Tag Archives: really-nothing

Kelly Brook’s Tits Celebrating Her Birthday of the Day

It was Kelly Brook’s birthday. I guess this was a year she wanted to show the world is that when she puts her tits away she’s really nothing fucking special….

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Kelly Brook’s Tits Celebrating Her Birthday of the Day

One Degree of Kevin Bacon Shows Her Bra of the Day

I never understood why yuppies in the 90s used to play “6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon” at their shitty dinner parties. It was a stupid fucking concept that I am sure even they hated playing but pretended they liked….cuz that’s just how the world works…a series of white washed misery…But I do know that when we’re talking about old whores showing off their bras, I don’t mind playing the shit, but I’m only clever enough to go one degree in so here is his wife…and that’s all the game playing you’ll get out of me…cuz games of any variety except sexual have always made me feel like some kind of asshole every time I play them….and the people who try to get me to play them always say “you think you’re too cool” and it is really nothing to do with feeling “too cool” for anything and more to do with not liking to intentionally feel like an idiot…. Pics via Fame

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One Degree of Kevin Bacon Shows Her Bra of the Day

Lindsay Lohan See Through For Old Times of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Lindsay Lohan anymore, not that I ever did, but there was a time I targeted her and wrote about her as often as possible, hoping she’d think I was a stalker and press charges, leading to my entry into America on Access Hollywood or some shit, but instead she’s just a cunty brat who thinks she is more important than she is, even though she is fucking broke and can’t get work and is just a reminder of what she was, which was really nothing special, nothing more than a young pussy worth fucking, even though all young pussy is worth fucking….further proving that bitch was never anything more than hype….hype she is trying to revive wearing a see thru shirt…hype that would only be revived with a lesbian sex tape…and even that wouldn’t revive her shit for more than a week or two cuz she’s done….. She’s in court today, also part of her latest PR campaign, hoping to get noticed, and I just can’t wait til it all ends, cuz it’s boring as fuck….and that’s all I have to say about that. To See The Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Lindsay Lohan See Through For Old Times of the Day

Coco’s Fat Ass and Puppy of the Day

I remember when there was a debate whether Coco’s ass was real or altered….and after wondering why anyone gives a fuck about Coco, some ex prostitute / stripper who got a full time gig hooking for Ice T, that contributes nothing to the world and is really nothing but dirty, grimey, gutter trash with a dream that involves marrying a rich man and living the good hooker life, like shit was pretty women without the whole designer clothes, cuz you can take a bitch off the brass pole to pay her cellphone bill, but you can’t take the brass pole out of the bitch, not that that makes sense, but what does make sense is that the rest of Coco is pretty fucking chunky, making it safe to say bitch has such a big ass because she’s fat. Pics via Bauer

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Coco’s Fat Ass and Puppy of the Day

Chinese Boy Sings ‘I Will Always Love You’

Videogum found the new Susan Boyle. There's really nothing to add. We're speechless over here. The Best Links: via Videogum Watch

Whitney Port is an Ugly Shopper of the Day

Whitney Port is not hot, but she is on TV so I guess that by default makes her better looking than the average person, even though she’s not. It’s like TV makes dudes think they are supposed to like a bitch, even if she’s really nothing special…and if they don’t they are fucking queer..but based on my logic…if you watch The Hills or know the cast of The Hills that already means you’re a queer and maybe that makes me a queer too…who uses this site to lure you closet cases into sending me cock shots…or maybe it’s got more to do with me giving up my own life to sit her posting pictures of people I consider far more useless than me and I’m not sure if you realizie this…but that’s PRETTY fucking usless….so here are some pictures to make us all feel good about ourselves and maybe inspire some of you to send pics of your dicks to dudes and collectively give us all hope that soon enough these idiots will disappear and their shit show will be cancelled, leaving them with nothing else to do….Yay. I love failure even if it happens after they’ve made stupid fucking money.. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Whitney Port is an Ugly Shopper of the Day

Marisa Miller and Alessandra Ambrosio Dance Off of the Day

Here is some MTV bullshit that is probably not from this part of the world of two Victoria’s Secret models doing some guess the song dance off…unfortunately Lady Gaga polluted this shit but Alessandra Ambrosio’s shorts made up for it. There is really nothing funny about this video, just a whole lot of depressing since not all girls are made like this, but at least there is a whole lot of legs going on in this video and that may make your life a little more enjoyable for a few minutes before accepting the fact that the world is an unfair place, your wife is fat and ugly and your life is fuckin miserable….

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Marisa Miller and Alessandra Ambrosio Dance Off of the Day

Some Miami Dolphin’s Bikini Calendar of the Day

The Miami Dolphin cheerleaders are doing some kind of Calendar in their bikinis, and there’s really nothing wrong with that because there is nothing wrong with any girls in their bikinis.

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Some Miami Dolphin’s Bikini Calendar of the Day