Tag Archives: really-bother

Roxane Mesquida in Grazia France of the Day

Roxane Mesquida is apparently a model, actress, and all around good time who has been involved in a ton of shit that no one really cares about – but that involves and is not limited to her getting naked in Grazia for Purienne, who is an awesome photographer – but these pics are pretty uneventful. I guess at 34 year old, we shouldn’t expect more and as a France born actress…we shouldn’t really bother noticing them tits…since this is just standard Euro that UK doesn’t want to be a part of bikini… The post Roxane Mesquida in Grazia France of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Roxane Mesquida in Grazia France of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski in One of Her Last Photoshoots of the Day

Sports Illustrated has figured out how the internet works and I guess are releasing a photoshoot a day from their archives or from new content they shoot when they ship these girls to shoot for them..and today, I guess is Charity Day, you know pre-memorial day handouts…where they featured our friend Emily Ratajkowski and her amazing body, that must include Fake tits, because tits just don’t come in that shape and size…but when they do..they lead to instagram stardom…that I am sure is fizzling out, but that I’ll bring back to life…with my substantially influential blog…exposing her to 12 people who already probably jerk off to her… All this to say, I predict her being replaced by other big titty models, she’s just not compelling or exciting enough to really bother with..but Alba did exist for being just a hot chick, so you never know…but what I do know…is that she plays hard to get with me…with all that blocking on social media..and that makes me want to marry her…you know to keep things exciting…but until I get off my couch to propose to her..I’ll just stare and wonder how this happened…for 30 seconds…ok…over it.. The post Emily Ratajkowski in One of Her Last Photoshoots of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emily Ratajkowski in One of Her Last Photoshoots of the Day

Alicia Silverstone Hard Nipples of the Day

Alicia Silverstone is pretty old now, but when she was “relevant”, she was one of those actresses that I didn’t understand all the hype around. She had a bit of a wonky face and I just couldn’t get down with it…if anything the only thing I liked that she’s ever done was a few years ago, when she fed her baby like a bird feeds its babies…pre-chewed…that shit was up on some porno fetish shit… Well, apparently she’s got hard nipples, which in case you didn’t know, is all a girl really needs to be doing to seem like she’s keeping busy…to a pervert like me who doesn’t watch TV or really bother using google, I’m too busy sexting for that. The post Alicia Silverstone Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Alicia Silverstone Hard Nipples of the Day

2015 Hooters Swimsuit Calendar Girls Party

I post a lot of pictures of parties I didn’t get invited to on this site, and for the most part, it doesn’t really bother me. I mean, I understand why nobody wants a blogger in sweatpants at their fancy black-tie charity ball. But a Hooters party? C’mon! I bet I’d be the best-dressed guy in there. Anyway, here’s the 2015 Hooters Swimsuit Calendar Girls celebrating at a party in New York, and I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. And also experiencing a major pants fire. It’s a confusing time for me right now. » view all 21 photos Photos: WENN.com

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2015 Hooters Swimsuit Calendar Girls Party

Shay Mitchell Had a Pool Party cuz she’s Rich of the Day

Shay Mitchell is some very very fucking popular Hollywood starlet to the tweens who may have never heard about because you are a grown ass man and you don’t really bother with shit that targets 12 year old girls like the show “Pretty Little Liars”…I know I’ve never seen an episode of it, even if I would have sex with the entire cast, meaning they may be insanely popular, rich and famous, in some circles, but they barely exist to me…unless they are in bikinis on instagram, in which case, they totally exist…and I try to masturbate to them…even if the pictures are of her strategically not showing any of her body while posing with food, which I guess is better than her eating, because eating is the one thing I hate admitting girls do, not because eating leads to shitting, but because food is the enemy that made my wife obese…and unfuckable, even though sometimes, I have to fuck her…

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Shay Mitchell Had a Pool Party cuz she’s Rich of the Day

Brie Larson “alleged” Topless Leaked Pics on Reddit of the Day

To See the All the Pics CLICK HERE Brie Larson had some tit pics leaked to. I don’t know who she is, or care, I am too busy figuring out her nipple length to really bother digging into this, which I am confident has officially put her on the map like she was Vanessa Hudgens when her nudes got leaked… This is the way careers get launched, just ask Kat Dennings… Keep up the good sexts, I just wish there was more spread pussy in them… JOIN THE CONVERSATION AS TO WHETHER THEY ARE REAL IN THE stepFORUM TO SEE ALL THE PICS ON IMGUR CLICK HERE

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Brie Larson “alleged” Topless Leaked Pics on Reddit of the Day

Helen Flanagan in a Bikini of the Day

Helen Flanagan is the Soap Star from the UK turned Glamour Model, because no one cares about Soap Stars in the UK, but everyone cares about Glamour models, in what I would consider some backwards logic, but don’t really bother looking too much into it, as Glamour models are hookers, who get naked, and slut out for the camera, and that’s enough of a dream and aspiration for me. In fact I think all girls should aspire to that. Fuck actual careers. Being half naked is what really matters. Either way, I’m a fan. TO SEE HER ON THE BEACH IN A BIKINI IN DUBAI FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Helen Flanagan in a Bikini of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Dances for Leno of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens did a horrible interview for Jay Leno because Jay Leno is horrible, and I guess so is Vanessea Hudgens, but luckily she saved it when she brought out her Booty Pop Dance for Leno….showing her little belly in a tight, lookin’ awkward, and sounding annoying as fuck/ Sure she’s not, Miley Twerking for the Hip Hop Community , but she’s trying. Not to mention, she’s also going through some over-exposure, which doesn’t really bother me, cuz she’ young enough for me to not hate her and accept her overly bubbly optimism….while knowing when the cameras are off she’s a cunt who bosses everyone around her around, cuz that’s what happens when you become the bread winner for the family at 12. Who cares right. I know…watch the video

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Vanessa Hudgens Dances for Leno of the Day

Alexandrina or Anna-Maria New Models Showing Some Tit of the Day

I have no idea who these Alexandrina & Anna-Maria models are or why I have their model pictures…I don’t even know how these are pictures of two people, and if they are actually just one person why is their name so pretentious and obscure….is it a hook to get noticed…all schizo and bi-polar….or maybe the original shoot had two girls and if it did….I don’t know which one this bitch is….but what I do know is that any new model willing to get naked for fashion is pretty much the equivalent to a stripper or whore to me…only far more classy and for some reason…I dig it….

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Alexandrina or Anna-Maria New Models Showing Some Tit of the Day

Alejandra Alonso Nakde in L’Official Ukraine of the Day

Her name is Alejandra Alonso and she’s strategically naked for fashion….strategic in a bad way…you know in a way that she’s not showing any fucking nudity at all…and that she might as well be clothed in….. The funny thing about this is that it is for L’Official the Ukraine edition…something I had no idea existed…partially cuz I’ve never been to Russia’s toilet bowl….but also because you’d think the Ukraine was one of those communist markets you don’t really bother with…you know like if it was L’Official Cuba….or L’Official shouldn’t you be waiting in line for rationed bread you fucking gymnast, figure skate, sex trade organized crime ring running mother fucker…. Goodtimess.

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Alejandra Alonso Nakde in L’Official Ukraine of the Day