Tag Archives: occupy

Video: Occupy Pittsburgh ‘Flash Mob’ Storms Target


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Facing a Sunday deadline to vacate their encampment, Occupy Pittsburgh demonstrators nevertheless stormed a local Target retail store Saturday in protest of the company’s hiring practices. Protesters in the “flash mob” chanted and marched inside the store for about 10 minutes before dispersing,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 11/12/2011 05:29 Number of articles : 2

Video: Occupy Pittsburgh ‘Flash Mob’ Storms Target

Real OWS Protesters Shut Down ‘Law & Order’ Filming Scene at…Fake Encampment


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About 100 Occupy Wall Street protesters shut down production of an episode of “Law & Order: SVU” after they swarmed a park that… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 09/12/2011 11:08 Number of articles : 2

Real OWS Protesters Shut Down ‘Law & Order’ Filming Scene at…Fake Encampment

‘Inhuman Microphone’ App Circumvents Occupy Wall Street’s Megaphone Ban


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That funny little human mic system used by Occupy to transmit a speaker’s message, phrase by phrase, to a crowd? There’s an app for that now. Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Epicenter Discovery Date : 05/12/2011 19:37 Number of articles : 2

‘Inhuman Microphone’ App Circumvents Occupy Wall Street’s Megaphone Ban

Adam Carolla Slams Occupy Wall Street Protestors as Envious "A–holes"

We’re anxious to see what Priscilla Grim has to say about this… In a podcast recorded in October, but first making its way around the Internet now, Adam Carolla lays into the Occupy Wall Street movement. “We are now dealing with the first wave of participation trophy, my-own-fecal-matter-doesn’t-stink, empowered… everybody’s a winner, there are no losers – we are dealing with the first wave of those f*-cking a–holes,” Carolla says of those who have rallied against income inequality in America over the last couple months. “They haven’t been prepared for life.” Adam Carolla Goes Off on Occupy Wall Street Carolla believes most of the protestors are full of “envy and shame” because they can’t get a job, adding: “It used to be, back in the day, father’d be walking his son down the sidewalk and you’d see a guy go by in a Rolls Royce and the father would say, ‘There goes Mr. Jenkins. Look up to him. That guy works hard. That guy built a company… “But what do we do now? Now it’s like, ‘Oh! Look at him. Does he need that car? Why does he need that car? I’m driving a f-ckin Chevette. Why does he get to drive that f-ckin car? Let’s go and throw a f-ckin rock at it.’ That’s not going to help you get out of the Chevette, douche. Get the f-ck to work.” Conversely, Miley released a video last month that gave props to those behind the cause. Where do you stand on Occupy Wall Street?

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Adam Carolla Slams Occupy Wall Street Protestors as Envious "A–holes"

Where Occupy Wall Street Stands Now (Video)


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No bikes allowed in Zuccotti (Photo via AnimalNY) Has the Occupy Wall Street movement fizzled out? Certainly the stories have moved: While Philadelphia and Los Angeles have handed their Occupiers eviction notices (but haven’t moved them out yet), and some protesters have moved down to Miami for Art Basel, we notice that it’s been awfully silent over at Zuccotti Park recently. A lot of people are speculating… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The New York Observer Discovery Date : 29/11/2011 19:20 Number of articles : 2

Where Occupy Wall Street Stands Now (Video)

Deepak Chopra speak at OccupyLA 11 25 11 5 55pm

“This movement in Unstoppable!” Deepak shares ideas and inspiration with Occupy LA on the eve of Thanksgiving, Thanking occupiers, and invoking the spirit of 100% – Occupy Yourself, this is LOVE IN ACTION. http://www.youtube.com/v/QipXfyy_r3I?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more: Deepak Chopra speak at OccupyLA 11 25 11 5 55pm


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Deepak Chopra speak at OccupyLA 11 25 11 5 55pm

THG Presents: The 10 Biggest Turkeys of 2011!

