Tag Archives: point-the-judge

Rapist Cop Daniel Holtzclaw Found Guilty On 18 Of 36 Charges

Daniel Holtzclaw Found Guilty Serial rapist Daniel Holtzclaw has been found guilty. The jury deliberated for two days on the fate of the former Ohio officer, who used his position of power to victimize Black women. NBCnews reports that Holtzclaw actually hung his head and cried as the jury announced that he had been found guilty on 18 of 36 charges of raping 12 African American women and one young girl. Via NBC Connecticut : A former Oklahoma City police officer was convicted Thursday of rape related to accusations that he victimized 13 women on his police beat in a minority, low-income neighborhood. Daniel Holtzclaw, 29, faces a possible sentence of life in prison because of the conviction. He also faced more than 30 counts, including sexual battery and forcible oral sodomy. The allegations against Holtzclaw brought new attention to the problem of sexual misconduct committed by law enforcement officers, something police chiefs have studied for years. During a monthlong trial, jurors heard from 13 women who said Holtzclaw sexually victimized them. Most of them said Holtzclaw stopped them while out on patrol, searched them for outstanding warrants or checked to see if they were carrying drug paraphernalia, then forced himself on them. Prosecutors said in their closing arguments that many of the accusers have had troubled lives but that the law protects them as much as anyone else. Holtzclaw’s attorney described him as a model police officer whose attempts to help the drug addicts and prostitutes he came in contact with were distorted. Holtzclaw did not take the stand. All of the women are black. Holtzclaw is half-white, half-Japanese. The jury appeared to all be white, though Oklahoma court officials said they did not have race information for jurors. Some supporters of the women questioned whether the jury would fairly judge their allegations. GOOD. Great to see that despite some of our fears, this jury did the right thing. Hopefully they bury this monster beneath the prison, where someone will show treat him the exact same way he treated those 13 women

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Rapist Cop Daniel Holtzclaw Found Guilty On 18 Of 36 Charges

Nicki Minaj Testifies For Meek Mill’s Probation Hearing — Says She’ll Make Sure He Stays On Track

Nicki Minaj Testifies For Meek Mill Nicki is being a real ride-or-die for her boo-thing Meek Mill. The rap diva appeared in court today on Meek’s behalf, hoping to help sway the judge to keep her man out of jail while she helps him stay on the straight and narrow. Meek faced a judge earlier today to determine if he violated probation with his recent appearance at the American Music Awards. Apparently he didn’t receive the proper permissions before deciding to follow Nicki to the ceremony. Meek’s lawyer used the rapper’s relationship with Nicki as part of his defense, insisting that the he is very serious about making her his bride , and insisting that she wouldn’t consider marrying a “criminal or bum.” Nicki was right on hand to let the court know that Meek can get on the right track — if left in her care. Via TMZ : Meek’s freedom is on the line, because he violated probation by failing to get permission to leave Philly for the AMA’s last month. Permission is required since he’s on probation for gun and drug charges. Meek’s lawyer told the judge his client seriously wants to marry Nicki, but she said nothing when she testified on his behalf. She did acknowledge they’re in a romantic relationship. Nicki did say she’d like to have a private sit down with Meek and the judge to prove he’s a changed man. Nicki said the judge would be impressed with Meek’s charity work and his frame of mind. She also said Meek’s kind of a nimrod when it comes to scheduling trips, and if she was put in charge of his calendar there wouldn’t be another problem. Meek is currently her opening act. Nicki and Meek have some convincing to do. At one point the judge said out loud, she felt like Meek was thumbing his nose at her. The case was recessed for a week … Meek could be sent back to the big house, worst case scenario. Welp, nobody can say that Nicki’s not down for her man! She’s willing to handle his calendar herself and make him stay home if need be to keep him out of lockup. We’ll see if this strategy works…

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Nicki Minaj Testifies For Meek Mill’s Probation Hearing — Says She’ll Make Sure He Stays On Track

Bout Damn Time! Khloe Kardashian And Lamar Odom Finally Sign Their Divorce Papers

Khloe Kardashian And Lamar Odom Finally Sign Divorce Papers Hope you weren’t holding your breath… According to TMZ reports : Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom have taken the final step in getting divorced … TMZ has learned. Khloe and Lamar both signed legal docs that will officially end their marriage. Court records show the documents were filed with the court Friday. All that’s left is a judge’s signature, and they’re officially single. It’s been a long time coming. Khloe filed for divorce in December 2013 and sat on it for more than a year. There was no activity in the file, to the point the judge threatened to dismiss the case. As we reported, Khloe and Lamar both waffled on the divorce, and at times they talked reconciliation. Khloe has clearly moved on. She’s dating NBA superstar James Harden. As for Lamar, it seems he grudgingly went along with the divorce. He recently called Khloe “my girl.” We’ve learned Khloe and Lamar have reached a property settlement and the divorce could be official within days. Don’t know what Lamar thought he was gaining by putting this off for so long, but at least now everyone can move the f*** on with their lives legally. SMH. Image via Splash

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Bout Damn Time! Khloe Kardashian And Lamar Odom Finally Sign Their Divorce Papers