Tag Archives: olympic-park

All The Road Closures In Atlanta During Super Bowl Week

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Source: Matthew Borkoski Photography / Getty There will be street closing throughout the city for the entire week of the Super Bowl. Some will even start as early as Monday January 21st and end February 8th. Check out all the city street closings below… 1. Super Bowl Campus Starting Monday, January 21 through Friday, February 8 Baker St. NW will be closed between Centennial Olympic Park Dr. NW and Luckie St. NW. Starting Monday, January 21 through Thursday, February 7 Mitchell St. SW will be closed between MLK Jr. Dr. SW (South) to Elliot St SW. Mangum St. will be closed between Markham St to Foundry St. MLK Jr. Dr. SW (South) will be closed between Northside Dr. NW to Centennial Olympic Park Dr NW Starting Wednesday, January 23 through Thursday, February 7 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW will be closed between Marietta St. NW and Centennial Olympic Park Dr. NW. 2. NFL Honors Starting at 1 AM on Friday, February 1 through 5 PM on Sunday, February 3 Peachtree St. between Ponce De Leon Avenue and 3rd Street There will be a full closure of Ponce De Leon Avenue and 3rd Street between West Peachtree and Peachtree 3. Super Bowl LIII: Gameday Closures Starting the Evening of Saturday, February 2 through morning of Monday, February 4 Northside Dr. NW will be closed between Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd NW and MLK Jr. Dr. SW (South) CLICK HERE FOR MAPS

All The Road Closures In Atlanta During Super Bowl Week

Local News: Nationwide Protest For The Impeachment Of President Trump+ 4th of July Celebration At Centennial Olympic Park

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Protest for the impeachment of President Trump Thousands of people in Atlanta and around the country help protests on July 2, 2017 calling for the impeachment of President Trump.  Many of them are upset over cuts to Medicaid and The Republican Healthcare Plan.   Centennial Olympic Park 4th of July celebration More police will patrol […]

Local News: Nationwide Protest For The Impeachment Of President Trump+ 4th of July Celebration At Centennial Olympic Park

PRESS PLAY: Beyonce Debuts Song For ‘Epic’ + 5 Other Great Animated Soundtrack Jams

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I’ve been underwhelmed by Beyonce‘s latest music releases. Her highly anticipated song “Grown Woman” wasn’t quite what I was hoping for from the “Mrs. Carter”…

PRESS PLAY: Beyonce Debuts Song For ‘Epic’ + 5 Other Great Animated Soundtrack Jams

Birthday Bash 18 Block Party! [EVENT]

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Hot 107.9 is bringing back the Birthday Bash Block Party, and this year we’re doing it big at Centennial Olympic Park! This FREE show will…

Birthday Bash 18 Block Party! [EVENT]

Dramatic Arctic Aerial Photography Hints at a Grim Future (Slideshow)

Image credit: Florian Schulz For nearly a decade, Florian Schulz has traveled the Arctic, documenting the region’s scenery and wildlife. During this time, he has logged hundreds of hours in the air to compile an extensive collection of Arctic aerial photography—and the results are stunning. But these photographs, largely, hide a darker truth: that this region is in peril, threatened by expanding energy development.

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Dramatic Arctic Aerial Photography Hints at a Grim Future (Slideshow)

Pop-Up Restaurants Popping Up All Over

Most hot restaurants follow the same trajectory: Big investment, smash opening with celebrities and hoi-polloi, then the Yogi Berra phase , where “nobody goes there any more, it’s too crowded”, then decline and close. One way to avoid this waste, and to take advantage of the patio season, is the “pop-up”, the temporary restaurant that is built on the cheap and only operates for a short time. Perhaps the most interesting of this year’s crop from a TreeHugger point of view is Studio East Dining in East London, overlooking the Olympic Park and d… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Pop-Up Restaurants Popping Up All Over