Happy Thanksgiving to all from The Hollywood Gossip! What would this holiday be without family, food, football and reflection upon the things we appreciate most … in the case of THG, that means some of the turkeys we have had the privilege, the honor and the burden of covering in the past year. We are talking some fowl individuals here … real bird brains. Without further ado, THG’s Top 10 Turkeys of 2011 … Who will win the 5th Annual Spencer Pratt Thanksgiving Turkey Award!? 10. President Obama and GOP presidential candidates (tie) . On a day when we share the blessings this nation has provided us, we’ll also share the blame for a polarized electorate and a federal government destined for perennial gridlock. 9. Taylor Armstrong. Refining shamelessness, one episode at a time. 8. Gloria Allred. Loudmouth lawyer for accusers in seemingly every random celebrity scandal always wants to talk turkey … and gobble up publicity. 7. Dr. Conrad Murray: He killed Michael Jackson, people. Michael Jackson. 6. Snooki. Effing Snooki. If you know who she is, we don’t need to explain. 5. NBA Players . The only segment of the 1% that elects not to work. Idiots. 4. Kris Jenner. Call her an entertainment mogul. Call her a mom-ager. Call her a she-pimp for her own evil spawn. By any name, she’s an embarrassment. 3. Charlie Sheen . Always one to ruffle feathers, the Two and a Half Men star went off the rails, lost his job, then lost his freaking mind! Through it all, he raked in the cash money, riding the gravy train and lughing all the way to the bank. God Bless America. 2. Lindsay Lohan. Year after year, this girl gets into legal jams like it’s her job. What is her job, come to think of it? We forgot. All we know is that anyone else with a rap sheet that lengthy would be getting a good stuffing today … IN JAIL!! 1. Ashton Kutcher. Sheen’s replacement proved to be half a man at best, cheating on Demi Moore with assorted skanks, blaming gossip blogs, Tweeting a defense of Joe Paterno and personifying the term douche, which is like a 2011 version of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at THG!!!!

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THG Presents: The 10 Biggest Turkeys of 2011!

Miley Cyrus Stands Up Occupy Wall Street in New Video

Miley Cyrus turned 19 yesterday, and celebrated the occasion by taking on a very adult cause. Two weeks after taking on critics who mocked her weight gain , the singer/actress has placed herself in the middle of Occupy Wall Street – the global protests in which the self-proclaimed 99%, who feel as if the rules favor the rich, have tried to make their voices known – by releasing a new video. The following three-minute clip went viral last night, as Miley’s “Liberty Walk” is played over shots from the movement, all preceded by the words: This is dedicated to the thousands of people who are standing up for what they believe in. Miley Cyrus Defends Occupy Wall Street Miley is not the first celebrity to get involved in this cause. Jay Z got in trouble this month for releasing shirts that urged protestors to ” Occupy All Streets .” WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MILEY’S STATEMENT?

Miley Cyrus Stands Up Occupy Wall Street in New Video

UC Davis student claims he was forced to open mouth, receive pepper spray down throat from police


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[Video Link.] From N.A.: Full credit goes to “brwnjeanette” at Ustream and the Occupy UC Davis channel she setup and broadcasted during the moving silent walk of shame/protest of Chancellor Katehi on Saturday, November 19, 2011. She obtained this interview with Willee Roberts, who deserves even more credit for taking a nonviolent, powerful stance against Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Boing Boing Discovery Date : 20/11/2011 07:28 Number of articles : 2

UC Davis student claims he was forced to open mouth, receive pepper spray down throat from police

Newt Gingrich Offers Advice to #OWS Goons: “Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath” (Video)


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Newt Gingrich had a few words of advice for the Occupy Wall Street squatters tonight at the GOP Thanksgiving Family Forum in Des Moines. “Go get a job, right after you take a bath.” Newt Gingrich offers advice to the … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 19/11/2011 23:51 Number of articles : 2

Newt Gingrich Offers Advice to #OWS Goons: “Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath” (Video)