Alexis Ren and her bolt on tits, were probably at Coachella, doing Coachella things, likely paid by brands, trying to buy their cool factor on the social media where they struggle to be compelling, but where half naked girls in bikinis remain compelling, with massive audiences, because they are the foreplay to porn.. You scroll that insta feed, half naked bodies sprawled out everywhere, building you up to the “I should go jerk off now”….or “I’ll jerk off when i get home, I can’t do it in the coffee shop, they’ll kick me out like I was those black dudes”… Because everything is tits and ass…pop porn…with little more to it…like this girl has no substance, besides the substance in her tits, and people are paying her money…it’s nutty…
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Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits of the Day