Tag Archives: online-dating

Online Dating Story of the Day

I know without online dating, most of you wouldn’t ever get laid, married or live the normal life…and really online dating is not as out of control as it used to be, because normal girls use the internet now….cuz back when I used to fuck girls off the intenet, before settling down, back when the internet was a crazy fucking place, meeting the girls was always scary as fuck cuz you didn’t know if you’d show up and get gang rape by a bunch of computer nerds, mugged and when you got stuck with a fat one, you’d suck it up and take a blowjob to avoid awkwardness, since you weren’t meeting to get to know each other, you already did it in chat….sometimes there were hot ones, other times you had to focus on one thing about them that could get you hard and in the end, it was kinda exciting….but now the internet is filled with normal people and finding the freaks takes work….. Either way, I’m not sure if the moral of the story is to be careful who you date online, or if you should just not keep any valuables around them, or if you should just avoid the black ones….either way, funny story….

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Online Dating Story of the Day

Hayden Panettiere Picture of the Day

Here’s a little advice that comes direct from the editor’s desk at Elle for the trannies, the fat chicks and the ugly chicks who are using online dating sites to lure new unsuspecting cock.

See more here:
Hayden Panettiere Picture of the Day

Conde Nast’s Dating Site, Featuring Si Newhouse’s "Profile"

Conde Nast ‘s having survival issues . Not to worry. Despite shuttering Gourmet and clearing out all the Orangina, Si’s got a brand new bag: a Conde Nast dating site

See original here:
Conde Nast’s Dating Site, Featuring Si Newhouse’s "Profile"

Featured Gold Star Posts – Tuesday, September 15, 2009.

Here’s some recent posts and contributions that have received gold stars from our editors. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

One Year After Hurricane Ike

Link: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009… Here are a series of before-and-after pictures from Galveston, Texas.

Read more here:
One Year After Hurricane Ike


The OkCupid blog collects information from 500,000 first contact messages, showing which words and phrases received the most positive responses (or any response at all.) Ladies and gentlemen, according to their findings, here is the perfect first contact: “How's it going?

View original post here:

Promote your Group!

So, you've created a group–now what? A lot of people have been wondering how to let people know about the awesome group they've created. We're working on some more ways for people to discover groups, but we also wanted to have a place for people to promote their group! So–what's your group

Read the original here:
Promote your Group!

A case on the Canadian Health System

As noted in earlier installments, Canadians both love, and love to complain, about their health care system.

See the article here:
A case on the Canadian Health System

Love in the Time of Layoffs

How do we pick ourselves off the floor when the usual pick-me-ups we rely on aren't financially feasible? “So is it worse now? It may be—the usual strategies for picking yourself up off the floor might not be so relevant.

Go here to see the original:
Love in the Time of Layoffs