Tag Archives: private sector

The Alamo Drafthouse Celebrates the Summer of ’82, and /Film Co-Hosts a Screening of ‘E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial’


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After giving the matter much thought, folks at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, TX have decided that the summer of 1982 is perhaps the best summer in history for big, fun movies. That’s a difficult point to argue, given that the summer saw the release of Conan the Barbarian, The Thing, Poltergeist, The Road Warrior, Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : /Film Discovery Date : 02/03/2012 08:41 Number of articles : 2

The Alamo Drafthouse Celebrates the Summer of ’82, and /Film Co-Hosts a Screening of ‘E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial’

The Tell Tale Tape


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Ruh-roh: I still say Mittens takes the GOP nomination. But it’s unseemly to say the least to have Mr. Private Sector shaking his tin cup so aggressively at the feds. Not that his fellow plutocrats don’t all do it, of course. But it spoils the narrative. [H/T: The Raw Story; X-POSTED at Rumproast] Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Balloon Juice Discovery Date : 02/03/2012 18:55 Number of articles : 2

The Tell Tale Tape

Mitt Romney Stumped By Open-Ended Personal Question in Florida Debate

“Well, number one, I’ve raised a family,” Mitt Romney said during Monday night’s Florida GOP debate when asked what he’d done to further the conservative movement. “And I’ve – I’ve, with my wife, we’ve raised five wonderful sons, and we have 16 wonderful grandkids,” he awkwardly continued, before finally answering the question. He went on to mention his private sector and gubernatorial experience, but the reference to his family stuck, highlighting his inability to connect to many voters. It’s a problem evident in his defeat in South Carolina last week. He’s skilled at detailing the X’s and O’s of policy, but falls short in efforts to prove he’s authentic. Newt, meanwhile, talked about helping Barry Goldwater’s campaign in 1964 and later Ronald Reagan’s successful 1980 bid, as well as his own efforts as Speaker. The Gingrich campaign certainly reveled in Romney’s non-answer. Minutes after the debate, it sent an e-mail titled “Mitt Romney’s Top Conservative Achievements.” It was blank.

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Mitt Romney Stumped By Open-Ended Personal Question in Florida Debate

Harry Reid: ‘Private Sector Jobs are Doing Just Fine; It’s the Public Sector Jobs Where We’ve Lost Huge Numbers’


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Via Adam Bitely , that direct quote can be seen in the video below: For context, here’s Sen. Reid’s (D-NV) statement from the Senate floor today: “The massive layoffs we’ve had in America today-of course they’re rooted in the last administration-and it’s very clear that private sector jobs are doing just fine. It’s the public sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation’s… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 19/10/2011 17:17 Number of articles : 2

Harry Reid: ‘Private Sector Jobs are Doing Just Fine; It’s the Public Sector Jobs Where We’ve Lost Huge Numbers’

CNN’s Unemployment Error: Kyra Phillips Misreports 60,000 Jobs ‘Vanished’ in July; Actual Decline Was 131,000

CNN “Newsroom” anchor Kyra Phillips reported the ” breaking news ” about July’s unemployment data just after 9 a.m. Aug. 6. Misreported would be more accurate. “We begin with the breaking news this morning on a broken economy. We have new evidence of just how feeble the recovery is and how many Americans have nothing to show for it,” Phillips said. “The nation’s unemployment rate has remained flat at a disheartening 9.5 percent. Just last month 60,000 jobs vanished, the news is bad, but not quite as bad as we expected.” Actually, the news was worse than Phillips reported. The U.S. lost more than twice that many jobs in July: 131,000 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS also revised June data after finding an additional 96,000 lost jobs (June’s total losses 221,000). The private sector did increase hiring by 71,000 in July, which appears to be what confused CNN, but not enough to offset jobs losses. That brings the total private sector hiring since President Obama took office to 705,000 (June and July gains may still be revised). Obama has fallen far short of his jobs claims . On Jan. 10, 2009, Obama pledged to create or save 3 million to 4 million jobs. “Ninety percent of these jobs will be created in the private sector ,” Obama continued. To fulfill that promise, the president needs to create 2.7 million to 3.6 million private sector jobs, but will massive job losses during 2009 he is in the hole by more than 3 million. Adding the 3,224,000 private sector jobs needed to get the U.S. back to where it was before February 2009 to the 2.7 million jobs he promised to create: Obama is 5,924,000 jobs away from his goal. Like this article? Then sign up for our newsletter, The Balance Sheet .

House of Lords in reform debate on succession to the Peerage

The Hereditary Peerage Association has made history in Britain by promoting a debate on the rights of illegitimate children and females to succeed to the Peerage. Ten years ago it was unthinkable that a profound…

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House of Lords in reform debate on succession to the Peerage

Public Option Now Blog Weighs Congress’ Progress on Health Care

The Public Option Health Care Now blog, recently founded by yours truly to follow and enhance Congress’ efforts toward health care for everyone in the US, has written a brief and cogent commentary of what right and what’s wrong with the US Congress’ efforts over the last… read more

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Public Option Now Blog Weighs Congress’ Progress on Health Care