Tag Archives: public-toilet

Bieber Asked to Leave Restaurant Chair Flip and His Opinion of Kylie Jenner of the Day

Here’s what I call “BieberLivesMatter”…because repressed, oppressed, suppressed, like a black man in the deep south in the 50s, unable to enjoy a meal at some expensive restaurant, because the restaurant doesn’t like the crazy fans creating a security issue at their restaurant, because Bieber fans are fucking crazy, but unfortunately not crazy enough to kill him… So instead of taking the news gracefully, like “oh you’re right I do but not killed off Justin Bieber dealing with his superstardom like an appreciative person…who is reasonable and gets that he sold his soul to the devil, his ass to Usher and that’s why he’s so fucking rich… Either way, what a brat…I love this video…it’s jokes… Bieber is also in Billboard and has a quote about Kylie Jenner…that makes no sense, but is still worth reading and thinking “what?”: Look at her world: She has been living on TV since she was a kid. Every time she’s looking around she sees a camera, and that’s affecting how she’s thinking and how she’s perceiving people and why she has to do certain things … Situations that happen taint your mind, especially in this industry. Especially for girls.” Here’s Kylie, because posts on Bieber is some faggot shit… The post Bieber Asked to Leave Restaurant Chair Flip and His Opinion of Kylie Jenner of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bieber Asked to Leave Restaurant Chair Flip and His Opinion of Kylie Jenner of the Day

Pam Anderson is Hep C Free – Now We Can’t Make Fun of Dirty Pussy of the Day

I am pretty sad to announce that Pam Anderson is officially cure of Hep C….a disease she got from fucking a lot of dirty rock and roll men..but that she pretends she got from a bad Tattoo…because it’s more wholesome to say their STD / STI was from a public toilet seat and not the fact that their genitals are a public toilet seat… I am CURED!!! – I just found out #nomorehepc #thankyou #blessing #family #prayer #live I pray anyone living with Hep C can qualify or afford treatment. It will be more available soon. I know treatment is hard to get still.. I guess money can buy everything, even health….even in her old age…. So now, I guess I’ll have to find a new angle on Pam Anderson content, maybe laugh at her stupid clown tits, or the fact that she paved the way for sex tapes as a fellow Canadian and is patient zero, not that Pam Anderson matters or even exists anymore, and I’ve milked her hep harder than she’s ever milked anything…so I guess it was a good run…. Here’s some of her highlights…a little tribute to the hep pussy…with recent pics because I can’t find her old good stuff…and really why waste the time on that….now that she’s cure of Hep… The post Pam Anderson is Hep C Free – Now We Can’t Make Fun of Dirty Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pam Anderson is Hep C Free – Now We Can’t Make Fun of Dirty Pussy of the Day

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day

Anna Ewers rhymes with sewers, which makes sense because I want to eat her ass….or even lick her like the public toilet seat she may be…seeing as she’s a successful enough model in the fashion industry and that usually happens with balls being rubbed on her not necessarily while taking a shit..but if you’ve been to a public bathroom, or more importantly, if you’ve been to a casting, you know what I mean…the talent never turns down a producer, director, photographer’s demands to help secure said job… Now that doesn’t mean her pussy smells like sewage…but based on these pics..even if it did…I would lick it all up…but that’s not saying much…I’ve licked up way worse.. Which brings up an interesting point…and that point is…I wonder how many people in the USA crawled into septic tanks to masturbate in strangers’ shit…cuz I’m thinking at least one person did…and that’s disgusting… What isn’t disgusting…is Anna Ewers…who rhymes with Sewers… The post Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day

Anna Ewers rhymes with sewers, which makes sense because I want to eat her ass….or even lick her like the public toilet seat she may be…seeing as she’s a successful enough model in the fashion industry and that usually happens with balls being rubbed on her not necessarily while taking a shit..but if you’ve been to a public bathroom, or more importantly, if you’ve been to a casting, you know what I mean…the talent never turns down a producer, director, photographer’s demands to help secure said job… Now that doesn’t mean her pussy smells like sewage…but based on these pics..even if it did…I would lick it all up…but that’s not saying much…I’ve licked up way worse.. Which brings up an interesting point…and that point is…I wonder how many people in the USA crawled into septic tanks to masturbate in strangers’ shit…cuz I’m thinking at least one person did…and that’s disgusting… What isn’t disgusting…is Anna Ewers…who rhymes with Sewers… The post Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day

Jang Hyuk Filmography

Filmography Films * 2011: The Client * 2009: Searching for the Elephant * 2009: Rabbit and Lizard * 2009: Five Senses of Eros: His Concern * 2008: Dance of the Dragon * 2004: S Diary (cameo) * 2004: Windstruck * 2003: Please Teach Me English * 2002: Public Toilet * 2002: Jungle Juice * 2001: Volcano High * 1998: Zzang TV dramas * 2011 SBS: Tree with Deep Roots * 2011 SBS: Midas * 2010 ZJSTV: Fall in Love with Anchor Beauty (Ai Shang Nu Zhu Bo) (Chinese remake of 2000 K-drama All About Eve) *

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Jang Hyuk Filmography

Kim Kardashian’s Tits for Bieber of the Day

I am pretty hungover cuz I went out drinking, got attacked with pepper spray and not even for trying to rape and rob a bitch of both her innocence and her purse. I spent the night soaking in milk, but unfortunately, we only had expired milk, making the whole experience way fucking shitter. Speaking of shitty, here is shit colored public toilet Kim Kardashian on the beach with Justin Bieber….obviously a shitty publicity stunt for two people who have one thing in common, that thing being that they wish they are black, make that two things…because they also are both famous for reasons that are seriously beyond me. This is supposed to be her nipple, all I see is some lumpy shit, that could be from back implants, or maybe just from having bad tits, cuz with every fat bitch come lumps of shit you can’t explain in various parts of her body…. Let me know if you can figure out where the nipple is, cuz I’m really not seeing it. To See the Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Kim Kardashian’s Tits for Bieber of the Day