Tag Archives: red-eye-flight

No Business Like Ho Business… Kendra Wilkinson Says Prostitution Should Be Legalized In The U.S.!

Considering Kendra got her start as one of Hugh Hefner’s “Slores Next Door” should anybody be surprised? According to TMZ reports : There’s NOTHING wrong with slores … so says Kendra Wilkinson — who claims the United States should STOP arresting people for prostitution when it involves two consenting adults. The former Playboy model was wading her way through LAX with hubby Hank Baskett Thursday evening … when she explained why the laws against hooking are just plain stupid. For the record, there are parts of the U.S. where one could legally purchase sex … but it’s clear, Kendra believes ALL AMERICANS (of age) should be able to pay for a$$. Do you agree? Kendra and her hubby were swarmed by the paps when they arrived at LAX. Peep the video footage and photos below: AKM-GSI

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No Business Like Ho Business… Kendra Wilkinson Says Prostitution Should Be Legalized In The U.S.!

Convicted Murderer Phil Spector Moving Jails

Phil Spector , the legendary record producer, serving life in prison for killing actress Lana Clarkson , has been told he will be moved to a new prison.

Paula Abdul Wants To Be The Next Oprah?

Paula Abdul quit her cushy job as a judge on American Idol last month and is now angling for her own TV chat show.

Beyonce Knowles & Destiny’s Child Reuniting?

Beyonce Knowles is reportedly going to reunite with her girl group D estiny’s Child in 2010.

Read the rest here:
Beyonce Knowles & Destiny’s Child Reuniting?

DJ AM Pledged To Check Into Rehab

Celebrity DJ AM–Adam Goldstein — confessed to falling off the wagon and pledged to check himself into rehab just hours before he was found dead in New York City on Friday. The revelation emerged yesterday as friends spoke to investigators

Go here to read the rest:
DJ AM Pledged To Check Into Rehab