With Mommy

Dry Snitch: Rick Santorum Confirms U.S. Operation To Kill Iranian And Nuclear Scientist! [Video]

SMH… More On Bossip! X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them? Part 2! Ballerific Cribs: Check Out Some Of The Luxurious Abodes Of NFL’s Finest [Photos] More Love: The Beautiful Cakes Of Women We’d Like To See In Future Episodes Of Love & Hip-Hop Celebrity Kush Chronicles: Rih-Rih And Her Hedonistic Streetwalker Steez Go For A Stroll While She Sparks MORE Yahmean!

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Dry Snitch: Rick Santorum Confirms U.S. Operation To Kill Iranian And Nuclear Scientist! [Video]

Jesus Take The Multiple Desserts: The Super Chubby Lumpkins Swirlin’ Jawn Says She Smoked Crack To Lose Weight After Her Black Mandingo Left Her Lonely!!

Hold up, waaaaaaaait!! For years, the 44-year-old mother of two was a star in the fantasy fetish community that worshipped the overweight and the feeding that led to it. Simpson had a website where men paid $19 a month to watch her eat. She flew around the world for various events. And she became famous in the British papers. But as the year winds to a close, Simpson has moved on. She left New Jersey earlier this year after her romantic relationship with a man ended and returned to her hometown of Akron. She has turned away from the fantasy world, replacing her pre-recorded videos of her with a blog about her journey to health. She already has lost about 85 pounds, and she hopes to join a gym soon to begin walking in a pool. She has modified her eating, as well. “I realized that I was their fantasy,” she said. “Here I was getting bigger and bigger, and they had their thin wives, with 2 1/2 kids and a picket fence.” Being that she is 600 lbs. Simpson doesn’t believe that she will ever be a Victoria’s Secret model, but she did go through some pretty dramatic model-esque lengths to lose weight… “I’m not trying to be a size 4,” she said. “I’m not trying to be a thin-mint. I just want to be normal and more active.” She has struggled to lose weight for years. She weighed about 200 pounds when she attended Springfield High School in Summit County. Simpson often ate an apple a day along with a weight-loss drink. She said she even smoked crack cocaine for a few months several years ago in an attempt to shed pounds, though she says she didn’t become addicted. “All it did was make me clean my house really, really fast,” she said. LMMFAO!! Who the hell says: “To hell with Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, pass me the pipe and a couple rocks!”??? Fellas, would ANY of you hit this??? Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Jesus Take The Multiple Desserts: The Super Chubby Lumpkins Swirlin’ Jawn Says She Smoked Crack To Lose Weight After Her Black Mandingo Left Her Lonely!!

Let’s Mix It Up! 2011′s Hottest Swirly Hook Ups Of The Year

Hey, despite his shoutouts to the Olsen twins, Kanye’s not exactly a maverick in this department. It’s not the 1950′s anymore and 2011 saw a whole lot of love across the races, so with the end drawing near, lets have a look at some of the hottest swirl hookups from the last 365 days.

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Let’s Mix It Up! 2011′s Hottest Swirly Hook Ups Of The Year

ChitChatter: Don Cheadle Talks About What It Takes For A Black Man To Win An Oscar And How Obama Just Wasn’t Gangsta Enough With Jet Magazine

Kudos to the folks over at JET for one of the best cover stories we’ve read in a minute! Don Cheadle is the mag’s front man this time around and he shows his funny side in the feature, probably a good idea since he’s preparing to premiere his new Showtime series “House Of Lies” very soon. He executive produces and stars in the show about a greedy management consultant who has a cross-dressing son and a father who lives with him. Check out a few of our favorite excerpts from the story below: On His Resemblance To Conrade Murray: “(Conrad Murray) is actually my passion project. You hit it! I want to play Conrad Murray, but I want to do him in drag and somewhat mentally disabled because that’s what will get me my Oscar. Oh wait, for Black people you have to be like a prostitute or a gangster. I’ll do him as a prostitute and I’ll definitely get that Oscar!” On His 20 Year Relationship with Bridgid Coulter (the couple has 2 daughters, Ayana, 17 and Imani, 15): “We were married in a pagan ritual,” jokes Cheadle. “No it just wasn’t planned. Our first daughter wasn’t planned and it just happened. So we were like, we’re together. Are we supposed to get married now? After 20 years, I guess we could. It’s just never been a priority.” On Not Being Hollywood: “It’s not me,” says Cheadle. “If I suddenly became ‘that guy,’ it would seem ridiculous. I’ll kill a hooker or something, or get into a bar fight with Jamie Foxx. I dunno!” On Obama: “I think he inherited an impossible situation. I wish he had not been so much of a consensus-seeker. I just wanted to see a more ‘gangsta’ president. Good stuff right?!? Pick up the issue! More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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ChitChatter: Don Cheadle Talks About What It Takes For A Black Man To Win An Oscar And How Obama Just Wasn’t Gangsta Enough With Jet Magazine

New Video: Verse Simmonds “I Wanna See You” Ft. Diamond As His Leading Lady!

Verse got another one! And this time he’s got Diamond flashing her cakes for the camera. How does Diamond rate as a leading lady? Regardless…this song is kinda jammin though. This is the latest cut off Verse’s “The S__tape Chronicles 2″ mixtape. Follow him @VerseSimmonds on Twitter. More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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New Video: Verse Simmonds “I Wanna See You” Ft. Diamond As His Leading Lady!