Tag Archives: pretty-typical

Renee Olstead for Powder Room Magazine of the Day

Renee Olstead is some young actress popstar from Texas who was probably whored out by her parents… She was on the one TV show that I am pretty sure gave me a shout out…called The Secret Life of the American Teenager…. I guess that was the original Pretty Little Liars…not that I know anything about these teen things…I like my girls in their 20s and broken…less dumb…and more experienced to make me cum… That said, here she is for some magazine I’ve never heard of… But the highlight of her career is HER STRATEGIC LEAKED NUDES ….because I love leaked nudes…and more importantly…THEM TITS ARE HUGE… Does she matter, does anything really matter? I mean seriously…evrything, and everyone is bullshit…but as long as I can look at their tits…they are ok… The post Renee Olstead for Powder Room Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Renee Olstead for Powder Room Magazine of the Day

Sophie Young by Janneke Storm of the Day

Sophie Young is not all that hot, but then again, who decides what is hot or not, I would argue that what she is doing in her bathing suit, like pulling out her tit, is in fact hot, making what seemingly is not that hot about her, substantially hotter….it’s all about personality, composure, attitude and confidence…it’s like someone who I think has no business being a model, believes she can be a model, and even gets half naked and pulls her tits out for that belief, when I think she’s got no chance…it takes balls…and although balls on girls isn’t something I dig…at least not when they try to put them in my mouth…thanks TINDER for the lies you’ve delivered to me…but I do like balls…when they are figurative and mean TITTY PICS…I’m pretty typical like that…even when I’m not a tit guy… The post Sophie Young by Janneke Storm of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sophie Young by Janneke Storm of the Day

Justin Bieber "Be Alright" (Believe) Cover + Guitar Chords

www.twitter.com This is a song by Justin Bieber. He and Dan Kanter performed it as far as I know just once yet. So, it´s maybe unknown. It is a pretty typical Justin Bieber lovesong with a beautiful melodie, I think. I hope it will be on the upcoming album “Believe”. http://www.youtube.com/v/uQ5CsxjV_I0?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more: Justin Bieber “Be Alright” (Believe) Cover + Guitar Chords

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Justin Bieber "Be Alright" (Believe) Cover + Guitar Chords