Singer Robin Thicke, is throwing in the towel on his pursuit to reconcile with his estranged wife Paula Patton because he’s finally realized his marriage had flatlined.…
Robin Thicke continues to publicly humiliate himself to get Paula Patton back. You’d think naming his album after her might have been enough, but nope!…
Glutton for punishmen t, much?!?! Robin Thicke Trolled Via #AskThicke Hash Tag VH1 recently set Robine Thicke up for failure by telling fans to ask him questions via their #AskThicke hash tag. Before the official start of the Q&A however, fans went IN on the singer for being super creepy and for his extraaaaa simpy “Paula” album that drops today. Oh it gets better…. Check out more funny #AskThicke tweets below.
Robin Thicke’s highly-publicized breakup with wife Paula Patton was the inspiration behind his new song, “Get Her Back.” He and Patton, an actress, announced their separation in…