Tag Archives: recent-drama

Justin Bieber Explains His Side of Recent Drama In Interview!

Justin Bieber Explains His Side of Recent Drama In Interview! Subscribe to Hollywire | http://bit.ly/Sub2HotMinute Send Chelsea a Tweet! | http://bit.ly/Twee… http://www.youtube.com/v/bweigLzwfAc?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read the original here: Justin Bieber Explains His Side of Recent Drama In Interview!

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Justin Bieber Explains His Side of Recent Drama In Interview!

Rihanna: Movin’ On

Despite recent drama over the sentencing of ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, Rihanna refuses to let her style suffer. The singer was spotted heading to a bar in downtown Manhattan on Tuesday night hours after Brown was ordered to stay away from her for five years. He was also mandated 180 days of community labor and a year of domestic violence counseling.

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Rihanna: Movin’ On