Tag Archives: positive-things

Racist Sorority Photo Sparks Controversy at Penn State

A Penn State sorority is under scrutiny – and investigation – after a racist photo from a recent party created a stir online. The Mexican-themed image appears below: The picture, taken around Halloween, shows the women dressed in sombreros and mustaches. Some held signs that read “Will mow lawn for weed + beer” and “I don’t cut grass I smoke it.” Get it??! The photo was posted on Tumblr and Facebook, after which a Penn State blog ID’d the women as members of the Chi Omega sorority on campus. Reaction from the embattled university – still reeling from the Jerry Sandusky scandal – and from the sorority itself came quickly after the image went viral. Jessica Riccardi, president of the Nu Gamma chapter of Chi Omega, confirmed to the school’s Daily Collegian that the sorority is under investigation. Riccardi also issued an apology for the photo, writing, “Our chapter of Chi Omega sincerely apologizes for portraying inappropriate and untrue stereotypes.” “The picture does not support Chi Omega’s values or reflect what the organization aspires to be.” The Penn State Panhellenic Council said, “We are addressing the situation immediately with the members of the chapter in conjunction with their national headquarters.” Lisa Powers, director of public information at Penn State, also said in a statement that “This photo has been brought to our attention, and we have looked into the issue.” “The students are within their First Amendment rights [here], although we are certainly appalled that they would display this level of insensitivity and lack of judgment.” “These costumes and this group do not represent fraternity and sorority life at Penn State University, nor the 95,000 students who attend our university.” “The Chi Omega sorority sisters have expressed deep remorse over this incident.” What do you think? Much ado about nothing? Harmless fun being taken too seriously? Completely racist with no regard for basic human decency? Share your comments and vote in the survey below: Chi Omega sorority photo :   So racist and offensive Hilarious! Lighten up people! View Poll »

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Racist Sorority Photo Sparks Controversy at Penn State

Justin Bieber Manager Goes Off on Grammy Snub

The 2013 Grammy Award nominations came out last night – and that sound you heard soon afterward was the angry wails of Justin Bieber, One Direction and Carly Rae Jepsen fans. None of these artists were nominated in a single category. And Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, had taken to Twitter and expressed his anger over his client’s snub. “I just plain DISAGREE,” Braun wrote. “The kid deserved it. Grammy board u blew it on this one. this time he deserved to be recognized and I dont really have any kind nice positive things to say about a decision i dont agree with. Braun added: “to all those nominated…you do deserve it. You worked hard and u earned it. Just feel like so did JB.” Jay-Z, Kanye West, Fun. Mumford & Sons and Frank Ocean all led the way with six nominations. But should Bieber have nabbed at least one? What do you think?   Of course! No, for what?!? View Poll »

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Justin Bieber Manager Goes Off on Grammy Snub

Khloe Kardashian Speaks on Active Sex Life, Move to Dallas, Growth of Scott Disick

On last night’s season premiere of Khloe & Lamar , Khloe Kardashian went out of her way to spice up the couple’s sex life, including the (failed) installation of a swing in her bedroom. (See below.) But despite Lamar Odom’s rejection of his wife’s advances, Khloe made it clear to The Associated Press in an interview prior to the episode: “We’re enjoying each other, we have a very active love life.” Phew . We can all rest a lot easier now. Khlor & Lamar Season Premiere Clips: All About Sex Khloe also talked about Lamar’s sudden trade to the Dallas Mavericks and how that will be handled on episodes to come. “Moving in general is stressful, so moving to a state that I’ve never been is stressful,” she said. “Then when your husband’s having a very emotional transition, that’s like adding one more layer to this. Then I’m having the camera crew film and for them, they love it. They’re like, `This is gold!’ I’m like, `Can’t you just leave us alone for one week?’ But, you know, that’s what you know we signed up for.” Finally, to the surprise of many, the only Kardashian sister with any personality also talked at length about quasi brother-in-law, Scott Disick . She had mostly positive things to say about him. “I’ve definitely noticed a change and he’s trying. He’s a great dad,”Khloe said. “I’ve definitely noticed a growth in him. And there was so much other drama going on [with Kim’s 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries], I think it made him look better, too.”

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Khloe Kardashian Speaks on Active Sex Life, Move to Dallas, Growth of Scott Disick

Get What You Give: The Biggest Celebrity Charity Contributors

While many people scope the internet for the latest scandals and gossip, many have overlooked the positive things that celebrities have contributed to the less fortunate. Whether it is giving a hefty donation or even holding events to help raise money, many celebrities have not forgotten that you can only receive what you give and continue to help others. Continue…

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Get What You Give: The Biggest Celebrity Charity Contributors

Get What You Give: The Biggest Celebrity Charity Contributors

While many people scope the internet for the latest scandals and gossip, many have overlooked the positive things that celebrities have contributed to the less fortunate. Whether it is giving a hefty donation or even holding events to help raise money, many celebrities have not forgotten that you can only receive what you give and continue to help others. Continue…

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Get What You Give: The Biggest Celebrity Charity Contributors

Kim Kardashian Talks Sex Tape, Playboy, Is a Total Hypocrite

Featured in the latest issue of Allure , Kim Kardashian opens up about the two reasons she’s famous: Her sex tape with Ray J . Her naked Playboy pictorial . Referring to item number-one, Kim tells the magazine it was “not my most proud moment,” adding: “It was humiliating. But now let’s move on. Not that I don’t think it’s [no one’s] business, but I think I’ve done a good job of replacing negative things with positive things.” She must mean positive things for the E! network, as no one can argue with the ratings for Keeping Up with the Kardashians . Other than that? Well, horny men around the world have also benefited from her existence. In early 2008, Kardashian also bared almost all for Playboy , a decision she says is “nothing I regret.” “Being on the cover of Playboy is very iconic. I was like, ‘OK, I’m proud to do this and to show people that I don’t have to be stick-skinny to be looked at as a sex symbol, and to me that’s not what’s attractive anyway.'” A few seconds later in the interview, KIM COMPLETELY CONTRADICTS HERSELF , saying: “After the fact, I said, ‘I wish I hadn’t done Playboy then’ because I wasn’t in the best shape of my life… I lost about 15 pounds, and I feel so proud. I look back and say, ‘Oh, my God, I was so heavy then.'” So, which is it, you sell-out of a hypocrite ? Can women be curvy sex symbols, or are you ashamed because you were overweight when posing for Playboy ?!? In one final tease, Kim shares another beauty routine she undergoes: “I am Armenian, so of course I am obsessed with laser hair removal! Arms, bikini, legs, underarms… my entire body is hairless.” That’s something Nick Lachey, Nick Cannon, Ray J, Reggie Bush, Cristiano Ronaldo and Miles Austin all know well.

Kim Kardashian Talks Sex Tape, Playboy, Is a Total Hypocrite

Is Tracy Morgan the Latest Celebrity Spokesman For a Weight-Loss Program?

First Kirstie Alley. Then Jason Alexander. And now Tracy Morgan? The 30 Rock star is just the latest comedic actor with an NBC hit under his belt to say suspiciously positive things about a diet program. Could Morgan be the most recent talent to sell out in the name of hawking weight-loss plans? If so, he is certainly the only one to do so while still starring in an Emmy-winning series. Click through to judge the evidence yourself.

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Is Tracy Morgan the Latest Celebrity Spokesman For a Weight-Loss Program?

Boy George Tweets Affection for Adam Lambert

The flamboyant torch was passed in London last night. Hosting a party in honor of his new single, Boy George met up with Adam Lambert and had nothing but positive things to say about the man whose look rivals that of the long-time singer. Tweeted George: Adam lambert is lovely, we met tonite. He’s a beauty! And very normal in the best possible sense….

Angelina Jolie is Better Than Most Celebrities

You may dislike her because she stole Jennifer Aniston’s man, but we have a message for all the haters: Get over it! That was five years ago! At this point, especially when compared to other stars in her industry, there should be nothing but positive things to say about Angelina Jolie. She donates millions to charity every year, she doesn’t seek out the paparazzi and she actually gets involved in important causes. The latest case in point: Jolie spent time in the Dominican Republic yesterday, visiting hospitalized survivors of the Haitian earthquake. She even met with Dominican President Leonel Fernandez. Today, meanwhile, the UN goodwill ambassador is off to Haiti itself, actually immersing herself in the destruction down there. Jolie doesn’t whine about the tabloid coverage of her relationship. She doesn’t Tweet about mundane happenings in her life. She even bypassed the Hope for Haiti Now telethon because she wasn’t interested in getting her face on TV. She simply wants to help. Anyone that takes issue with this actress should look in the mirror to see where the real problem lies.

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Angelina Jolie is Better Than Most Celebrities

Adam Lambert: Ready to Date!

Gentlemen, start your flirting engines! On the heels of his break-up with Drake LaBry, Adam Lambert says he’s ready to test the single scene.

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Adam Lambert: Ready to Date!