Tag Archives: other-reactions

Privilege Beats Pudding: Sexual Assault Charge Against Harvey Weinstein Dismissed

Photo by Steven Hirsch-Pool/Getty Images Harvey Weinstein had a little bit of a luck and a lot of White privilege on his side Thursday morning when a New York judge dismissed one of the six sex assault charges against him. BBC reports: Prosecutors said actress Lucia Evans had given a witness a different version of the alleged sex assault from the one she had given them. Ms. Evans has told US media that Mr Weinstein forced her to perform oral sex on him in 2004. Five charges involving alleged sex assaults on two women remain. Mr Weinstein has denied all the charges. Mr Weinstein’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, said he would seek to have the remaining charges dismissed as well. The Hollywood producer is having a much different outcome than fellow sexual assaulter Bill Cosby . Prosecutor drops some criminal charges against Harvey Weinstein https://t.co/5c6NCNwPj4 pic.twitter.com/rLSZ4tsObx — The Hill (@thehill) October 11, 2018 Wonder why that could be?

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Privilege Beats Pudding: Sexual Assault Charge Against Harvey Weinstein Dismissed

Daddy’s Boy: Kanye West Called Donald Trump A Father Figure And Got Dragged Back To His Crashed Lexus

Image via Oliver Contreras – Pool/Getty Images Kanye West Calls Donald Trump A Father Figure In Oval Office Meeting Kanye West’s father is alive and well. In fact, Kanye was JUST with his father celebrating his victorious battle with cancer. On October 2, Kanye tweeted out a photo of a plate of bugs with the caption: My dad and I are going to eat this plate of bugs to celebrate him beating cancer. No more fear However, none of that stopped Kanye from calling Donald Trump his “father figure” just moments ago while sitting in the Oval Office spouting off some manic gibberish about America. “I love Hillary. I love everyone, but the campaign ‘I’m with her’ just didn’t make me feel — as a guy … it was something about this hat that made me feel like Superman,” famed musician Kanye West said of his MAGA hat while discussing masculinity, the economy and his brand pic.twitter.com/T06Z5tOSIU — POLITICO (@politico) October 11, 2018 The slander is rapidly building to a category 5… Kanye is that one black friend every racist white person talks about. — Samuel Sinyangwe (@samswey) October 11, 2018 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Flip the page to see some other reactions to Kanye’s d**khead diatribe.

Read the original here:
Daddy’s Boy: Kanye West Called Donald Trump A Father Figure And Got Dragged Back To His Crashed Lexus

9 First Impressions of David Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

The notorious embargo on David Fincher’s adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo has officially been lifted, and thus you can expect a frenzied film-culture commentariat to weigh in with raves, rumblings and other reactions all day. Things are no different here, where a few first impressions are making the rounds.

See original here:
9 First Impressions of David Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo