Tag Archives: poster-child

Vote For The Top Hip Hop Song Of 2013!

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Okay, so the year is only halfway done but we had to put together what the top picks of the year are so far. For…

Vote For The Top Hip Hop Song Of 2013!

LL Cool J: “Most Rappers Out Now Can’t Rap!” [EXCLUSIVE]

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Despite being the poster child for longevity in hip-hop, LL Cool J always has and probably always will be considered an underdog. After churning out…

LL Cool J: “Most Rappers Out Now Can’t Rap!” [EXCLUSIVE]

Move Over, Rebecca Black: Conan O’Brien Celebrates "Thursday"!

Lady Gaga says Rebecca Black is a genius . We’re not sure about that, but she sure is … something. The poster child for an entirely new genre of music, perhaps. Black’s hit song did not become a hit because it’s good. HECK no. It only has tens of millions of views because it’s just too perplexing/amazing not to share. On the day before the now-celebrated weekly holiday that made Black famous, Conan O’Brien one-ups the Internet phenom with a terrific parody of ” Friday .” It’s called … wait for it … “Thursday.” Watch after the jump: Conan O’Brien – Thursday

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Move Over, Rebecca Black: Conan O’Brien Celebrates "Thursday"!

Justin Bieber Never Say Never Movie Poster – Right On Music

MTV.com Justin Bieber Never Say Never Movie Poster Right On Music By Sandy He if definitely the poster child for many. If you don’t believe, you will become a belieber after you see your very own Justin Bieber Never Say Never movie poster right here, right now! Get the details and see photos and a video too! … Justin Bieber Debuts New ‘Never Say Never’ Poster MTV.com Justin Bieber Stands Tall in ‘Never Say Never’ Poster PopEater Justin Bieber “Never Say Never” poster says Never Give Up! Zeibiz OK! Magazine

Drake find your love official video

Recently, Drake wrapped the visual treatment for the #39;Find Your Love#39; single. he poster child of hip hop revealed that the clip was filmed in a “real bad area” of Kingston, Jamaica, but he received nothing but love from the locals. In fact, Drake stated, “They had ‘Young Money’ sprayed on the gates, ‘Drake and Wayne’…I’m talking about you drive by people’s homes, they had ‘Drake,’ ‘Young Money,’ ‘Drake, Welcome Here,’ ‘Drake We Love You.’” The video is slated to premiere in the coming week

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Drake find your love official video

Corey Haim Deemed "Poster Child" for Drug Addiction

Corey Haim couldn’t help himself. That’s the word from California Attorney General Jerry Brown, who today labeled the late teen idol the “poster child” of…

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Corey Haim Deemed "Poster Child" for Drug Addiction

President Obama’s Image High-Jacked for Pot Ad

Filed under: You Might Want to Rethink , Barack Obama President Barack Obama is now the poster child for an upcoming pot party celebrating his first year in office — only problem, no one asked his high-ness for permission before Photoshopping a fake joint in his mouth.The ganja gala is set to go down … Permalink

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President Obama’s Image High-Jacked for Pot Ad